Aqua LUT Update History for MOD_PR02 The AlgorithmPackageVersion is used to describe the version of the LUTs. The first 3 digits of the AlgorithmPackageVersion are the same as the PGEVersion and the 4th digit is the LUT update number relative to that version. ============================================================================ v6.2.3.29_Aqua 07/23/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.28_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R649 2024:07:23:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024208.1200 2024238.1200 2024268.1200 2024298.1200 2025022.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024210.1200 2024240.1200 2024270.1200 2024360.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024208.0000 2024238.0000 2024328.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024210.0000 2024300.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q648 2024:07:23:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E648 2024:07:23:16:00 a0, a2, band 21 b1: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2024200.1050. ============================================================================ v7.0.17.0_Aqua Initial LUT for C7 reprocesing 07/19/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V7.0.15.6_Aqua. Only version number is changed for a fresh start of the C7 reprocessing. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R648 2024:07:19:10:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q647 2024:07:19:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E647 2024:07:19:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.99_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 06/24/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.98_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R647 2024:06:24:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024180.1200 2024210.1200 2024240.1200 2024270.1200 2024360.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024181.1200 2024211.1200 2024241.1200 2024331.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024180.0000 2024210.0000 2024300.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024181.0000 2024271.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q646 2024:06:24:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E646 2024:06:24:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.28_Aqua 06/24/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.27_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R646 2024:06:24:09:30 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024180.1200 2024210.1200 2024240.1200 2024270.1200 2024360.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024181.1200 2024211.1200 2024241.1200 2024331.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024180.0000 2024210.0000 2024300.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024181.0000 2024271.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q645 2024:06:24:09:30 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E645 2024:06:24:09:30 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2024170.0000. ============================================================================ v7.0.15.6_Aqua For C7 Science Testing 06/04/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V7.0.15.5_Aqua. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R645 2024:06:04:14:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q644 2024:06:04:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E644 2024:06:04:14:00 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Another adjustment to band 29 xtalk correction based on the feedback from the C7 atmosphere science testing results. Tables since 2018 are updated and changes are made to band 29 only. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.98_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 05/24/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.97_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R644 2024:05:24:09:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024151.1200 2024181.1200 2024211.1200 2024241.1200 2024331.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024158.1200 2024188.1200 2024218.1200 2024308.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024151.0000 2024181.0000 2024271.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024158.0000 2024248.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q643 2024:05:24:09:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E643 2024:05:24:09:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.27_Aqua 05/23/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.26_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R643 2024:05:23:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024151.1200 2024181.1200 2024211.1200 2024241.1200 2024331.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024158.1200 2024188.1200 2024218.1200 2024308.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024151.0000 2024181.0000 2024271.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024158.0000 2024248.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q642 2024:05:23:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E642 2024:05:23:15:00 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2024139.0000. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.97_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 05/01/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.96_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R642 2024:05:01:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024128.1200 2024158.1200 2024188.1200 2024218.1200 2024308.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024122.1200 2024152.1200 2024182.1200 2024272.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024128.0000 2024158.0000 2024248.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024122.0000 2024212.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q641 2024:05:01:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E641 2024:05:01:16:00 a0, a2, band 21 b1: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2024116.1655. ============================================================================ v6.2.3.26_Aqua 05/01/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.25_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R641 2024:05:01:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024128.1200 2024158.1200 2024188.1200 2024218.1200 2024308.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024122.1200 2024152.1200 2024182.1200 2024272.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024128.0000 2024158.0000 2024248.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024122.0000 2024212.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q640 2024:05:01:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E640 2024:05:01:14:00 a0, a2, band 21 b1: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2024116.1655. pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2024109.0000. ============================================================================ v7.0.15.5_Aqua 04/04/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V7.0.15.4_Aqua. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R640 2024:04:04:10:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q639 2024:04:04:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E639 2024:04:04:10:00 a0 and pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Adjusted the band 29 xtalk correction based on the feedback from the C7 atmosphere science testing results. Tables since 2018 are updated, and changes are made to band 29 only. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.96_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 03/25/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.95_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R639 2024:03:25:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024092.1200 2024122.1200 2024152.1200 2024182.1200 2024272.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024091.1200 2024121.1200 2024151.1200 2024241.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024092.0000 2024122.0000 2024212.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024091.0000 2024181.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q638 2024:03:25:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E638 2024:03:25:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.25_Aqua 03/22/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.24_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R638 2024:03:22:17:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024092.1200 2024122.1200 2024152.1200 2024182.1200 2024272.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024091.1200 2024121.1200 2024151.1200 2024241.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024092.0000 2024122.0000 2024212.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024091.0000 2024181.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q637 2024:03:22:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E637 2024:03:22:17:00 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2024080.0000. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.95_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 02/27/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.94_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R637 2024:02:27:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024061.1200 2024091.1200 2024121.1200 2024151.1200 2024241.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024063.1200 2024093.1200 2024123.1200 2024213.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024061.0000 2024091.0000 2024181.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024063.0000 2024153.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q636 2024:02:27:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E636 2024:02:27:10:00 a0, a2, sigma_a0, sigma_a2: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2024051.2305. ============================================================================ v6.2.3.24_Aqua 02/26/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.23_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R636 2024:02:26:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024061.1200 2024091.1200 2024121.1200 2024151.1200 2024241.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024063.1200 2024093.1200 2024123.1200 2024213.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024061.0000 2024091.0000 2024181.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024063.0000 2024153.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q635 2024:02:26:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E635 2024:02:26:16:00 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2024051.0000. a0, a2, sigma_a0, sigma_a2: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2024051.2305. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.94_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 01/26/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.93_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R635 2024:01:26:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024033.1200 2024063.1200 2024093.1200 2024123.1200 2024213.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024039.1200 2024069.1200 2024099.1200 2024189.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024033.0000 2024063.0000 2024153.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024039.0000 2024129.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q634 2024:01:26:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E634 2024:01:26:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.23_Aqua 01/26/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.21_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R634 2024:01:26:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024033.1200 2024063.1200 2024093.1200 2024123.1200 2024213.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024039.1200 2024069.1200 2024099.1200 2024189.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024033.0000 2024063.0000 2024153.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024039.0000 2024129.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q633 2024:01:26:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E633 2024:01:26:12:00 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2024021.0000. ============================================================================ v6.2.3.22_Aqua Special version for science testing only 01/12/2024 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.21_Aqua. This lut update is to address the band 29 drift. The improvement is effective in the forward processing from day 2023-356 and beyond. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R633 2024:01:12:16:30 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q632 2024:01:12:16:30 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E632 2024:01:12:16:30 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Replaced the latest table piece at 2023356.0000 with the adjustment to band 29. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.93_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 01/03/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.92_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R632 2024:01:03:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024009.1200 2024039.1200 2024069.1200 2024099.1200 2024189.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024006.1200 2024036.1200 2024066.1200 2024156.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024009.0000 2024039.0000 2024129.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024006.0000 2024096.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q631 2024:01:03:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E631 2024:01:03:10:00 a0, a2, sigma_a0, sigma_a2: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023359.0045. ============================================================================ v6.2.3.21_Aqua 01/02/2024 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.20_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R631 2024:01:02:16:30 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2024009.1200 2024039.1200 2024069.1200 2024099.1200 2024189.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024006.1200 2024036.1200 2024066.1200 2024156.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2024009.0000 2024039.0000 2024129.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024006.0000 2024096.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q630 2024:01:02:16:30 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E630 2024:01:02:16:30 a0, a2, sigma_a0, sigma_a2: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023359.0045. pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023356.0000. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.92_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 12/01/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.91_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R630 2023:12:01:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023341.1200 2024006.1200 2024036.1200 2024066.1200 2024156.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023337.1200 2024002.1200 2024032.1200 2024122.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023341.0000 2024006.0000 2024096.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023337.0000 2024062.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023324.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q629 2023:12:01:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E629 2023:12:01:11:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1, sigma_a0, sigma_a2, and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023329.0125. ============================================================================ v6.2.3.20_Aqua 12/01/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.19_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R629 2023:12:01:08:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023341.1200 2024006.1200 2024036.1200 2024066.1200 2024156.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023337.1200 2024002.1200 2024032.1200 2024122.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023341.0000 2024006.0000 2024096.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023337.0000 2024062.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023324.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q628 2023:12:01:08:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E628 2023:12:01:08:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1, sigma_a0, sigma_a2, and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023329.0125. pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023327.0000. ============================================================================ v7.0.15.4_Aqua 11/02/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V7.0.15.3_Aqua. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R628 2023:11:02:15:00 m1, RVS, u2_table, and u4_table: All tables after 01/01/2021 are re-generated to reduce the artifact from the forward update. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q627 2023:11:02:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E627 2023:11:02:15:00 a0, a2, sigma_a0 and sigma_a2: The revised PC band calibration algorithm, based on feedback from the atmosphere team, is used to regenerate all tables. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.91_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 10/31/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.90_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R627 2023:10:31:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023307.1200 2023337.1200 2024002.1200 2024032.1200 2024122.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024092.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023307.0000 2023337.0000 2024062.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024032.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q626 2023:10:31:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E626 2023:10:31:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.19_Aqua 10/30/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.18_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R626 2023:10:30:16:30 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023307.1200 2023337.1200 2024002.1200 2024032.1200 2024122.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2024092.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023307.0000 2023337.0000 2024062.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2024032.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q625 2023:10:30:16:30 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E625 2023:10:30:16:30 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023298.0000. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.90_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 09/28/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.89_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R625 2023:09:28:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023277.1200 2023307.1200 2023337.1200 2024002.1200 2024092.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023270.1200 2023300.1200 2023330.1200 2024055.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023277.0000 2023307.0000 2024032.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023270.0000 2023360.0000 2024001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q624 2023:09:28:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E624 2023:09:28:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.18_Aqua 09/28/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.17_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R624 2023:09:28:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023277.1200 2023307.1200 2023337.1200 2024002.1200 2024092.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023270.1200 2023300.1200 2023330.1200 2024055.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023277.0000 2023307.0000 2024032.0000 2025001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023270.0000 2023360.0000 2024001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q623 2023:09:28:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E623 2023:09:28:11:00 ============================================================================ v7.0.15.3_Aqua 09/27/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V7.0.15.2_Aqua. The major improvement in this update is in PV LWIR bands (27-30), especially band 29. The xtalk correction and calibration luts for those bands are updated from year 2012 to reduce the long term drift over different EV scenes. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R623 2023:09:27:16:00 m1 and RVS: Table pieces since the beginning of year 2021 have been re-generated. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q622 2023:09:27:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E622 2023:09:27:16:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1, sigma_a0, sigma_a2, sigma_b1_B21, mwir_uc_coeff_table, and pvlw_uc_coeff_table: Tables pieces after 2012037.1050(not including) have been re-generated. pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Table pieces after 2012093.0000(not including) have been re-generated. mwir_xt_coeff_table: Added forward updated table pieces since 2023032.0000 (including). ============================================================================ v6.2.1.89_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 08/21/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.88_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R622 2023:08:21:17:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023240.1200 2023270.1200 2023300.1200 2023330.1200 2024055.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023244.1200 2023274.1200 2023304.1200 2024029.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023240.0000 2023270.0000 2023360.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023244.0000 2023334.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q621 2023:08:21:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E621 2023:08:21:17:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1, sigma_a0, sigma_a2, and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023229.1050. ============================================================================ v6.2.3.17_Aqua 08/21/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.16_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R621 2023:08:21:15:30 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023240.1200 2023270.1200 2023300.1200 2023330.1200 2024055.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023244.1200 2023274.1200 2023304.1200 2024029.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023240.0000 2023270.0000 2023360.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023244.0000 2023334.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q620 2023:08:21:15:30 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E620 2023:08:21:15:30 a0, a2, band_21_b1, sigma_a0, sigma_a2, and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023229.1050. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.88_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 07/27/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.87_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R620 2023:07:27:09:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023214.1200 2023244.1200 2023274.1200 2023304.1200 2024029.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023223.1200 2023253.1200 2023283.1200 2024008.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023214.0000 2023244.0000 2023334.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023223.0000 2023313.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q619 2023:07:27:09:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E619 2023:07:27:09:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.16_Aqua 07/26/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.15_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R619 2023:07:26:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023214.1200 2023244.1200 2023274.1200 2023304.1200 2024029.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023223.1200 2023253.1200 2023283.1200 2024008.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023214.0000 2023244.0000 2023334.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023223.0000 2023313.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q618 2023:07:26:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E618 2023:07:26:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.87_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 07/07/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.86_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R618 2023:07:07:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023193.1200 2023223.1200 2023253.1200 2023283.1200 2024008.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023343.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023193.0000 2023223.0000 2023313.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023283.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q617 2023:07:07:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E617 2023:07:07:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.15_Aqua 07/06/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.14_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R617 2023:07:06:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023193.1200 2023223.1200 2023253.1200 2023283.1200 2024008.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023343.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023193.0000 2023223.0000 2023313.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023283.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q616 2023:07:06:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E616 2023:07:06:16:00 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023180.0000. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.86_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 06/05/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.85_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R616 2023:06:05:17:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023163.1200 2023193.1200 2023223.1200 2023253.1200 2023343.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023162.1200 2023192.1200 2023222.1200 2023312.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023163.0000 2023193.0000 2023283.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023162.0000 2023252.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q615 2023:06:05:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E615 2023:06:05:17:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1, sigma_a0, sigma_a2, and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023151.0000. ============================================================================ v6.2.3.14_Aqua 06/05/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.13_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R615 2023:06:05:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023163.1200 2023193.1200 2023223.1200 2023253.1200 2023343.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023162.1200 2023192.1200 2023222.1200 2023312.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023163.0000 2023193.0000 2023283.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023162.0000 2023252.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q614 2023:06:05:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E614 2023:06:05:16:00 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023151.0000. a0, a2, band_21_b1, sigma_a0, sigma_a2, and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023151.0000. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.85_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 05/05/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.84_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R614 2023:05:05:09:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023132.1200 2023162.1200 2023192.1200 2023222.1200 2023312.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023282.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023132.0000 2023162.0000 2023252.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023222.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023114.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q613 2023:05:05:09:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E613 2023:05:05:09:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.13_Aqua 05/04/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.12_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R613 2023:05:04:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023132.1200 2023162.1200 2023192.1200 2023222.1200 2023312.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023282.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023132.0000 2023162.0000 2023252.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023222.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023114.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q612 2023:05:04:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E612 2023:05:04:16:00 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023121.0000. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.84_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 04/06/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.83_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R612 2023:04:06:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023102.1200 2023132.1200 2023162.1200 2023192.1200 2023282.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023103.1200 2023133.1200 2023163.1200 2023253.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023102.0000 2023132.0000 2023222.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023103.0000 2023193.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q611 2023:04:06:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E611 2023:04:06:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.12_Aqua 04/06/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.11_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R611 2023:04:06:09:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023102.1200 2023132.1200 2023162.1200 2023192.1200 2023282.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023103.1200 2023133.1200 2023163.1200 2023253.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023102.0000 2023132.0000 2023222.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023103.0000 2023193.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q610 2023:04:06:09:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E610 2023:04:06:09:00 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023091.0000. