The 250 m bands (Bands 1 and 2) are aggregated to an equivalent radiance at 500 m resolution, and provided in the 500 m band product files. The 250 m and the 500 m bands are aggregated to an equivalent radiance at 1000 m, and provided in the 1000 m product files.
Impact to L1B Data Set
The ground mis-registration for the 250 m bands in the 500 m product is 250 m. The ground mis-registration of the 500 m bands in the 1000 m product is 500 m and the mis-registration of the 250 m bands in the 1000 m product is 750 m.
Estimated Impact to L2 Science Products
Cause of Effect
The aggregation process mistakenly assumed that all bands are registered with an identical starting point of the (triangular) ground contribution weighting function. The correct assumption is that the bands actually are registered at the peak of the ground contribution weighting function.
Mitigation Approach/ Added Testing to Characterize Effect
The aggregation algorithm was changed to reflect the actual band registration. A data correlation study confirmed that the highest correlation between bands was achieved when the bands are registered at the peak of the ground contribution weighting function.
Estimated Schedule to Complete
The aggregation algorithm was corrected in the Level 1B software, versions 2.5.5 and higher.
History of Characteristic
Epoch Number |
Time Span | Version Number at start of epoch |
General Characteristics | Improvements | Documentation |
1 | Feb. 24, 2000 - Jan. 26, 2001 2000055.1550 - 2001026.1200 | | |||
2 | Jan. 26, 2001 - present 2001026.1200 - present | | Fixed. |