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.83_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 03/08/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.82_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R610 2023:03:08:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023073.1200 2023103.1200 2023133.1200 2023163.1200 2023253.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023074.1200 2023104.1200 2023134.1200 2023224.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023073.0000 2023103.0000 2023193.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023074.0000 2023164.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q609 2023:03:08:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E609 2023:03:08:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.11_Aqua 03/08/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.10_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R609 2023:03:08:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023073.1200 2023103.1200 2023133.1200 2023163.1200 2023253.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023074.1200 2023104.1200 2023134.1200 2023224.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023073.0000 2023103.0000 2023193.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023074.0000 2023164.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q608 2023:03:08:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E608 2023:03:08:11:00 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023061.0000. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.82_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 02/08/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.81_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R608 2023:02:08:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023044.1200 2023074.1200 2023104.1200 2023134.1200 2023224.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023042.1200 2023072.1200 2023102.1200 2023192.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023044.0000 2023074.0000 2023164.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023042.0000 2023132.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q607 2023:02:08:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E607 2023:02:08:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.10_Aqua 02/08/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.9_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R607 2023:02:08:09:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023044.1200 2023074.1200 2023104.1200 2023134.1200 2023224.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023042.1200 2023072.1200 2023102.1200 2023192.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023044.0000 2023074.0000 2023164.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023042.0000 2023132.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q606 2023:02:08:09:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E606 2023:02:08:09:00 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023032.0000. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.88_Aqua 02/07/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.87_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R606 2023:02:07:17:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023044.1200 2023074.1200 2023104.1200 2023134.1200 2023224.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023042.1200 2023072.1200 2023102.1200 2023192.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023044.0000 2023074.0000 2023164.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023042.0000 2023132.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q605 2023:02:07:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E605 2023:02:07:17:00 ============================================================================ v7.0.15.2_Aqua 02/03/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V7.0.15.1_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R605 2023:02:03:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022293.1200 2022323.1200 2022353.1200 2022364.1200 2023020.1200 2023050.1200 2023080.1200 2023110.1200 2023200.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023078.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022293.0000 2022364.0000 2023020.0000 2023050.0000 2023140.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023018.0000 dn_sat_ev: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023001.0000. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q604 2023:02:03:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E604 2023:02:03:16:00 pvlw_xt_coeff_table and mwir_xt_coeff_table: Added two new table pieces, 2022308.0000, 2023001.0000. ============================================================================ v6.2.3.9_Aqua 01/12/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.8_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R604 2023:01:12:12:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q603 2023:01:12:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E603 2023:01:12:12:00 pvlw_xt_coeff_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2023001.0000. This marks the first delivery of an adjusted crosstalk coefficient LUT for the Aqua PV LWIR bands in Collection 6.1. The adjusted PV LWIR crosstalk coefficients are the product of Moon-derived crosstalk coefficients and an adjustment factor. The adjustment factor is used to correct for residual striping not corrected by the Moon-derived crosstalk coefficients, which itself is calculated from an FFT analysis using one orbit’s worth of data over EV scenes for a date (2023003.0000-2023.0145) close to that the lunar event. The Moon-derived crosstalk coefficients are receiving and sending band and detector specific, while the adjustment factors are only receiving band and detector specific. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.81_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 01/09/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.80_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R603 2023:01:09:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023012.1200 2023042.1200 2023072.1200 2023102.1200 2023192.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023015.1200 2023045.1200 2023075.1200 2023165.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023012.0000 2023042.0000 2023132.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023015.0000 2023105.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q602 2023:01:09:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E602 2023:01:09:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.8_Aqua 01/05/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.7_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R602 2023:01:05:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023012.1200 2023042.1200 2023072.1200 2023102.1200 2023192.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023015.1200 2023045.1200 2023075.1200 2023165.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023012.0000 2023042.0000 2023132.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023015.0000 2023105.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q601 2023:01:05:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E601 2023:01:05:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.87_Aqua 01/05/2023 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.86_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R601 2023:01:05:14:30 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2023012.1200 2023042.1200 2023072.1200 2023102.1200 2023192.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2023015.1200 2023045.1200 2023075.1200 2023165.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2023012.0000 2023042.0000 2023132.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2023015.0000 2023105.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q600 2023:01:05:14:30 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E600 2023:01:05:14:30 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.80_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 12/09/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.79_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R600 2022:12:09:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022350.1200 2023015.1200 2023045.1200 2023075.1200 2023165.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022362.1200 2023027.1200 2023057.1200 2023147.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022350.0000 2023015.0000 2023105.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022362.0000 2023087.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q599 2022:12:09:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E599 2022:12:09:14:00 a0_table, a2_table, band_21_b1_table, sigma_a0_table, sigma_a2_table, and sigma_b1_B21_table are forward updated ============================================================================ v6.2.3.7_Aqua 12/09/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.6_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R599 2022:12:09:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022350.1200 2023015.1200 2023045.1200 2023075.1200 2023165.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022362.1200 2023027.1200 2023057.1200 2023147.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022350.0000 2023015.0000 2023105.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022362.0000 2023087.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q598 2022:12:09:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E598 2022:12:09:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.86_Aqua 12/09/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.85_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R598 2022:12:09:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022350.1200 2023015.1200 2023045.1200 2023075.1200 2023165.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022362.1200 2023027.1200 2023057.1200 2023147.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022350.0000 2023015.0000 2023105.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022362.0000 2023087.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q597 2022:12:09:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E597 2022:12:09:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.6_Aqua 11/30/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.5_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R597 2022:11:30:18:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q596 2022:11:30:18:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E596 2022:11:30:18:00 a0_table, a2_table, band_21_b1_table, sigma_a0_table, sigma_a2_table, and sigma_b1_B21_table are forward updated ============================================================================ v6.1.37.85_Aqua 11/30/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.84_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R596 2022:11:30:16:30 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q595 2022:11:30:16:30 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E595 2022:11:30:16:30 a0_table, a2_table, and band_21_b1_table are forward updated ============================================================================ v6.2.1.79_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 11/22/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.78_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R595 2022:11:22:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022332.1200 2022362.1200 2023027.1200 2023057.1200 2023147.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022348.1200 2023013.1200 2023043.1200 2023133.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022332.0000 2022362.0000 2023087.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022348.0000 2023073.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q594 2022:11:22:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E594 2022:11:22:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.5_Aqua 11/22/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.4_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R594 2022:11:22:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022332.1200 2022362.1200 2023027.1200 2023057.1200 2023147.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022348.1200 2023013.1200 2023043.1200 2023133.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022332.0000 2022362.0000 2023087.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022348.0000 2023073.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q593 2022:11:22:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E593 2022:11:22:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.84_Aqua 11/22/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.83_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R593 2022:11:22:09:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022332.1200 2022362.1200 2023027.1200 2023057.1200 2023147.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022348.1200 2023013.1200 2023043.1200 2023133.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022332.0000 2022362.0000 2023087.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022348.0000 2023073.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q592 2022:11:22:09:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E592 2022:11:22:09:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.78_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 11/10/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.77_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R592 2022:11:10:09:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022318.1200 2022348.1200 2023013.1200 2023043.1200 2023133.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022316.1200 2022346.1200 2023011.1200 2023101.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022318.0000 2022348.0000 2023073.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022316.0000 2023041.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2022297.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q591 2022:11:10:09:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E591 2022:11:10:09:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.83_Aqua 11/09/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.82_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R591 2022:11:09:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022318.1200 2022348.1200 2023013.1200 2023043.1200 2023133.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022316.1200 2022346.1200 2023011.1200 2023101.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022318.0000 2022348.0000 2023073.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022316.0000 2023041.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2022297.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q590 2022:11:09:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E590 2022:11:09:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.4_Aqua 11/09/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.3_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R590 2022:11:09:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022318.1200 2022348.1200 2023013.1200 2023043.1200 2023133.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022316.1200 2022346.1200 2023011.1200 2023101.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022318.0000 2022348.0000 2023073.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022316.0000 2023041.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2022297.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q589 2022:11:09:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E589 2022:11:09:11:00 ============================================================================ v7.0.15.1_Aqua LUT Update for C7 reprocess 10/20/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V7.0.13.0_Aqua (same as V7.0.15.0 used in the science test). The major improvement in this update is the adjustment applied to the PV LWIR crosstalk correction to address the overcorrection concerns. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R589 2022:10:20:14:00 m1, RVS, dn_sat_ev, u2_table, and u4_table are updated for entire mission. QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q588 2022:10:20:14:00 detector_quality_flag_values: Added a table piece at 2022090.1600 to 1. de-flag the band 29 detector #8 in product order from 'noisy' to normal 2. flag the following three detectors from normal to 'noisy': Aqua Band 27 detector #1 in Product Order Aqua Band 27 detector #3 in Product Order Aqua Band 30 detector #1 in Product Order 3. flag Band 6 detector #4 in Product Order from 'noisy' to 'dead' Bits for this time (2022090.1600) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2022090.1600 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 21 2 ( 9) | | | 21 3 ( 8) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 27 1 (10) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | | | 30 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E588 2022:10:20:14:00 a0_table, a2_table, pvlw_xt_coeff_table, pvlw_uc_coeff_table, sigma_a0, and sigma_a2 are updated for entire misson band_21_b1_table and mwir_xt_coeff_table are forward updated ============================================================================ v6.2.1.77_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 10/06/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.76_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R588 2022:10:06:17:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022286.1200 2022316.1200 2022346.1200 2023011.1200 2023101.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022282.1200 2022312.1200 2022342.1200 2023067.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022286.0000 2022316.0000 2023041.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022282.0000 2023007.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q587 2022:10:06:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E587 2022:10:06:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.3_Aqua 10/06/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R587 2022:10:06:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022286.1200 2022316.1200 2022346.1200 2023011.1200 2023101.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022282.1200 2022312.1200 2022342.1200 2023067.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022286.0000 2022316.0000 2023041.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022282.0000 2023007.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q586 2022:10:06:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E586 2022:10:06:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.82_Aqua 10/06/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.81_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R586 2022:10:06:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022286.1200 2022316.1200 2022346.1200 2023011.1200 2023101.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022282.1200 2022312.1200 2022342.1200 2023067.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022286.0000 2022316.0000 2023041.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022282.0000 2023007.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q585 2022:10:06:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E585 2022:10:06:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.76_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 09/07/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.75_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R585 2022:09:07:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022252.1200 2022282.1200 2022312.1200 2022342.1200 2023067.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022257.1200 2022287.1200 2022317.1200 2023042.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022252.0000 2022282.0000 2023007.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022257.0000 2022347.0000 2023001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q584 2022:09:07:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E584 2022:09:07:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.81_Aqua 09/06/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.80_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R584 2022:09:06:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022252.1200 2022282.1200 2022312.1200 2022342.1200 2023067.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022257.1200 2022287.1200 2022317.1200 2023042.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022252.0000 2022282.0000 2023007.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022257.0000 2022347.0000 2023001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q583 2022:09:06:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E583 2022:09:06:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.2_Aqua 09/02/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.1_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R583 2022:09:02:17:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022252.1200 2022282.1200 2022312.1200 2022342.1200 2023067.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022257.1200 2022287.1200 2022317.1200 2023042.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022252.0000 2022282.0000 2023007.0000 2024001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022257.0000 2022347.0000 2023001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q582 2022:09:02:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E582 2022:09:02:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.75_OC_Aqua For OBPG use only 08/26/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.74_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R582 2022:08:26:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022227.1200 2022257.1200 2022287.1200 2022317.1200 2023042.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022230.1200 2022260.1200 2022290.1200 2023015.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022227.0000 2022257.0000 2022347.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022230.0000 2022320.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q581 2022:08:26:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E581 2022:08:26:16:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1 (same as v6.2.3.0_Aqua): Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2022090.1600. ============================================================================ v6.2.3.1_Aqua 08/05/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.3.0_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R581 2022:08:05:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022227.1200 2022257.1200 2022287.1200 2022317.1200 2023042.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022230.1200 2022260.1200 2022290.1200 2023015.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022227.0000 2022257.0000 2022347.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022230.0000 2022320.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q580 2022:08:05:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E580 2022:08:05:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.80_Aqua 08/05/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.79_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R580 2022:08:05:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022227.1200 2022257.1200 2022287.1200 2022317.1200 2023042.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022230.1200 2022260.1200 2022290.1200 2023015.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022227.0000 2022257.0000 2022347.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022230.0000 2022320.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q579 2022:08:05:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E579 2022:08:05:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.3.0_Aqua 07/14/2022 ============================================================================ This is the initial LUT for code version V6.2.3 (to account for the increase of the PV LWIR xtalk effect after the safe mode in early 2022). LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.74_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R579 2022:07:14:17:00 QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q578 2022:07:14:17:00 detector_quality_flag_values: An update to table 2022090.1600 to de-flag the detector #8 in product order in band 29 from "Noisy" to normal Bits for this time (2022090.1600) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2022090.1600 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 21 2 ( 9) | | | 21 3 ( 8) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 27 1 (10) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 29 6 ( 5) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | | | 30 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E578 2022:07:14:17:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2022090.1600. Three new tables are added for the PV LWIR and MWIR xtalk corrections implemented in this version of L1B software: pvlw_xt_coeff_table, mwir_xt_coeff_table, and xt_ui_factor_table Please note that the mwir_xt_coeff_table LUT is a place holder for future use. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.74_Aqua 07/13/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.73_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R578 2022:07:13:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022200.1200 2022230.1200 2022260.1200 2022290.1200 2023015.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022212.1200 2022242.1200 2022272.1200 2022362.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022200.0000 2022230.0000 2022320.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022212.0000 2022302.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q577 2022:07:13:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E577 2022:07:13:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.79_Aqua 07/12/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.78_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R577 2022:07:12:17:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022200.1200 2022230.1200 2022260.1200 2022290.1200 2023015.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022212.1200 2022242.1200 2022272.1200 2022362.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022200.0000 2022230.0000 2022320.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022212.0000 2022302.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q576 2022:07:12:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E576 2022:07:12:17:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2022090.1600. ============================================================================ v6.2.3.0_rc_Aqua Internal test only 07/06/2022 ============================================================================ This is the test LUT for code version V6.2.3. LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.73_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R576 2022:07:06:16:00 QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q575 2022:07:06:16:00 detector_quality_flag_values: An update to table 2022090.1600 to de-flag the detector #8 in product order in band 29 from "Noisy" to normal Bits for this time (2022090.1600) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2022090.1600 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 21 2 ( 9) | | | 21 3 ( 8) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 27 1 (10) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 29 6 ( 5) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | | | 30 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E575 2022:07:06:16:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2022090.1600. Three new tables are added for the PV LWIR and MWIR (placehold for futre use) xtalk corrections implemented in this version of L1B software: pvlw_xt_coeff_table, mwir_xt_coeff_table, and xt_ui_factor_table ============================================================================ v6.2.1.73_Aqua 06/24/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.72_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R575 2022:06:24:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022182.1200 2022212.1200 2022242.1200 2022272.1200 2022362.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022201.1200 2022231.1200 2022261.1200 2022351.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022182.0000 2022212.0000 2022302.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022201.0000 2022291.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2022157.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q574 2022:06:24:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E574 2022:06:24:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.78_Aqua 06/23/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.77_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R574 2022:06:23:17:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022182.1200 2022212.1200 2022242.1200 2022272.1200 2022362.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022201.1200 2022231.1200 2022261.1200 2022351.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022182.0000 2022212.0000 2022302.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022201.0000 2022291.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2022157.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q573 2022:06:23:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E573 2022:06:23:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.72_Aqua 06/14/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.71_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R573 2022:06:14:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022171.1200 2022201.1200 2022231.1200 2022261.1200 2022351.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022173.1200 2022203.1200 2022233.1200 2022323.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022171.0000 2022201.0000 2022291.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022173.0000 2022263.0000 QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q572 2022:06:14:12:00 detector_quality_flag_values: An update to table 2022090.1600 to flag Band 6 detector #4 in product order from 'Noisy' to 'Inoperable' Bits for this time (2022090.1600) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2022090.1600 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 21 2 ( 9) | | | 21 3 ( 8) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 27 1 (10) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 29 6 ( 5) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | | | 30 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E572 2022:06:14:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.77_Aqua 06/14/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.76_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R572 2022:06:14:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022171.1200 2022201.1200 2022231.1200 2022261.1200 2022351.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022173.1200 2022203.1200 2022233.1200 2022323.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022171.0000 2022201.0000 2022291.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022173.0000 2022263.0000 QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q571 2022:06:14:10:00 detector_quality_flag_values: An update to table 2022090.1600 to flag Band 6 detector #4 in product order from 'Noisy' to 'Inoperable' Bits for this time (2022090.1600) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2022090.1600 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 21 2 ( 9) | | | 21 3 ( 8) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 27 1 (10) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 29 6 ( 5) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | | | 30 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E571 2022:06:14:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.71_Aqua 05/17/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.70_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R571 2022:05:17:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022143.1200 2022173.1200 2022203.1200 2022233.1200 2022323.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022162.1200 2022192.1200 2022222.1200 2022312.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022143.0000 2022173.0000 2022263.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022202.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q570 2022:05:17:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E570 2022:05:17:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.76_Aqua 05/17/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.75_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R570 2022:05:17:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022143.1200 2022173.1200 2022203.1200 2022233.1200 2022323.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022162.1200 2022192.1200 2022222.1200 2022312.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022143.0000 2022173.0000 2022263.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022202.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q569 2022:05:17:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E569 2022:05:17:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.70_Aqua 05/06/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to v6.2.1.69_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R569 2022:05:06:10:00 m1: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022132.1200 2022162.1200 2022192.1200 2022222.1200 2022312.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022146.1200 2022176.1200 2022206.1200 2022296.1200 QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q568 2022:05:06:10:00 detector_quality_flag_values: An update to table 2022090.1600 to flag Band 30 detector #1 in product order from normal to 'Noisy' Aqua Band 30 detector #1 in Product Order (detector #10 in SBRS order) Bits for this time (2022090.1600) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2022090.1600 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 21 2 ( 9) | | | 21 3 ( 8) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 27 1 (10) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 29 6 ( 5) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | | | 30 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E568 2022:05:06:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.75_Aqua 05/05/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.74_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R568 2022:05:05:16:30 m1: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022132.1200 2022162.1200 2022192.1200 2022222.1200 2022312.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022146.1200 2022176.1200 2022206.1200 2022296.1200 QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q567 2022:05:05:16:30 detector_quality_flag_values: An update to table 2022090.1600 to flag Band 30 detector #1 in product order from normal to 'Noisy' Aqua Band 30 detector #1 in Product Order (detector #10 in SBRS order) Bits for this time (2022090.1600) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2022090.1600 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 21 2 ( 9) | | | 21 3 ( 8) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 27 1 (10) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 29 6 ( 5) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | | | 30 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E567 2022:05:05:16:30 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.69_Aqua 04/21/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to v6.2.1.68_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R567 2022:04:21:11:00 m1: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022091.1200 2022104.1200 2022116.1200 2022146.1200 2022176.1200 2022206.1200 2022296.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022112.1200 2022142.1200 2022172.1200 2022262.1200 QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q566 2022:04:21:11:00 detector_quality_flag_values: Aqua was transitioned to safe mode on 2022/090. A few MODIS detectors are becoming noisy after the safe mode recovery. A new detector quality flag value table with the time stamp 2022090.1600 is added to flag Aqua Band 27 detector #1 in Product Order (detector #10 in SBRS order) Aqua Band 27 detector #3 in Product Order (detector #8 in SBRS order) Aqua Band 29 detector #6 in Product Order (detector #5 in SBRS order) from normal to 'Noisy' Bits for this time (2022090.1600) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2022090.1600 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 21 2 ( 9) | | | 21 3 ( 8) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 27 1 (10) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 29 6 ( 5) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E566 2022:04:21:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.74_Aqua 04/21/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.73_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R566 2022:04:21:11:00 m1: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022091.1200 2022104.1200 2022116.1200 2022146.1200 2022176.1200 2022206.1200 2022296.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022112.1200 2022142.1200 2022172.1200 2022262.1200 QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q565 2022:04:21:11:00 detector_quality_flag_values: Aqua was transitioned to safe mode on 2022/090. A few MODIS detectors are becoming noisy after the safe mode recovery. A new detector quality flag value table with the time stamp 2022090.1600 is added to flag Aqua Band 27 detector #1 in Product Order (detector #10 in SBRS order) Aqua Band 27 detector #3 in Product Order (detector #8 in SBRS order) Aqua Band 29 detector #6 in Product Order (detector #5 in SBRS order) from normal to 'Noisy' Bits for this time (2022090.1600) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2022090.1600 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 21 2 ( 9) | | | 21 3 ( 8) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 27 1 (10) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 29 6 ( 5) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E565 2022:04:21:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.68_Aqua 03/17/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.67_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R565 2022:03:17:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022082.1200 2022112.1200 2022142.1200 2022172.1200 2022262.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022083.1200 2022113.1200 2022143.1200 2022233.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022082.0000 2022112.0000 2022202.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022083.0000 2022173.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q564 2022:03:17:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E564 2022:03:17:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.73_Aqua 03/17/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.72_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R564 2022:03:17:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022082.1200 2022112.1200 2022142.1200 2022172.1200 2022262.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022083.1200 2022113.1200 2022143.1200 2022233.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022082.0000 2022112.0000 2022202.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022083.0000 2022173.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q563 2022:03:17:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E563 2022:03:17:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.67_Aqua 03/09/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.66_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R563 2022:03:09:16:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q562 2022:03:09:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E562 2022:03:09:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua: Added a new table with the time stamp 2022064.0500 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.72_Aqua 03/09/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.71_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R562 2022:03:09:15:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q561 2022:03:09:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E561 2022:03:09:15:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua: Added a new table with the time stamp 2022064.0500 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.66_Aqua 02/14/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.65_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R561 2022:02:14:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022053.1200 2022083.1200 2022113.1200 2022143.1200 2022233.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022173.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022053.0000 2022083.0000 2022173.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022113.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q560 2022:02:14:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E560 2022:02:14:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.71_Aqua 02/14/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.70_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R560 2022:02:14:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2022053.1200 2022083.1200 2022113.1200 2022143.1200 2022233.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022173.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2022053.0000 2022083.0000 2022173.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022113.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q559 2022:02:14:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E559 2022:02:14:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.70_Aqua 01/07/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.69_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R559 2022:01:07:10:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q558 2022:01:07:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E558 2022:01:07:10:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2021356.1050. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.65_Aqua 01/06/2022 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.64_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R558 2022:01:06:16:30 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q557 2022:01:06:16:30 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E557 2022:01:06:16:30 a0, a2, band_21_b1, sigma_a0, sigma_a2, and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2021356.1050. ============================================================================ v7.0.13.0_Aqua LUT Update for C7 reprocess 01/03/2022 ============================================================================ This is the initial LUT for code version V7.0.13. LUT changes noted are with respect to V7.0.7.0_Aqua. There is an improvement in the uncertainty calculation to PV LWIR and MWIR bands to account for the uncertainty due to the crosstalk correction. Please refer to for the detailed C7 algorithm updates. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R557 2022:01:03:12:00 Following tables are updated: m1, RVS, u2_table, and u4_table QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q556 2022:01:03:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E556 2022:01:03:12:00 Following tables are updated: bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table, bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table, pvlw_xt_coeff_table, mwir_xt_coeff_table, and xt_ui_factor_table. Two new tables are added for the change in the uncertainty calculation: pvlw_uc_coeff_table and mwir_uc_coeff_table ============================================================================ v6.2.1.64_Aqua 12/15/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.63_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R556 2021:12:15:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021358.1200 2022023.1200 2022053.1200 2022083.1200 2022173.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022143.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021358.0000 2022023.0000 2022113.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022083.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q555 2021:12:15:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E555 2021:12:15:13:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua: Added a new table with the time stamp 2021345.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.69_Aqua 12/15/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.68_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R555 2021:12:15:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021358.1200 2022023.1200 2022053.1200 2022083.1200 2022173.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2022143.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021358.0000 2022023.0000 2022113.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2022083.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q554 2021:12:15:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E554 2021:12:15:11:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua: Added a new table with the time stamp 2021345.0500. sigma_a0, sigma_a2, and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2021345.1050. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.63_Aqua 11/17/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.62_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R554 2021:11:17:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021328.1200 2021358.1200 2022023.1200 2022053.1200 2022143.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021330.1200 2021360.1200 2022025.1200 2022115.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021328.0000 2021358.0000 2022083.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021330.0000 2022055.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2021305.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q553 2021:11:17:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E553 2021:11:17:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.68_Aqua 11/17/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.67_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R553 2021:11:17:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021328.1200 2021358.1200 2022023.1200 2022053.1200 2022143.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021330.1200 2021360.1200 2022025.1200 2022115.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021328.0000 2021358.0000 2022083.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021330.0000 2022055.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2021305.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q552 2021:11:17:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E552 2021:11:17:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.62_Aqua 10/19/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.61_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R552 2021:10:19:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021300.1200 2021330.1200 2021360.1200 2022025.1200 2022115.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021296.1200 2021326.1200 2021356.1200 2022081.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021300.0000 2021330.0000 2022055.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021296.0000 2022021.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q551 2021:10:19:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E551 2021:10:19:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.67_Aqua 10/19/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.66_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R551 2021:10:19:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021300.1200 2021330.1200 2021360.1200 2022025.1200 2022115.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021296.1200 2021326.1200 2021356.1200 2022081.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021300.0000 2021330.0000 2022055.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021296.0000 2022021.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q550 2021:10:19:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E550 2021:10:19:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.61_Aqua 09/29/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.60_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R550 2021:09:29:15:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q549 2021:09:29:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E549 2021:09:29:15:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua: Added a new table with the time stamp 2021269.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.66_Aqua 09/29/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.65_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R549 2021:09:29:14:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q548 2021:09:29:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E548 2021:09:29:14:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua: Added a new table with the time stamp 2021269.0500. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.60_Aqua 09/17/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.59_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R548 2021:09:17:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021266.1200 2021296.1200 2021326.1200 2021356.1200 2022081.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021262.1200 2021292.1200 2021322.1200 2022047.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021266.0000 2021296.0000 2022021.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021262.0000 2021352.0000 2022001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q547 2021:09:17:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E547 2021:09:17:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.65_Aqua 09/17/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.64_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R547 2021:09:17:09:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021266.1200 2021296.1200 2021326.1200 2021356.1200 2022081.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021262.1200 2021292.1200 2021322.1200 2022047.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021266.0000 2021296.0000 2022021.0000 2023001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021262.0000 2021352.0000 2022001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q546 2021:09:17:09:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E546 2021:09:17:09:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.59_Aqua 08/12/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.58_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R546 2021:08:12:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021232.1200 2021262.1200 2021292.1200 2021322.1200 2022047.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021239.1200 2021269.1200 2021299.1200 2022024.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021232.0000 2021262.0000 2021352.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021239.0000 2021329.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q545 2021:08:12:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E545 2021:08:12:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.64_Aqua 08/12/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.63_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R545 2021:08:12:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021232.1200 2021262.1200 2021292.1200 2021322.1200 2022047.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021239.1200 2021269.1200 2021299.1200 2022024.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021232.0000 2021262.0000 2021352.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021239.0000 2021329.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q544 2021:08:12:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E544 2021:08:12:14:00 ============================================================================ v7.0.9.0_Aqua LUT Update for C7 reprocess 08/11/2021 ============================================================================ It is same as V7.0.7.0 with only serial numbers changed due to the PGE02 version number change. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R544 2021:08:11:16:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q543 2021:08:11:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E543 2021:08:11:16:00 ============================================================================ v7.0.7.0_Aqua LUT Update for C7 reprocess 07/22/2021 ============================================================================ This is the initial LUT for code version V7.0.7. LUT changes noted are with respect to V7.0.5.0_Aqua. The major change in this update is that the cross-talk correction is now applied to all detectors in PV LWIR bands. All other LUTs changed below are updated due to additional calibration data collected since the last delivery. Please refer to for the detailed C7 algorithm updates. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R543 2021:07:22:12:00 Following tables are updated: m1, RVS, u2_table, and u4_table QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q542 2021:07:22:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E542 2021:07:22:12:00 Following tables are updated: a0, a2, band_21_b1, sigma_a0, sigma_a2, sigma_b1_B21, pvlw_xt_coeff_table, mwir_xt_coeff_table, and xt_ui_factor_table. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.58_Aqua 07/21/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.57_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R542 2021:07:21:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021209.1200 2021239.1200 2021269.1200 2021299.1200 2022024.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021210.1200 2021240.1200 2021270.1200 2021360.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021209.0000 2021239.0000 2021329.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021210.0000 2021300.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q541 2021:07:21:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E541 2021:07:21:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.63_Aqua 07/21/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.62_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R541 2021:07:21:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021209.1200 2021239.1200 2021269.1200 2021299.1200 2022024.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021210.1200 2021240.1200 2021270.1200 2021360.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021209.0000 2021239.0000 2021329.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021210.0000 2021300.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q540 2021:07:21:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E540 2021:07:21:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.57_Aqua 06/22/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.56_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R540 2021:06:22:18:00 A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021180.1200 2021210.1200 2021240.1200 2021270.1200 2021360.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021183.1200 2021213.1200 2021243.1200 2021333.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021180.0000 2021210.0000 2021300.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021183.0000 2021273.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q539 2021:06:22:18:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E539 2021:06:22:18:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.62_Aqua 06/22/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.61_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R539 2021:06:22:16:00 A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021180.1200 2021210.1200 2021240.1200 2021270.1200 2021360.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021183.1200 2021213.1200 2021243.1200 2021333.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021180.0000 2021210.0000 2021300.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021183.0000 2021273.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q538 2021:06:22:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E538 2021:06:22:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.56_Aqua 05/26/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.55_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R538 2021:05:26:15:00 A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021153.1200 2021183.1200 2021213.1200 2021243.1200 2021333.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021154.1200 2021184.1200 2021214.1200 2021304.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021153.0000 2021183.0000 2021273.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021154.0000 2021244.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2021137.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q537 2021:05:26:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E537 2021:05:26:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.61_Aqua 05/26/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.60_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R537 2021:05:26:13:00 A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021153.1200 2021183.1200 2021213.1200 2021243.1200 2021333.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021154.1200 2021184.1200 2021214.1200 2021304.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021153.0000 2021183.0000 2021273.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021154.0000 2021244.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2021137.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q536 2021:05:26:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E536 2021:05:26:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.55_Aqua 04/27/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.54_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R536 2021:04:27:14:00 A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021124.1200 2021154.1200 2021184.1200 2021214.1200 2021304.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021122.1200 2021152.1200 2021182.1200 2021272.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021124.0000 2021154.0000 2021244.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021122.0000 2021212.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q535 2021:04:27:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E535 2021:04:27:14:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1, sigma_a0, sigma_a2, and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2021105.1050. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.60_Aqua 04/27/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.59_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R535 2021:04:27:11:00 A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021124.1200 2021154.1200 2021184.1200 2021214.1200 2021304.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021122.1200 2021152.1200 2021182.1200 2021272.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021124.0000 2021154.0000 2021244.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021122.0000 2021212.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q534 2021:04:27:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E534 2021:04:27:11:00 a0, a2, and band_21_b1: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2021105.1050. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.54_Aqua 04/07/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.53_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R534 2021:04:07:17:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q533 2021:04:07:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E533 2021:04:07:17:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua: Added a new table with the time stamp 2021094.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.59_Aqua 04/07/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.58_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R533 2021:04:07:16:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q532 2021:04:07:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E532 2021:04:07:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua: Added a new table with the time stamp 2021094.0500. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.53_Aqua 03/29/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.52_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R532 2021:03:29:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021092.1200 2021122.1200 2021152.1200 2021182.1200 2021272.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021242.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021092.0000 2021122.0000 2021212.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021182.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q531 2021:03:29:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E531 2021:03:29:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.58_Aqua 03/29/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.57_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R531 2021:03:29:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021092.1200 2021122.1200 2021152.1200 2021182.1200 2021272.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021242.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021092.0000 2021122.0000 2021212.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021182.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q530 2021:03:29:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E530 2021:03:29:10:00 ============================================================================ v7.0.5.0_Aqua Initial LUT for C7 reprocess 02/25/2021 ============================================================================ This is the initial LUT for code version V7.0.5. LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.52_Aqua. Most of the updated LUTs are mission reporcessed using improved calibration algorithms. Please refer to for the detailed algorithm updates. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R530 2021:02:25:10:00 Following tables are updated: m1, RVS, dn_sat_ev, E_sun_over_pi, and uncertainty tables including u1, u2, u3, and u4 QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q529 2021:02:25:10:00 One QA table is updated: detector_quality_flag_values EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E529 2021:02:25:10:00 Following tables are updated: a0, a2, band_21_b1, bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table, bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table, and uncertainty tables including sigma_a0, sigma_a2, sigma_b1_B21. Three new tables are added for the PV LWIR and MWIR xtalk corrections implemented in this version of L1B software: pvlw_xt_coeff_table, mwir_xt_coeff_table, and xt_ui_factor_table (The affected band/detectors are detector 1 in product order from bands 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, and 30, and detectors 1, 2 and 6 in product order from band 29.) One TEB table is removed (replaced by xt_ui_factor_table): pcx_ui_factor_table ============================================================================ v6.2.1.52_Aqua 02/24/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.51_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R529 2021:02:24:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021062.1200 2021092.1200 2021122.1200 2021152.1200 2021242.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021064.1200 2021094.1200 2021124.1200 2021214.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021062.0000 2021092.0000 2021182.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021064.0000 2021154.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q528 2021:02:24:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E528 2021:02:24:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.57_Aqua 02/24/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.56_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R528 2021:02:24:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021062.1200 2021092.1200 2021122.1200 2021152.1200 2021242.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021064.1200 2021094.1200 2021124.1200 2021214.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021062.0000 2021092.0000 2021182.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021064.0000 2021154.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q527 2021:02:24:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E527 2021:02:24:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.51_Aqua 01/28/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.50_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R527 2021:01:28:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021034.1200 2021064.1200 2021094.1200 2021124.1200 2021214.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021036.1200 2021066.1200 2021096.1200 2021186.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021034.0000 2021064.0000 2021154.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021036.0000 2021126.0000 dn_sat_ev: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2020360.0000. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q526 2021:01:28:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E526 2021:01:28:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.56_Aqua 01/27/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.55_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R526 2021:01:27:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021034.1200 2021064.1200 2021094.1200 2021124.1200 2021214.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021036.1200 2021066.1200 2021096.1200 2021186.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021034.0000 2021064.0000 2021154.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021036.0000 2021126.0000 dn_sat_ev: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2020360.0000. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q525 2021:01:27:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E525 2021:01:27:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.50_Aqua 01/12/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.49_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R525 2021:01:12:17:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q524 2021:01:12:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E524 2021:01:12:17:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline (default b1) Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2021010.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.55_Aqua 01/12/2021 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.54_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R524 2021:01:12:16:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q523 2021:01:12:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E523 2021:01:12:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline (default b1) Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2021010.0500. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.49_Aqua 12/30/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.48_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R523 2020:12:30:18:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021006.1200 2021036.1200 2021066.1200 2021096.1200 2021186.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021008.1200 2021038.1200 2021068.1200 2021158.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021006.0000 2021036.0000 2021126.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021008.0000 2021098.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q522 2020:12:30:18:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E522 2020:12:30:18:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.54_Aqua 12/30/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.53_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R522 2020:12:30:17:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2021006.1200 2021036.1200 2021066.1200 2021096.1200 2021186.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2021008.1200 2021038.1200 2021068.1200 2021158.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2021006.0000 2021036.0000 2021126.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021008.0000 2021098.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q521 2020:12:30:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E521 2020:12:30:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.53_Aqua 12/15/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.52_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R521 2020:12:15:16:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q520 2020:12:15:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E520 2020:12:15:16:00 sigma_a0, sigma_a2, sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2020348.1050. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.48_Aqua 12/02/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.47_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R520 2020:12:02:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020344.1200 2021008.1200 2021038.1200 2021068.1200 2021158.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020340.1200 2021004.1200 2021034.1200 2021124.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020344.0000 2021008.0000 2021098.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020340.0000 2021064.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2020314.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q519 2020:12:02:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E519 2020:12:02:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.52_Aqua 12/02/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.51_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R519 2020:12:02:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020344.1200 2021008.1200 2021038.1200 2021068.1200 2021158.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020340.1200 2021004.1200 2021034.1200 2021124.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020344.0000 2021008.0000 2021098.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020340.0000 2021064.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2020314.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q518 2020:12:02:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E518 2020:12:02:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.47_Aqua 11/04/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.46_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R518 2020:11:04:13:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q517 2020:11:04:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E517 2020:11:04:13:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1, sigma_a0, sigma_a2, sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2020304.1050. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.51_Aqua 11/04/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.50_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R517 2020:11:04:11:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q516 2020:11:04:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E516 2020:11:04:11:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2020304.1050. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.46_Aqua 10/30/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.45_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R516 2020:10:30:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020310.1200 2020340.1200 2021004.1200 2021034.1200 2021124.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020321.1200 2020351.1200 2021075.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020310.0000 2020340.0000 2021064.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021015.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q515 2020:10:30:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E515 2020:10:30:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.50_Aqua 10/29/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.49_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R515 2020:10:29:17:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020310.1200 2020340.1200 2021004.1200 2021034.1200 2021124.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020321.1200 2020351.1200 2021075.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020310.0000 2020340.0000 2021064.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2021015.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q514 2020:10:29:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E514 2020:10:29:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.45_Aqua 09/11/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.44_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R514 2020:09:11:09:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020261.1200 2020291.1200 2020321.1200 2020351.1200 2021075.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020277.1200 2020307.1200 2021031.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020261.0000 2020291.0000 2021015.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020337.0000 2021001.0000 QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q513 2020:09:11:09:00 detector_quality_flag_values: Added a table piece at 2020251.0000 to de-flag the following detectors from "noisy" to normal: Band 27 detector #3 in Product Order (detector #8 in SBRS order) Band 29 detector #6 in Product Order (detector #5 in SBRS order) Bits for this time (2020251.0000) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2020251.0000 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 4 (17) | | 21 2 ( 9) | | | 21 3 ( 8) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E513 2020:09:11:09:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.49_Aqua 09/10/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.48_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R513 2020:09:10:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020261.1200 2020291.1200 2020321.1200 2020351.1200 2021075.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020277.1200 2020307.1200 2021031.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020261.0000 2020291.0000 2021015.0000 2022001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020337.0000 2021001.0000 QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q512 2020:09:10:16:00 detector_quality_flag_values: Added a table piece at 2020251.0000 to de-flag the following detectors from "noisy" to normal: Band 27 detector #3 in Product Order (detector #8 in SBRS order) Band 29 detector #6 in Product Order (detector #5 in SBRS order) Bits for this time (2020251.0000) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2020251.0000 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 4 (17) | | 21 2 ( 9) | | | 21 3 ( 8) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E512 2020:09:10:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.44_Aqua 07/28/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.43_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R512 2020:07:28:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020217.1200 2020247.1200 2020277.1200 2020307.1200 2021031.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020225.1200 2020255.1200 2020285.1200 2021009.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020217.0000 2020247.0000 2020337.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020225.0000 2020315.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q511 2020:07:28:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E511 2020:07:28:14:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua: Added a new table with the time stamp 2020204.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.48_Aqua 07/28/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.47_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R511 2020:07:28:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020217.1200 2020247.1200 2020277.1200 2020307.1200 2021031.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020225.1200 2020255.1200 2020285.1200 2021009.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020217.0000 2020247.0000 2020337.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020225.0000 2020315.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q510 2020:07:28:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E510 2020:07:28:11:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua: Added a new table with the time stamp 2020204.0500. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.43_Aqua 07/02/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.42_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R510 2020:07:02:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020195.1200 2020225.1200 2020255.1200 2020285.1200 2021009.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020192.1200 2020222.1200 2020252.1200 2020342.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020195.0000 2020225.0000 2020315.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020192.0000 2020282.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q509 2020:07:02:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E509 2020:07:02:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.47_Aqua 07/02/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.46_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R509 2020:07:02:08:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020195.1200 2020225.1200 2020255.1200 2020285.1200 2021009.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020192.1200 2020222.1200 2020252.1200 2020342.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020195.0000 2020225.0000 2020315.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020192.0000 2020282.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q508 2020:07:02:08:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E508 2020:07:02:08:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.42_Aqua 06/03/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.41_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R508 2020:06:03:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020162.1200 2020192.1200 2020222.1200 2020252.1200 2020342.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020165.1200 2020195.1200 2020225.1200 2020315.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020162.0000 2020192.0000 2020282.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020165.0000 2020255.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q507 2020:06:03:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E507 2020:06:03:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.46_Aqua 06/03/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.45_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R507 2020:06:03:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020162.1200 2020192.1200 2020222.1200 2020252.1200 2020342.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020165.1200 2020195.1200 2020225.1200 2020315.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020162.0000 2020192.0000 2020282.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020165.0000 2020255.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q506 2020:06:03:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E506 2020:06:03:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.41_Aqua 05/20/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.40_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R506 2020:05:20:17:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q505 2020:05:20:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E505 2020:05:20:17:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1, sigma_a0, sigma_a2, sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2020135.1050. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.45_Aqua 05/20/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.44_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R505 2020:05:20:16:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q504 2020:05:20:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E504 2020:05:20:16:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2020135.1050. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.40_Aqua 05/08/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.39_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R504 2020:05:08:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020135.1200 2020165.1200 2020195.1200 2020225.1200 2020315.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020285.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020135.0000 2020165.0000 2020255.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020225.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2020125.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q503 2020:05:08:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E503 2020:05:08:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.44_Aqua 05/07/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.43_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R503 2020:05:07:17:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020135.1200 2020165.1200 2020195.1200 2020225.1200 2020315.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020285.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020135.0000 2020165.0000 2020255.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020225.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2020125.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q502 2020:05:07:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E502 2020:05:07:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.43_Aqua 04/08/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.42_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R502 2020:04:08:09:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020105.1200 2020135.1200 2020165.1200 2020195.1200 2020285.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020106.1200 2020136.1200 2020166.1200 2020256.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020105.0000 2020135.0000 2020225.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020106.0000 2020196.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q501 2020:04:08:09:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E501 2020:04:08:09:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.39_Aqua 04/07/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.38_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R501 2020:04:07:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020105.1200 2020135.1200 2020165.1200 2020195.1200 2020285.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020106.1200 2020136.1200 2020166.1200 2020256.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020105.0000 2020135.0000 2020225.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020106.0000 2020196.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q500 2020:04:07:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E500 2020:04:07:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.42_Aqua 03/09/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.41_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R500 2020:03:09:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020076.1200 2020106.1200 2020136.1200 2020166.1200 2020256.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020074.1200 2020104.1200 2020134.1200 2020224.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020076.0000 2020106.0000 2020196.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020074.0000 2020164.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q499 2020:03:09:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E499 2020:03:09:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.38_Aqua 03/09/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.37_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R499 2020:03:09:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020076.1200 2020106.1200 2020136.1200 2020166.1200 2020256.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020074.1200 2020104.1200 2020134.1200 2020224.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020076.0000 2020106.0000 2020196.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020074.0000 2020164.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q498 2020:03:09:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E498 2020:03:09:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.37_Aqua 02/06/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.36_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R498 2020:02:06:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020044.1200 2020074.1200 2020104.1200 2020134.1200 2020224.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020045.1200 2020075.1200 2020105.1200 2020195.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020044.0000 2020074.0000 2020164.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020045.0000 2020135.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q497 2020:02:06:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E497 2020:02:06:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.41_Aqua 02/06/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.40_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R497 2020:02:06:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020044.1200 2020074.1200 2020104.1200 2020134.1200 2020224.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020045.1200 2020075.1200 2020105.1200 2020195.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020044.0000 2020074.0000 2020164.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020045.0000 2020135.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q496 2020:02:06:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E496 2020:02:06:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.36_Aqua 01/07/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.35_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R496 2020:01:07:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020015.1200 2020045.1200 2020075.1200 2020105.1200 2020195.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020016.1200 2020046.1200 2020076.1200 2020166.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020015.0000 2020045.0000 2020135.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020016.0000 2020106.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q495 2020:01:07:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E495 2020:01:07:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.40_Aqua 01/07/2020 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.39_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R495 2020:01:07:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2020015.1200 2020045.1200 2020075.1200 2020105.1200 2020195.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2020016.1200 2020046.1200 2020076.1200 2020166.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2020015.0000 2020045.0000 2020135.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2020016.0000 2020106.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q494 2020:01:07:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E494 2020:01:07:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.35_Aqua 12/10/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.34_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R494 2019:12:10:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019351.1200 2020016.1200 2020046.1200 2020076.1200 2020166.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019354.1200 2020019.1200 2020049.1200 2020139.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019351.0000 2020016.0000 2020106.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019354.0000 2020079.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q493 2019:12:10:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E493 2019:12:10:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.39_Aqua 12/10/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.38_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R493 2019:12:10:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019351.1200 2020016.1200 2020046.1200 2020076.1200 2020166.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019354.1200 2020019.1200 2020049.1200 2020139.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019351.0000 2020016.0000 2020106.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019354.0000 2020079.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q492 2019:12:10:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E492 2019:12:10:11:00 sigma_a0, sigma_a2 and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2019341.1020. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.34_Aqua 11/12/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.33_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R492 2019:11:12:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019324.1200 2019354.1200 2020019.1200 2020049.1200 2020139.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019320.1200 2019350.1200 2020015.1200 2020105.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019324.0000 2019354.0000 2020079.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019320.0000 2020045.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2019280.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q491 2019:11:12:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E491 2019:11:12:13:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua: Added a new table with the time stamp 2019314.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.38_Aqua 11/12/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.37_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R491 2019:11:12:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019324.1200 2019354.1200 2020019.1200 2020049.1200 2020139.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019320.1200 2019350.1200 2020015.1200 2020105.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019324.0000 2019354.0000 2020079.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019320.0000 2020045.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2019280.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q490 2019:11:12:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E490 2019:11:12:11:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua: Added a new table with the time stamp 2019314.0500. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.33_Aqua 10/10/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.32_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R490 2019:10:10:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019290.1200 2019320.1200 2019350.1200 2020015.1200 2020105.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019297.1200 2019327.1200 2019357.1200 2020082.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019290.0000 2019320.0000 2020045.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019297.0000 2020022.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q489 2019:10:10:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E489 2019:10:10:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.37_Aqua 10/10/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.36_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R489 2019:10:10:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019290.1200 2019320.1200 2019350.1200 2020015.1200 2020105.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019297.1200 2019327.1200 2019357.1200 2020082.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019290.0000 2019320.0000 2020045.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019297.0000 2020022.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q488 2019:10:10:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E488 2019:10:10:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.32_Aqua 09/18/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.31_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R488 2019:09:18:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019267.1200 2019297.1200 2019327.1200 2019357.1200 2020082.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019264.1200 2019294.1200 2019324.1200 2020049.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019267.0000 2019297.0000 2020022.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019264.0000 2019354.0000, 2020001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q487 2019:09:18:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E487 2019:09:18:11:00 a0, a2 and band 21 b1: Added a new table with the time stamp 2019255.1050. sigma_a0, sigma_a2 and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2019255.1050. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.36_Aqua 09/18/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.35_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R487 2019:09:18:09:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019267.1200 2019297.1200 2019327.1200 2019357.1200 2020082.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019264.1200 2019294.1200 2019324.1200 2020049.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019267.0000 2019297.0000 2020022.0000 2021001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019264.0000 2019354.0000, 2020001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q486 2019:09:18:09:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E486 2019:09:18:09:00 a0, a2 and band 21 b1: Added a new table with the time stamp 2019255.1050. sigma_a0, sigma_a2 and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2019255.1050. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.31_Aqua 08/15/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.30_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R486 2019:08:15:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019234.1200 2019264.1200 2019294.1200 2019324.1200 2020049.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019230.1200 2019260.1200 2019290.1200 2020015.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019234.0000 2019264.0000 2019354.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019230.0000 2019320.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q485 2019:08:15:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E485 2019:08:15:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.35_Aqua 08/15/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.34_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R485 2019:08:15:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019234.1200 2019264.1200 2019294.1200 2019324.1200 2020049.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019230.1200 2019260.1200 2019290.1200 2020015.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019234.0000 2019264.0000 2019354.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019230.0000 2019320.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q484 2019:08:15:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E484 2019:08:15:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.34_Aqua 07/15/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.33_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R484 2019:07:15:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019200.1200 2019230.1200 2019260.1200 2019290.1200 2020015.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019202.1200 2019232.1200 2019262.1200 2019352.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019200.0000 2019230.0000 2019320.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019202.0000 2019292.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q483 2019:07:15:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E483 2019:07:15:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.30_Aqua 07/15/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.29_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R483 2019:07:15:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019200.1200 2019230.1200 2019260.1200 2019290.1200 2020015.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019202.1200 2019232.1200 2019262.1200 2019352.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019200.0000 2019230.0000 2019320.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019202.0000 2019292.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q482 2019:07:15:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E482 2019:07:15:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.29_Aqua 06/26/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.28_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R482 2019:06:26:11:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q481 2019:06:26:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E481 2019:06:26:11:00 band_21_b1_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2019171.1020. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.33_Aqua 06/26/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.32_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R481 2019:06:26:10:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q480 2019:06:26:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E480 2019:06:26:10:00 band_21_b1_table: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2019171.1020. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.28_Aqua 06/13/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.27_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R480 2019:06:13:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019172.1200 2019202.1200 2019232.1200 2019262.1200 2019352.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019322.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019172.0000 2019202.0000 2019292.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019262.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q479 2019:06:13:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E479 2019:06:13:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.32_Aqua 06/13/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.31_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R479 2019:06:13:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019172.1200 2019202.1200 2019232.1200 2019262.1200 2019352.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019322.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019172.0000 2019202.0000 2019292.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019262.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q478 2019:06:13:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E478 2019:06:13:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.27_Aqua 05/16/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.26_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R478 2019:05:16:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019142.1200 2019172.1200 2019202.1200 2019232.1200 2019322.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019143.1200 2019173.1200 2019203.1200 2019293.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019142.0000 2019172.0000 2019262.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019143.0000 2019233.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2019112.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q477 2019:05:16:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E477 2019:05:16:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.31_Aqua 05/15/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.30_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R477 2019:05:15:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019142.1200 2019172.1200 2019202.1200 2019232.1200 2019322.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019143.1200 2019173.1200 2019203.1200 2019293.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019142.0000 2019172.0000 2019262.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019143.0000 2019233.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2019112.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q476 2019:05:15:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E476 2019:05:15:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.26_Aqua 04/16/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.25_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R476 2019:04:16:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019113.1200 2019143.1200 2019173.1200 2019203.1200 2019293.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019115.1200 2019145.1200 2019175.1200 2019265.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019113.0000 2019143.0000 2019233.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019115.0000 2019205.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q475 2019:04:16:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E475 2019:04:16:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.30_Aqua 04/16/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.29_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R475 2019:04:16:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019113.1200 2019143.1200 2019173.1200 2019203.1200 2019293.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019115.1200 2019145.1200 2019175.1200 2019265.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019113.0000 2019143.0000 2019233.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019115.0000 2019205.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q474 2019:04:16:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E474 2019:04:16:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.25_Aqua 03/19/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.24_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R474 2019:03:19:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019085.1200 2019115.1200 2019145.1200 2019175.1200 2019265.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019087.1200 2019117.1200 2019147.1200 2019237.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019085.0000 2019115.0000 2019205.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019087.0000 2019177.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q473 2019:03:19:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E473 2019:03:19:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua added a new table piece with time stamp 2019075.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.29_Aqua 03/19/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.28_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R473 2019:03:19:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019085.1200 2019115.1200 2019145.1200 2019175.1200 2019265.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019087.1200 2019117.1200 2019147.1200 2019237.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019085.0000 2019115.0000 2019205.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019087.0000 2019177.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q472 2019:03:19:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E472 2019:03:19:15:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua added a new table piece with time stamp 2019075.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.28_Aqua 02/21/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.27_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R472 2019:02:21:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019057.1200 2019087.1200 2019117.1200 2019147.1200 2019237.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019055.1200 2019085.1200 2019115.1200 2019205.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019057.0000 2019087.0000 2019177.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019055.0000 2019145.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q471 2019:02:21:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E471 2019:02:21:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.24_Aqua 02/19/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.23_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R471 2019:02:19:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019057.1200 2019087.1200 2019117.1200 2019147.1200 2019237.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019055.1200 2019085.1200 2019115.1200 2019205.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019057.0000 2019087.0000 2019177.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019055.0000 2019145.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q470 2019:02:19:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E470 2019:02:19:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.23_Aqua 01/18/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.22_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R470 2019:01:18:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019025.1200 2019055.1200 2019085.1200 2019115.1200 2019205.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019027.1200 2019057.1200 2019087.1200 2019177.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019025.0000 2019055.0000 2019145.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019027.0000 2019117.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q469 2019:01:18:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E469 2019:01:18:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.27_Aqua 01/17/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.26_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R469 2019:01:17:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2019025.1200 2019055.1200 2019085.1200 2019115.1200 2019205.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2019027.1200 2019057.1200 2019087.1200 2019177.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2019025.0000 2019055.0000 2019145.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2019027.0000 2019117.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q468 2019:01:17:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E468 2019:01:17:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.22_Aqua 01/09/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.21_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R468 2019:01:09:13:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q467 2019:01:09:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E467 2019:01:09:13:00 a0, a2 and band 21 b1: added a new table with the time stamp 2019003.1020 sigma_a0, sigma_a2 and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2019003.1020. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.26_Aqua 01/08/2019 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.25_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R467 2019:01:08:16:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q466 2019:01:08:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E466 2019:01:08:16:00 a0, a2 and band 21 b1: added a new table with the time stamp 2019003.1020 sigma_a0, sigma_a2 and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2019003.1020. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.21_Aqua 12/20/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.20_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R466 2018:12:20:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018362.1200 2019027.1200 2019057.1200 2019087.1200 2019177.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018361.1200 2019026.1200 2019056.1200 2019146.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018362.0000 2019027.0000 2019117.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018361.0000 2019086.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q465 2018:12:20:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E465 2018:12:20:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: stamp 2018350.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.25_Aqua 12/20/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.24_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R465 2018:12:20:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018362.1200 2019027.1200 2019057.1200 2019087.1200 2019177.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018361.1200 2019026.1200 2019056.1200 2019146.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018362.0000 2019027.0000 2019117.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018361.0000 2019086.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q464 2018:12:20:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E464 2018:12:20:13:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: stamp 2018350.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.24_Aqua 11/20/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.23_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R464 2018:11:20:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018331.1200 2018361.1200 2019026.1200 2019056.1200 2019146.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018333.1200 2018363.1200 2019028.1200 2019118.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018331.0000 2018361.0000 2019086.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018333.0000 2019058.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2018309.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q463 2018:11:20:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E463 2018:11:20:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.20_Aqua 11/20/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.19_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R463 2018:11:20:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018331.1200 2018361.1200 2019026.1200 2019056.1200 2019146.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018333.1200 2018363.1200 2019028.1200 2019118.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018331.0000 2018361.0000 2019086.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018333.0000 2019058.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2018309.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q462 2018:11:20:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E462 2018:11:20:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.19_Aqua 10/24/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.18_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R462 2018:10:24:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018303.1200 2018333.1200 2018363.1200 2019028.1200 2019118.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018301.1200 2018331.1200 2018361.1200 2019086.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018303.0000 2018333.0000 2019058.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018301.0000 2019026.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q461 2018:10:24:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E461 2018:10:24:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.23_Aqua 10/23/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.22_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R461 2018:10:23:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018303.1200 2018333.1200 2018363.1200 2019028.1200 2019118.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018301.1200 2018331.1200 2018361.1200 2019086.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018303.0000 2018333.0000 2019058.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018301.0000 2019026.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q460 2018:10:23:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E460 2018:10:23:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.18_Aqua 09/24/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.17_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R460 2018:09:24:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018271.1200 2018301.1200 2018331.1200 2018361.1200 2019086.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018272.1200 2018302.1200 2018332.1200 2019057.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018271.0000 2018301.0000 2019026.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018272.0000 2018362.0000 2019001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q459 2018:09:24:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E459 2018:09:24:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.22_Aqua 09/24/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.21_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R459 2018:09:24:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018271.1200 2018301.1200 2018331.1200 2018361.1200 2019086.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018272.1200 2018302.1200 2018332.1200 2019057.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018271.0000 2018301.0000 2019026.0000 2020001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018272.0000 2018362.0000 2019001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q458 2018:09:24:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E458 2018:09:24:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.17_Aqua 08/23/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.16_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R458 2018:08:23:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018242.1200 2018272.1200 2018302.1200 2018332.1200 2019057.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018243.1200 2018273.1200 2018303.1200 2019028.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018242.0000 2018272.0000 2018362.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018243.0000 2018333.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q457 2018:08:23:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E457 2018:08:23:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.21_Aqua 08/23/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.20_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R457 2018:08:23:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018242.1200 2018272.1200 2018302.1200 2018332.1200 2019057.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018243.1200 2018273.1200 2018303.1200 2019028.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018242.0000 2018272.0000 2018362.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018243.0000 2018333.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q456 2018:08:23:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E456 2018:08:23:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.16_Aqua 07/26/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.15_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R456 2018:07:26:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018213.1200 2018243.1200 2018273.1200 2018303.1200 2019028.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018215.1200 2018245.1200 2018275.1200 2018365.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018213.0000 2018243.0000 2018333.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018215.0000 2018305.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q455 2018:07:26:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E455 2018:07:26:11:00 band_21_b1: Added a new table piece: 2018201.1020 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.20_Aqua 07/25/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.19_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R455 2018:07:25:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018213.1200 2018243.1200 2018273.1200 2018303.1200 2019028.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018215.1200 2018245.1200 2018275.1200 2018365.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018213.0000 2018243.0000 2018333.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018215.0000 2018305.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q454 2018:07:25:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E454 2018:07:25:15:00 band_21_b1: Added a new table piece: 2018201.1020 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.15_Aqua 07/11/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.14_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R454 2018:07:11:10:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q453 2018:07:11:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E453 2018:07:11:10:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: stamp 2018190.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.19_Aqua 07/10/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.18_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R453 2018:07:10:14:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q452 2018:07:10:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E452 2018:07:10:14:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: stamp 2018190.0500. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.14_Aqua 06/27/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.13_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R452 2018:06:27:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018185.1200 2018215.1200 2018245.1200 2018275.1200 2018365.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018186.1200 2018216.1200 2018246.1200 2018336.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018185.0000 2018215.0000 2018305.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018186.0000 2018276.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q451 2018:06:27:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E451 2018:06:27:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.18_Aqua 06/26/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.17_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R451 2018:06:26:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018185.1200 2018215.1200 2018245.1200 2018275.1200 2018365.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018186.1200 2018216.1200 2018246.1200 2018336.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018185.0000 2018215.0000 2018305.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018186.0000 2018276.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q450 2018:06:26:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E450 2018:06:26:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.13_Aqua 05/30/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.12_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R450 2018:05:30:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018156.1200 2018186.1200 2018216.1200 2018246.1200 2018336.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018154.1200 2018184.1200 2018214.1200 2018304.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018156.0000 2018186.0000 2018276.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018154.0000 2018244.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2018141.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q449 2018:05:30:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E449 2018:05:30:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.17_Aqua 05/29/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.16_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R449 2018:05:29:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018156.1200 2018186.1200 2018216.1200 2018246.1200 2018336.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018154.1200 2018184.1200 2018214.1200 2018304.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018156.0000 2018186.0000 2018276.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018154.0000 2018244.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2018141.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q448 2018:05:29:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E448 2018:05:29:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.12_Aqua 04/27/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.11_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R448 2018:04:27:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018124.1200 2018154.1200 2018184.1200 2018214.1200 2018304.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018125.1200 2018155.1200 2018185.1200 2018275.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018124.0000 2018154.0000 2018244.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018125.0000 2018215.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q447 2018:04:27:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E447 2018:04:27:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.16_Aqua 04/26/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.15_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R447 2018:04:26:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018124.1200 2018154.1200 2018184.1200 2018214.1200 2018304.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018125.1200 2018155.1200 2018185.1200 2018275.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018124.0000 2018154.0000 2018244.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018125.0000 2018215.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q446 2018:04:26:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E446 2018:04:26:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.11_Aqua 04/20/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.10_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R446 2018:04:20:10:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q445 2018:04:20:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E445 2018:04:20:10:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: stamp 2018108.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.15_Aqua 04/19/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.14_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R445 2018:04:19:15:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q444 2018:04:19:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E444 2018:04:19:15:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: stamp 2018108.0500. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.10_Aqua 03/28/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.9_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R444 2018:03:28:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018095.1200 2018125.1200 2018155.1200 2018185.1200 2018275.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018096.1200 2018126.1200 2018156.1200 2018246.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018095.0000 2018125.0000 2018215.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018096.0000 2018186.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q443 2018:03:28:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E443 2018:03:28:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.14_Aqua 03/28/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.13_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R443 2018:03:28:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018095.1200 2018125.1200 2018155.1200 2018185.1200 2018275.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018096.1200 2018126.1200 2018156.1200 2018246.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018095.0000 2018125.0000 2018215.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018096.0000 2018186.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q442 2018:03:28:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E442 2018:03:28:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.9_Aqua 03/01/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.8_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R442 2018:03:01:17:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018066.1200 2018096.1200 2018126.1200 2018156.1200 2018246.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018067.1200 2018097.1200 2018127.1200 2018217.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018066.0000 2018096.0000 2018186.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018067.0000 2018157.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q441 2018:03:01:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E441 2018:03:01:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.13_Aqua 03/01/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.12_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R441 2018:03:01:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018066.1200 2018096.1200 2018126.1200 2018156.1200 2018246.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018067.1200 2018097.1200 2018127.1200 2018217.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018066.0000 2018096.0000 2018186.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018067.0000 2018157.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q440 2018:03:01:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E440 2018:03:01:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.8_Aqua 02/09/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.7_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R440 2018:02:09:14:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q439 2018:02:09:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E439 2018:02:09:14:00 a0, a2 and band 21 b1: added a new table with the time stamp 2018036.1020 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.12_Aqua 02/09/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.11_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R439 2018:02:09:11:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q438 2018:02:09:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E438 2018:02:09:11:00 a0, a2 and band 21 b1: added a new table with the time stamp 2018036.1020 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.7_Aqua 01/30/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.6_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R438 2018:01:30:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018037.1200 2018067.1200 2018097.1200 2018127.1200 2018217.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018041.1200 2018071.1200 2018101.1200 2018191.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018037.0000 2018067.0000 2018157.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018041.0000 2018131.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q437 2018:01:30:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E437 2018:01:30:14:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: stamp 2018025.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.11_Aqua 01/29/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.10_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R437 2018:01:29:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018037.1200 2018067.1200 2018097.1200 2018127.1200 2018217.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018041.1200 2018071.1200 2018101.1200 2018191.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018037.0000 2018067.0000 2018157.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018041.0000 2018131.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q436 2018:01:29:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E436 2018:01:29:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: stamp 2018025.0500. ============================================================================ v6.2.1.6_Aqua 01/04/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.5_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R436 2018:01:04:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018011.1200 2018041.1200 2018071.1200 2018101.1200 2018191.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018010.1200 2018040.1200 2018070.1200 2018160.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018011.0000 2018041.0000 2018131.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018010.0000 2018110.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q435 2018:01:04:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E435 2018:01:04:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.10_Aqua 01/03/2018 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.9_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R435 2018:01:03:17:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2018011.1200 2018041.1200 2018071.1200 2018101.1200 2018191.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2018010.1200 2018040.1200 2018070.1200 2018160.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018011.0000 2018041.0000 2018131.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2018010.0000 2018110.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q434 2018:01:03:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E434 2018:01:03:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.9_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 12/07/2017 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.9_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R434 2017:12:07:11:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only u2_tables & u4_tables are same as those of v6.1.37.8_OC2. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q433 2017:12:07:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E433 2017:12:07:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.5_Aqua 12/06/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.4_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R433 2017:12:06:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017345.1200 2018010.1200 2018040.1200 2018070.1200 2018160.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017348.1200 2018013.1200 2018043.1200 2018133.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018010.0000 2018110.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017348.0000 2018073.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q432 2017:12:06:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E432 2017:12:06:11:00 sigma_a0, sigma_a2 and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2017311.0000. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.9_Aqua 12/05/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.8_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R432 2017:12:05:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017345.1200 2018010.1200 2018040.1200 2018070.1200 2018160.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017348.1200 2018013.1200 2018043.1200 2018133.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2018010.0000 2018110.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017348.0000 2018073.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q431 2017:12:05:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E431 2017:12:05:11:00 sigma_a0, sigma_a2 and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2017311.0000. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.8_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 11/27/2017 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.8_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R431 2017:11:27:11:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only u2_tables are same as those of v6.1.37.6_OC2. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q430 2017:11:27:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E430 2017:11:27:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.4_Aqua 11/08/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.3_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R430 2017:11:08:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017318.1200 2017348.1200 2018013.1200 2018043.1200 2018133.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017316.1200 2017346.1200 2018011.1200 2018101.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2017318.0000 2017348.0000 2018073.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017316.0000 2018041.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2017296.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q429 2017:11:08:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E429 2017:11:08:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.8_Aqua 11/07/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.7_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R429 2017:11:07:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017318.1200 2017348.1200 2018013.1200 2018043.1200 2018133.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017316.1200 2017346.1200 2018011.1200 2018101.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2017318.0000 2017348.0000 2018073.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017316.0000 2018041.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2017296.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q428 2017:11:07:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E428 2017:11:07:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.3_Aqua 10/30/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R428 2017:10:30:10:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q427 2017:10:30:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E427 2017:10:30:10:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: stamp 2017299.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.7_Aqua 10/27/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.6_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R427 2017:10:27:11:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q426 2017:10:27:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E426 2017:10:27:11:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: stamp 2017299.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.6_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 10/10/2017 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.6_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R426 2017:10:10:13:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only u2_tables are same as those of v6.1.37.5_OC2. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q425 2017:10:10:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E425 2017:10:10:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.2_Aqua 10/06/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.1_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R425 2017:10:06:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017286.1200 2017316.1200 2017346.1200 2018011.1200 2018101.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017287.1200 2017317.1200 2017347.1200 2018072.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2017286.0000 2017316.0000 2018041.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017287.0000 2018012.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q424 2017:10:06:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E424 2017:10:06:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.6_Aqua 10/05/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.5_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R424 2017:10:05:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017286.1200 2017316.1200 2017346.1200 2018011.1200 2018101.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017287.1200 2017317.1200 2017347.1200 2018072.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2017286.0000 2017316.0000 2018041.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017287.0000 2018012.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q423 2017:10:05:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E423 2017:10:05:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.1_OC_Aqua Reprocessed for Ocean Color Group use only 09/22/2017 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.1_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R423 2017:09:22:11:00 m1, RVS: Reprocessed for entire mission. The Earth-View base m1/RVS are now applied to bands 1-4, and 8-9. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q422 2017:09:22:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E422 2017:09:22:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.1_Aqua 09/13/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.2.1.0_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R422 2017:09:13:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017257.1200 2017287.1200 2017317.1200 2017347.1200 2018072.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017253.1200 2017283.1200 2017313.1200 2018038.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2017257.0000 2017287.0000 2018012.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017253.0000 2017343.0000 2018001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q421 2017:09:13:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E421 2017:09:13:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.5_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 09/12/2017 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.5_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R421 2017:09:12:11:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only u2_tables are same as those of v6.1.37.4_OC2. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q420 2017:09:12:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E420 2017:09:12:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.5_Aqua 09/11/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.4_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R420 2017:09:11:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017257.1200 2017287.1200 2017317.1200 2017347.1200 2018072.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017253.1200 2017283.1200 2017313.1200 2018038.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2017257.0000 2017287.0000 2018012.0000 2019001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017253.0000 2017343.0000 2018001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q419 2017:09:11:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E419 2017:09:11:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.2.1.0_Aqua Initial LUT for C6.1 reprocesing 08/14/2017 ============================================================================ This is the initial LUTs for code version V6.2.1. LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.4_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R419 2017:08:08:16:00 m1 and RVS: Extended the EV-based m1 and RVS to entire mission for bands 1-4 uncertainty tables: u2_table and u4_table are updated corresponding to the changes in m1 and RVS QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q418 2017:08:14:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E418 2017:08:14:16:00 Entire mission update for the following tables: a0, a2, sigma_a0, sigma_a2, bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table ============================================================================ v6.1.37.4_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 08/08/2017 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.4_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R418 2017:08:08:14:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only u2_tables are same as those of v6.1.37.3_OC2. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q417 2017:08:08:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E417 2017:08:08:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.4_Aqua 08/04/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.3_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R417 2017:08:04:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017223.1200 2017253.1200 2017283.1200 2017313.1200 2018038.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017224.1200 2017254.1200 2017284.1200 2018009.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2017223.0000 2017253.0000 2017343.0000 2018001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017224.0000 2017314.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q416 2017:08:04:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E416 2017:08:04:15:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: stamp 2017213.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.3_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 07/07/2017 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.3_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R416 2017:07:07:11:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only u2_tables are same as those of v6.1.37.2_OC2. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q415 2017:07:07:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E415 2017:07:07:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.3_Aqua 07/06/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R415 2017:07:06:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017194.1200 2017224.1200 2017254.1200 2017284.1200 2018009.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017195.1200 2017225.1200 2017255.1200 2017345.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2017194.0000 2017224.0000 2017314.0000 2018001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017195.0000 2017285.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q414 2017:07:06:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E414 2017:07:06:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.2_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 06/08/2017 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R414 2017:06:08:11:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only u2_tables are same as those of v6.1.37.1_OC2. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q413 2017:06:08:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E413 2017:06:08:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.2_Aqua 06/07/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.1_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R413 2017:06:07:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017165.1200 2017195.1200 2017225.1200 2017255.1200 2017345.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017169.1200 2017199.1200 2017229.1200 2017319.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2017165.0000 2017195.0000 2017285.0000 2018001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017169.0000 2017259.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q412 2017:06:07:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E412 2017:06:07:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.1_OC_Aqua Reprocessed for Ocean Color Group use only 06/05/2017 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.1_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R412 2017:06:05:12:00 m1, RVS and u2_table: Reprocessed for entire mission. The Earth-View base m1/RVS are now applied to bands 1-4, and 8-10. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q411 2017:06:05:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E411 2017:06:05:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.1_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 05/15/2017 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.1_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R411 2017:05:15:14:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only uncertainty tables: u2_tables are same as those of v6.1.35.30_OC2, except for adding a new table piece with the time stamp 2017128.0000. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q410 2017:05:15:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E410 2017:05:15:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.37.1_Aqua 05/11/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.37.0_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R410 2017:05:11:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017139.1200 2017169.1200 2017199.1200 2017229.1200 2017319.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017138.1200 2017168.1200 2017198.1200 2017288.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2017139.0000 2017169.0000 2017259.0000 2018001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017138.0000 2017228.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2017128.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q409 2017:05:11:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E409 2017:05:11:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: stamp 2017124.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.37.0_Aqua 04/19/2017 ============================================================================ This is the initial LUTs for code version V6.1.35. It is same as V6.1.35.30 with only serial numbers changed. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number R409 2017:04:19:16:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q408 2017:04:19:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E408 2017:04:19:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.30_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 04/13/2017 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.30_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R408 2017:04:13:14:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only u2_tables are same as those of v6.1.35.29_OC2. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q407 2017:04:13:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E407 2017:04:13:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.30_Aqua 04/12/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.29_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R407 2017:04:12:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017108.1200 2017138.1200 2017168.1200 2017198.1200 2017288.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017106.1200 2017136.1200 2017166.1200 2017256.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2017108.0000 2017138.0000 2017228.0000 2018001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017106.0000 2017196.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q406 2017:04:12:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E406 2017:04:12:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.29_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 03/13/2017 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.29_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R406 2017:03:13:13:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only u2_tables are same as those of v6.1.35.28_OC2. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q405 2017:03:13:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E405 2017:03:13:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.29_Aqua 03/10/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.28_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R405 2017:03:10:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017076.1200 2017106.1200 2017136.1200 2017166.1200 2017256.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017078.1200 2017108.1200 2017138.1200 2017228.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2017076.0000 2017106.0000 2017196.0000 2018001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017078.0000 2017168.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q404 2017:03:10:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E404 2017:03:10:15:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.25_Aqua 03/10/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.24. Please note, this is the final LUTs delivery for Aqua C5. SDST has notified MCST that no further updates for C5 are required beyond end of March 2017. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R404 2017:03:10:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2017075.1200 2017105.1200 2017135.1200 2017165.1200 2017255.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2017078.1200 2017108.1200 2017138.1200 2017228.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q403 2017:03:10:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E403 2017:03:10:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.28_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 02/15/2017 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.28_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R403 2017:02:15:10:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only u2_tables are same as those of v6.1.35.27_OC2. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q402 2017:02:15:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E402 2017:02:15:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.28_Aqua 02/13/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.27_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R402 2017:02:13:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017048.1200 2017078.1200 2017108.1200 2017138.1200 2017228.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017047.1200 2017077.1200 2017107.1200 2017197.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2017048.0000 2017078.0000 2017168.0000 2018001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017047.0000 2017137.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q401 2017:02:13:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E401 2017:02:13:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2017039.0500. ============================================================================ v5.0.43.24_Aqua 02/09/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.23. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R401 2017:02:09:16:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2017048.1200 2017078.1200 2017108.1200 2017138.1200 2017228.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2017046.1200 2017076.1200 2017106.1200 2017196.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q400 2017:02:09:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E400 2017:02:09:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2017039.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.35.27_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 01/11/2017 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.27_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R400 2017:01:11:11:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only u2_tables are same as those of v6.1.35.26_OC2. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q399 2017:01:11:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E399 2017:01:11:11:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.23_Aqua 01/10/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.22. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R399 2017:01:10:14:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2017016.1200 2017046.1200 2017076.1200 2017106.1200 2017196.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2017018.1200 2017048.1200 2017078.1200 2017168.1200 2018001.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q398 2017:01:10:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E398 2017:01:10:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.27_Aqua 01/09/2017 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.26_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R398 2017:01:09:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2017017.1200 2017047.1200 2017077.1200 2017107.1200 2017197.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017020.1200 2017050.1200 2017080.1200 2017170.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2017017.0000 2017047.0000 2017137.0000 2018001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017020.0000 2017110.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q397 2017:01:09:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E397 2017:01:09:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.26_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 12/16/2016 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.26_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R397 2016:12:16:11:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only u2_tables are same as those of v6.1.35.25_OC2. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q396 2016:12:16:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E396 2016:12:16:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.26_Aqua 12/15/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.25_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R396 2016:12:15:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2016356.1200 2017020.1200 2017050.1200 2017080.1200 2017170.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017140.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2016356.0000 2017020.0000 2017110.0000 2018001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017080.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q395 2016:12:15:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E395 2016:12:15:10:00 sigma_a0, sigma_a2 and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2016346.0000. ============================================================================ v5.0.43.22_Aqua 12/13/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.21. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R395 2016:12:13:13:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2016354.1200 2017018.1200 2017048.1200 2017078.1200 2017168.1200 2018001.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2016353.1200 2017017.1200 2017047.1200 2017137.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q394 2016:12:13:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E394 2016:12:13:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.25_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 11/18/2016 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.25_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R394 2016:11:18:11:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only uncertainty tables: u2_tables 2016209.0000 & 2016318.0000 are updated due to algorithm change. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q393 2016:11:18:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E393 2016:11:18:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.25_Aqua 11/16/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.24_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R393 2016:11:16:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2016326.1200 2016356.1200 2017020.1200 2017050.1200 2017140.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2016324.1200 2016354.1200 2017018.1200 2017108.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2016326.0000 2016356.0000 2017080.0000 2018001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2016324.0000 2017048.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2016318.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q392 2016:11:16:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E392 2016:11:16:13:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2016314.0500. ============================================================================ v5.0.43.21_Aqua 11/14/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.20. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R392 2016:11:14:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2016323.1200 2016353.1200 2017017.1200 2017047.1200 2017137.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2017107.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q391 2016:11:14:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E391 2016:11:14:10:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2016314.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.35.24_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 10/17/2016 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.24_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R391 2016:10:17:11:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q390 2016:10:17:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E390 2016:10:17:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.24_Aqua 10/14/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.23_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R390 2016:10:14:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2016294.1200 2016324.1200 2016354.1200 2017018.1200 2017108.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2017078.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2016294.0000 2016324.0000 2017048.0000 2018001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2017018.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q389 2016:10:14:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E389 2016:10:14:11:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.20_Aqua 10/13/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.19. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R389 2016:10:13:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2016293.1200 2016323.1200 2016353.1200 2017017.1200 2017107.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2016294.1200 2016324.1200 2016354.1200 2017078.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q388 2016:10:13:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E388 2016:10:13:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.23_Aqua 09/23/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.22_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R388 2016:09:23:11:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q387 2016:09:23:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E387 2016:09:23:11:00 a0, a2 and band 21 b1: added a new table with the time stamp 2016263.1040 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.22_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 09/14/2016 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.22_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R387 2016:09:14:13:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q386 2016:09:14:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E386 2016:09:14:13:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.19_Aqua 09/13/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.18. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R386 2016:09:13:13:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2016264.1200 2016294.1200 2016324.1200 2016354.1200 2017078.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2016266.1200 2016296.1200 2016326.1200 2017050.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q385 2016:09:13:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E385 2016:09:13:13:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2016251.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.35.22_Aqua 09/12/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.21_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R385 2016:09:12:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2016264.1200 2016294.1200 2016324.1200 2016354.1200 2017078.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2016266.1200 2016296.1200 2016326.1200 2017050.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2016264.0000 2016294.0000 2017018.0000 2018001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2016266.0000 2016356.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q384 2016:09:12:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E384 2016:09:12:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2016251.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.35.21_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 08/19/2016 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.21_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R384 2016:08:19:10:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q383 2016:08:19:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E383 2016:08:19:10:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.18_Aqua 08/18/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.17. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R383 2016:08:18:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2016236.1200 2016266.1200 2016296.1200 2016326.1200 2017050.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2016241.1200 2016271.1200 2016301.1200 2017025.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q382 2016:08:18:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E382 2016:08:18:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.21_Aqua 08/17/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.20_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R382 2016:08:17:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. The EV-based algorithm using EV and Moon measurements to derive m1 and RVS is also applied to bands 1-4 from 2016209.0000 Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2016236.1200 2016266.1200 2016296.1200 2016326.1200 2017050.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2016240.1200 2016270.1200 2016300.1200 2017024.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2016236.0000 2016266.0000 2016356.0000 2017001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2016240.0000 2016330.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q381 2016:08:17:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E381 2016:08:17:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.20_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 07/26/2016 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.19_OC2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R381 2016:07:26:17:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q380 2016:07:26:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E380 2016:07:26:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.20_Aqua 07/21/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.19_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R380 2016:07:21:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. The EV-based algorithm using EV and Moon measurements to derive m1 and RVS is also applied to bands 1-4 from 2016209.0000 Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2016208.2359 2016209.0000 2016240.1200 2016270.1200 2016300.1200 2017024.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2016212.1200 2016242.1200 2016272.1200 2016362.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2016208.2359 2016209.0000 2016240.0000 2016330.0000 2017001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2016212.0000 2016302.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2016209.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q379 2016:07:21:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E379 2016:07:21:11:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.17_Aqua 07/20/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.16. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R379 2016:07:20:11:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2016211.1200 2016241.1200 2016271.1200 2016301.1200 2017025.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2016212.1200 2016242.1200 2016272.1200 2016362.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q378 2016:07:20:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E378 2016:07:20:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.19_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 06/28/2016 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.19_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R378 2016:06:28:13:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q377 2016:06:28:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E377 2016:06:28:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.19_Aqua 06/27/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.18_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R377 2016:06:27:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2016182.1200 2016212.1200 2016242.1200 2016272.1200 2016362.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2016178.1200 2016208.1200 2016238.1200 2016328.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2016182.0000 2016212.0000 2016302.0000 2017001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2016178.0000 2016268.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q376 2016:06:27:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E376 2016:06:27:10:00 band_21_b1: Added a new table piece: 2016172.1040 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.16_Aqua 06/24/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.15. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R376 2016:06:24:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2016182.1200 2016212.1200 2016242.1200 2016272.1200 2016362.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2016178.1200 2016208.1200 2016238.1200 2016328.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q375 2016:06:24:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E375 2016:06:24:10:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.15_Aqua 06/13/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.14. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R375 2016:06:13:11:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q374 2016:06:13:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E374 2016:06:13:11:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2016160.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.35.18_Aqua 06/10/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.17_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R374 2016:06:10:11:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q373 2016:06:10:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E373 2016:06:10:11:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2016160.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.35.17_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 05/24/2016 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.17_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R373 2016:05:24:14:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q372 2016:05:24:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E372 2016:05:24:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.17_Aqua 05/23/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.16_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R372 2016:05:23:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2016148.1200 2016178.1200 2016208.1200 2016238.1200 2016328.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2016150.1200 2016180.1200 2016210.1200 2016300.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2016148.0000 2016178.0000 2016268.0000 2017001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2016150.0000 2016240.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q371 2016:05:23:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E371 2016:05:23:13:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.14_Aqua 05/20/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.13. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R371 2016:05:20:11:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2016148.1200 2016178.1200 2016208.1200 2016238.1200 2016328.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2016149.1200 2016179.1200 2016209.1200 2016299.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q370 2016:05:20:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E370 2016:05:20:11:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.13_Aqua 04/25/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.12. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R370 2016:04:25:15:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2016119.1200 2016149.1200 2016179.1200 2016209.1200 2016299.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2016120.1200 2016150.1200 2016180.1200 2016270.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q369 2016:04:25:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E369 2016:04:25:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.16_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 04/22/2016 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.16_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R369 2016:04:22:11:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q368 2016:04:22:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E368 2016:04:22:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.16_Aqua 04/21/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.15_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R368 2016:04:21:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2016120.1200 2016150.1200 2016180.1200 2016210.1200 2016300.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2016270.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2016120.0000 2016150.0000 2016240.0000 2017001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2016210.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q367 2016:04:21:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E367 2016:04:21:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.15_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 03/23/2016 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.15_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R367 2016:03:23:17:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q366 2016:03:23:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E366 2016:03:23:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.12_Aqua 03/23/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.11. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R366 2016:03:23:15:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2016090.1200 2016120.1200 2016150.1200 2016180.1200 2016270.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2016094.1200 2016124.1200 2016154.1200 2016244.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q365 2016:03:23:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E365 2016:03:23:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.15_Aqua 03/23/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.14_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R365 2016:03:23:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2016090.1200 2016120.1200 2016150.1200 2016180.1200 2016270.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2016093.1200 2016123.1200 2016153.1200 2016243.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2016090.0000 2016120.0000 2016210.0000 2017001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2016093.0000 2016183.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q364 2016:03:23:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E364 2016:03:23:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.14_Aqua 03/11/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.13_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R364 2016:03:11:15:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q363 2016:03:11:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E363 2016:03:11:15:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2016067.0500. ============================================================================ v5.0.43.11_Aqua 03/09/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.10. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R363 2016:03:09:14:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q362 2016:03:09:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E362 2016:03:09:14:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2016067.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.35.13_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 03/01/2016 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.13_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R362 2016:03:01:15:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q361 2016:03:01:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E361 2016:03:01:15:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.10_Aqua 02/29/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.9. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R361 2016:02:29:14:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2016064.1200 2016094.1200 2016124.1200 2016154.1200 2016244.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2016065.1200 2016095.1200 2016125.1200 2016215.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q360 2016:02:29:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E360 2016:02:29:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.13_Aqua 02/26/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.11_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R360 2016:02:26:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2016063.1200 2016093.1200 2016123.1200 2016153.1200 2016243.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2016064.1200 2016094.1200 2016124.1200 2016214.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2016063.0000 2016093.0000 2016183.0000 2017001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2016064.0000 2016154.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q359 2016:02:26:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E359 2016:02:26:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.12_Aqua 02/12/2016 Special Version for Land/Atmosphere Group Science Test NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.11_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R359 2016:02:12:14:00 m1 and RVS: Bands 1 to 4 are calibrated using lunar data and EV data from N. Africa Deserts, similar to what has been implemented to bands 8 and 9. This is an update to V6.1.33.3. Uncertainty: Same as V6.1.33.3 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q358 2016:02:12:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E358 2016:02:12:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.11_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 02/01/2016 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.11_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R358 2016:02:01:13:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q357 2016:02:01:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E357 2016:02:01:13:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.9_Aqua 01/29/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.8. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R357 2016:01:29:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2016035.1200 2016065.1200 2016095.1200 2016125.1200 2016215.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2016044.1200 2016074.1200 2016164.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q356 2016:01:29:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E356 2016:01:29:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.11_Aqua 01/28/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.10_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R356 2016:01:28:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2016034.1200 2016064.1200 2016094.1200 2016124.1200 2016214.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2016184.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2016034.0000 2016064.0000 2016154.0000 2017001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2016124.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q355 2016:01:28:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E355 2016:01:28:10:00 uncertainty update: sigma_a0, sigma_a2 and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2015365.0000. ============================================================================ v5.0.43.8_Aqua 01/11/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.7. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R355 2016:01:11:12:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q354 2016:01:11:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E354 2016:01:11:12:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2016006.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.35.10_Aqua 01/11/2016 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.9_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R354 2016:01:11:10:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q353 2016:01:11:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E353 2016:01:11:10:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2016006.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.35.9_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 12/28/2015 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.9_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R353 2015:12:28:17:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q352 2015:12:28:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E352 2015:12:28:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.9_Aqua 12/28/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.8_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R352 2015:12:28:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2016004.1200 2016034.1200 2016064.1200 2016094.1200 2016184.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2016009.1200 2016039.1200 2016069.1200 2016159.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2016004.0000 2016034.0000 2016124.0000 2017001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2016009.0000 2016099.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q351 2015:12:28:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E351 2015:12:28:14:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.7_Aqua 12/08/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.6. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R351 2015:12:08:16:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2015349.1200 2016014.1200 2016044.1200 2016074.1200 2016164.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2016003.1200 2016033.1200 2016123.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q350 2015:12:08:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E350 2015:12:08:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.8_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 12/03/2015 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.8_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R350 2015:12:03:16:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q349 2015:12:03:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E349 2015:12:03:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.8_Aqua 12/03/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.7_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R349 2015:12:03:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2015344.1200 2016009.1200 2016039.1200 2016069.1200 2016159.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2015358.1200 2016023.1200 2016053.1200 2016143.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2015344.0000 2016009.0000 2016099.0000 2017001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2015358.0000 2016083.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q348 2015:12:03:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E348 2015:12:03:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.7_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 11/23/2015 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.7_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R348 2015:11:23:13:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q347 2015:11:23:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E347 2015:11:23:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.7_Aqua 11/20/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.6_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R347 2015:11:20:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2015328.1200 2015358.1200 2016023.1200 2016053.1200 2016143.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2015338.1200 2016003.1200 2016033.1200 2016123.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2015328.0000 2015358.0000 2016083.0000 2017001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2015338.0000 2016063.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2015317.0000 to u2_table and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q346 2015:11:20:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E346 2015:11:20:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.6_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 11/04/2015 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.6_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R346 2015:11:04:11:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q345 2015:11:04:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E345 2015:11:04:11:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.6_Aqua 11/03/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.5. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R345 2015:11:03:11:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2015308.1200 2015338.1200 2016003.1200 2016033.1200 2016123.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2015312.1200 2015342.1200 2016007.1200 2016097.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q344 2015:11:03:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E344 2015:11:03:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.6_Aqua 11/02/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.5_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R344 2015:11:02:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2015308.1200 2015338.1200 2016003.1200 2016033.1200 2016123.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2015312.1200 2015342.1200 2016007.1200 2016097.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2015308.0000 2015338.0000 2016063.0000 2017001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2015312.0000 2016037.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q343 2015:11:02:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E343 2015:11:02:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.5_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 10/07/2015 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.5_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R343 2015:10:07:13:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q342 2015:10:07:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E342 2015:10:07:13:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.5_Aqua 10/06/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.4. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R342 2015:10:06:11:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2015282.1200 2015312.1200 2015342.1200 2016007.1200 2016097.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2015281.1200 2015311.1200 2015341.1200 2016066.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q341 2015:10:06:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E341 2015:10:06:11:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2015274.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.35.5_Aqua 10/02/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.4_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R341 2015:10:02:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2015282.1200 2015312.1200 2015342.1200 2016007.1200 2016097.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2015280.1200 2015310.1200 2015340.1200 2016065.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2015282.0000 2015312.0000 2016037.0000 2017001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2015280.0000 2016005.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q340 2015:10:02:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E340 2015:10:02:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2015274.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.35.4_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 09/02/2015 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.4_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R340 2015:09:02:11:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q339 2015:09:02:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E339 2015:09:02:11:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.4_Aqua 09/01/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.3. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R339 2015:09:01:16:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2015251.1200 2015281.1200 2015311.1200 2015341.1200 2016066.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2015248.1200 2015278.1200 2015308.1200 2016033.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data. dn_sat_ev: added a new timestamp: 2015183.0400 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q338 2015:09:01:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E338 2015:09:01:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.4_Aqua 09/01/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.3_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R338 2015:09:01:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board and EV data. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2015250.1200 2015280.1200 2015310.1200 2015340.1200 2016065.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2015248.1200 2015278.1200 2015308.1200 2016033.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2015250.0000 2015280.0000 2016005.0000 2017001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2015248.0000 2015338.0000 2016001.0000 dn_sat_ev: added a new timestamp: 2015183.0400 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q337 2015:09:01:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E337 2015:09:01:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.3_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 07/31/2015 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.3_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R337 2015:07:31:11:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q336 2015:07:31:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E336 2015:07:31:11:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.3_Aqua 07/30/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.2. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R336 2015:07:30:14:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2015218.1200 2015248.1200 2015278.1200 2015308.1200 2016033.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2015228.1200 2015258.1200 2015288.1200 2016013.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 07/30/2015. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q335 2015:07:30:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E335 2015:07:30:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.3_Aqua 07/29/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R335 2015:07:29:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 07/29/2015. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2015218.1200 2015248.1200 2015278.1200 2015308.1200 2016033.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2015228.1200 2015258.1200 2015288.1200 2016013.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2015218.0000 2015248.0000 2015338.0000 2016001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2015228.0000 2015318.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q334 2015:07:29:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E334 2015:07:29:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.2_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 07/13/2015 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R334 2015:07:13:14:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q333 2015:07:13:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E333 2015:07:13:14:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.2_Aqua 07/13/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.43.1. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R333 2015:07:13:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2015198.1200 2015228.1200 2015258.1200 2015288.1200 2016013.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2015192.1200 2015222.1200 2015252.1200 2015342.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 07/10/2015. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q332 2015:07:13:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E332 2015:07:13:10:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2015190.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.35.2_Aqua 07/10/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.1_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R332 2015:07:10:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 07/10/2015. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2015198.1200 2015228.1200 2015258.1200 2015288.1200 2016013.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2015193.1200 2015223.1200 2015253.1200 2015343.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2015198.0000 2015228.0000 2015318.0000 2016001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2015193.0000 2015283.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q331 2015:07:10:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E331 2015:07:10:15:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2015190.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.35.1_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 06/10/2015 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.35.1_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R331 2015:06:10:10:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q330 2015:06:10:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E330 2015:06:10:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.1_Aqua 06/08/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.33.8_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R330 2015:06:08:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 06/05/2015. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2015163.1200 2015193.1200 2015223.1200 2015253.1200 2015343.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2015164.1200 2015194.1200 2015224.1200 2015314.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2015163.0000 2015193.0000 2015283.0000 2016001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2015164.0000 2015254.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2015150.0000 to u1_table, u2_table, u3_table, and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q329 2015:06:08:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E329 2015:06:08:10:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.1_Aqua 06/04/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.41. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R329 2015:06:04:14:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2015162.1200 2015192.1200 2015222.1200 2015252.1200 2015342.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2015163.1200 2015193.1200 2015223.1200 2015313.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 06/04/2015. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q328 2015:06:04:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E328 2015:06:04:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.33.8_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 05/11/2015 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.33.8_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R328 2015:05:11:10:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q327 2015:05:11:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E327 2015:05:11:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.33.8_Aqua 05/07/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.33.7_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R327 2015:05:07:17:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 05/07/2015. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2015134.1200 2015164.1200 2015194.1200 2015224.1200 2015314.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2015133.1200 2015163.1200 2015193.1200 2015283.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2015134.0000 2015164.0000 2015254.0000 2016001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2015133.0000 2015223.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q326 2015:05:07:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E326 2015:05:07:17:00 a0, a2 and band 21 b1: added a new table with the time stamp 2015117.1035 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.41_Aqua 05/06/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.40. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R326 2015:05:06:15:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2015133.1200 2015163.1200 2015193.1200 2015223.1200 2015313.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2015133.1200 2015163.1200 2015193.1200 2015283.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 05/06/2015. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q325 2015:05:06:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E325 2015:05:06:15:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.40_Aqua 04/20/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.39. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R325 2015:04:20:14:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q324 2015:04:20:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E324 2015:04:20:14:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2015106.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.33.7_Aqua 04/17/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.33.6_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number R324 2015:04:17:16:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q323 2015:04:17:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E323 2015:04:17:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2015106.0500. ============================================================================ v5.0.41.39_Aqua 04/08/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.38. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R323 2015:04:08:13:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2015103.1200 2015133.1200 2015163.1200 2015193.1200 2015283.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2015101.1200 2015131.1200 2015161.1200 2015251.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 04/06/2015. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q322 2015:04:08:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E322 2015:04:08:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.33.6_Aqua 04/07/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.33.5_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R322 2015:04:07:14:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 04/06/2015. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2015103.1200 2015133.1200 2015163.1200 2015193.1200 2015283.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2015101.1200 2015131.1200 2015161.1200 2015251.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2015103.0000 2015133.0000 2015223.0000 2016001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2015101.0000 2015191.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q321 2015:04:07:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E321 2015:04:07:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.33.6_OC2_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 04/03/2015 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.33.5_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R321 2015:04:03:11:00 m1 and RVS: An entire mission reprocess for bands 10 to 16, and all other bands are forward updated QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q320 2015:04:03:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E320 2015:04:03:11:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.43.0_Aqua 03/23/2015 ============================================================================ This is the initial LUTs for code version V5.0.43. It is same as V5.0.41.38 with only serial numbers changed. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R320 2015:03:23:15:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q319 2015:03:23:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E319 2015:03:23:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.35.0_Aqua 03/13/2015 ============================================================================ This is the initial LUTs for code version V6.1.35. It is same as V6.1.33.5 with only serial numbers changed. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R319 2015:03:13:10:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q318 2015:03:13:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E318 2015:03:13:10:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.38_Aqua 03/10/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.37. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R318 2015:03:10:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2015071.1200 2015101.1200 2015131.1200 2015161.1200 2015251.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2015078.1200 2015108.1200 2015138.1200 2015228.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 03/06/2015. QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q317 2015:03:10:10:00 detector_quality_flag_values: Similar to the update in v6.1.33.5_Aqua, a new time stamp 2015031.2100 is added to flag Band 21 Dectors 2, 3, 9 (prod order) as "Noisy". Bits for this time(2015031.2100) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2015031.2100 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 21 2 ( 9) | | | 21 3 ( 8) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 6 ( 5) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E317 2015:03:10:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.33.5_Aqua 03/09/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.33.4_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R317 2015:03:09:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 03/05/2015. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2015071.1200 2015101.1200 2015131.1200 2015161.1200 2015251.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2015079.1200 2015109.1200 2015139.1200 2015229.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2015071.0000 2015101.0000 2015191.0000 2016001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2015079.0000 2015169.0000 QA LUTS CHANGED: New serial number Q316 2015:03:09:10:00 detector_quality_flag_values: Added a new table stamped at 2015031.2100 to set Aqua Band 21 detectors #2, 3 & 9 in Product Order (detector #9, 8, 2 in SBRS order) to be Noisy Detectors since its NEdT exceeded the spec. All other Detector Quality Flags in the new table piece remain the same as those in the time stamped table piece 2012022.1510. Bits for this time(2015031.2100) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2015031.2100 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 4 (17) | | 21 2 ( 9) | | | 21 3 ( 8) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 6 ( 5) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E316 2015:03:09:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.33.4_OC_Aqua Special Version for Ocean Color Group only 03/03/2015 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.33.3_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R316 2015:03:03:16:00 m1 and RVS: A reprocess of bands 8 to 16 through the entire mission for Ocean group use only. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q315 2015:03:03:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E315 2015:03:03:16:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.37_Aqua 02/13/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.36. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R315 2015:02:13:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2015048.1200 2015078.1200 2015108.1200 2015138.1200 2015228.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2015060.1200 2015090.1200 2015120.1200 2015210.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 02/11/2015. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q314 2015:02:13:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E314 2015:02:13:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.33.4_Aqua 02/12/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.33.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R314 2015:02:12:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 02/11/2015. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2015049.1200 2015079.1200 2015109.1200 2015139.1200 2015229.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2015060.1200 2015090.1200 2015120.1200 2015210.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2015049.0000 2015079.0000 2015169.0000 2016001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2015060.0000 2015150.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q313 2015:02:12:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E313 2015:02:12:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.33.3_Aqua 01/30/2015 Special Version for Land/Atmosphere Group Science Test NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.33.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R313 2015:01:30:10:00 m1 and RVS: Bands 1 to 4 are calibrated using lunar data and EV data from N. Africa Deserts, similar to what has been implemented to bands 8 and 9. Uncertainty u2_table: Updated for bands 1 to 4 accordingly due to the calibration algorithm change. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q312 2015:01:30:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E312 2015:01:30:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.33.2_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 01/27/2015 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.33.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R312 2015:01:27:16:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q311 2015:01:27:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E311 2015:01:27:16:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.36_Aqua 01/26/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.35. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R311 2015:01:26:13:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2015060.1200 2015090.1200 2015120.1200 2015210.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2015045.1200 2015075.1200 2015105.1200 2015195.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q310 2015:01:26:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E310 2015:01:26:13:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2015022.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.33.2_Aqua 01/23/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.33.1_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R310 2015:01:23:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 01/23/2015. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2015060.1200 2015090.1200 2015120.1200 2015210.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2015046.1200 2015076.1200 2015106.1200 2015196.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2015060.0000 2015150.0000 2016001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2015046.0000 2015136.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q309 2015:01:23:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E309 2015:01:23:13:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2015022.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.33.1_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 01/09/2015 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.33.1_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R309 2015:01:09:16:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q308 2015:01:09:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E308 2015:01:09:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.33.1_Aqua 01/09/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.31.6_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R308 2015:01:09:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 01/09/2015. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2015016.1200 2015046.1200 2015076.1200 2015106.1200 2015196.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2015015.1200 2015045.1200 2015075.1200 2015165.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2015016.0000 2015046.0000 2015136.0000 2016001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2015015.0000 2015105.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q307 2015:01:09:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E307 2015:01:09:11:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.35_Aqua 01/08/2015 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.34. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R307 2015:01:08:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2015015.1200 2015045.1200 2015075.1200 2015105.1200 2015195.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2015165.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 01/08/2015. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q306 2015:01:08:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E306 2015:01:08:10:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.34_Aqua 12/15/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.33. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R306 2014:12:15:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2014350.1200 2015015.1200 2015045.1200 2015075.1200 2015165.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014345.1200 2015010.1200 2015040.1200 2015130.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 12/11/2014. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q305 2014:12:15:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E305 2014:12:15:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.31.6_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 12/12/2014 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.31.6_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R305 2014:12:12:12:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q304 2014:12:12:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E304 2014:12:12:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.31.6_Aqua 12/11/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.31.5_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R304 2014:12:11:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 12/10/2014. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2014350.1200 2015015.1200 2015045.1200 2015075.1200 2015165.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014345.1200 2015010.1200 2015040.1200 2015130.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2014350.0000 2015015.0000 2015105.0000 2016001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014345.0000 2015070.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2014318.0000 to u1_table, u2_table, u3_table, and u4_table. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q303 2014:12:11:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E303 2014:12:11:10:00 band 21 b1: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2014318.1030. uncertainty update: sigma_a0, sigma_a2 and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2014318.1030. ============================================================================ v6.1.31.5_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 11/10/2014 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.31.5_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R303 2014:11:10:10:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q302 2014:11:10:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E302 2014:11:10:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.31.5_Aqua 11/06/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.31.4_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R302 2014:11:06:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 11/05/2014. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2014315.1200 2014345.1200 2015010.1200 2015040.1200 2015130.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014318.1200 2014348.1200 2015013.1200 2015103.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2014315.0000 2014345.0000 2015070.0000 2016001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014318.0000 2015043.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q301 2014:11:06:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E301 2014:11:06:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2014308.0500. ============================================================================ v5.0.41.33_Aqua 11/05/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.32. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R301 2014:11:05:16:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2014315.1200 2014345.1200 2015010.1200 2015040.1200 2015130.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014318.1200 2014348.1200 2015013.1200 2015103.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 11/05/2014. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q300 2014:11:05:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E300 2014:11:05:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2014308.0500. ============================================================================ v6.1.31.4_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 10/15/2014 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.31.4_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R300 2014:10:15:12:00 m1 and RVS: A reprocess from early 2014 for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q299 2014:10:15:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E299 2014:10:15:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.31.4_Aqua 10/10/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.31.3_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R299 2014:10:10:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 10/08/2014. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2014288.1200 2014318.1200 2014348.1200 2015013.1200 2015103.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014290.1200 2014320.1200 2014350.1200 2015075.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2014288.0000 2014318.0000 2015043.0000 2016001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014290.0000 2015015.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q298 2014:10:10:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E298 2014:10:10:11:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.32_Aqua 10/09/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.31. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R298 2014:10:09:12:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2014288.1200 2014318.1200 2014348.1200 2015013.1200 2015103.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014290.1200 2014320.1200 2014350.1200 2015075.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 10/08/2014. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q297 2014:10:09:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E297 2014:10:09:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.33.0_Aqua 10/01/2014 ============================================================================ This is the initial LUTs for code version V6.1.33. It is same as V6.1.31.3 with only serial numbers changed. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number R297 2014:10:01:12:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q296 2014:10:01:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E296 2014:10:01:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.31.3_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 09/11/2014 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.31.3_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R296 2014:09:11:16:00 m1 and RVS: A reprocess from early 2014 for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q295 2014:09:11:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E295 2014:09:11:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.31.3_Aqua 09/10/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.31.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R295 2014:09:10:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 09/10/2014. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2014260.1200 2014290.1200 2014320.1200 2014350.1200 2015075.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014261.1200 2014291.1200 2014321.1200 2015046.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2014260.0000 2014290.0000 2015015.0000 2016001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014261.0000 2014351.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q294 2014:09:10:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E294 2014:09:10:16:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.31_Aqua 09/09/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.30. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R294 2014:09:09:15:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2014260.1200 2014290.1200 2014320.1200 2014350.1200 2015075.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014261.1200 2014291.1200 2014321.1200 2015046.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 09/09/2014. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q293 2014:09:09:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E293 2014:09:09:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.31.2_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 08/13/2014 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.31.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R293 2014:08:13:10:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q292 2014:08:13:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E292 2014:08:13:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.31.2_Aqua 08/12/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.29_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R292 2014:08:12:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 08/12/2014. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2014231.1200 2014261.1200 2014291.1200 2014321.1200 2015046.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014235.1200 2014265.1200 2014295.1200 2015020.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2014231.0000 2014261.0000 2014351.0000 2016001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014235.0000 2014325.0000 2015001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q291 2014:08:12:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E291 2014:08:12:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2014223.0500 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.30_Aqua 08/12/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.29. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R291 2014:08:12:15:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2014231.1200 2014261.1200 2014291.1200 2014321.1200 2015046.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014235.1200 2014265.1200 2014295.1200 2015020.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 08/12/2014. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q290 2014:08:12:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E290 2014:08:12:15:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2014223.0500 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.29_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 07/17/2014 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.29_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R290 2014:07:17:15:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q289 2014:07:17:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E289 2014:07:17:15:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.29_Aqua 07/17/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.28. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R289 2014:07:17:12:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2014205.1200 2014235.1200 2014265.1200 2014295.1200 2015020.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014214.1200 2014244.1200 2014274.1200 2014364.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 07/16/2014. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q288 2014:07:17:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E288 2014:07:17:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.29_Aqua 07/16/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.28_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R288 2014:07:16:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 07/16/2014. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2014205.1200 2014235.1200 2014265.1200 2014295.1200 2015020.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014214.1200 2014244.1200 2014274.1200 2014364.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2014205.0000 2014235.0000 2014325.0000 2015001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014214.0000 2014304.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q287 2014:07:16:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E287 2014:07:16:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.28_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 06/30/2014 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.28_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R287 2014:06:30:16:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q286 2014:06:30:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E286 2014:06:30:16:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.28_Aqua 06/27/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.27. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R286 2014:06:27:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2014184.1200 2014214.1200 2014244.1200 2014274.1200 2014364.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014199.1200 2014229.1200 2014259.1200 2014349.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q285 2014:06:27:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E285 2014:06:27:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.28_Aqua 06/26/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.27_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R285 2014:06:26:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 06/26/2014. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2014184.1200 2014214.1200 2014244.1200 2014274.1200 2014364.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014200.1200 2014230.1200 2014260.1200 2014350.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2014184.0000 2014214.0000 2014304.0000 2015001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014200.0000 2014290.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q284 2014:06:26:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E284 2014:06:26:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.27_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 06/13/2014 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.27_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R284 2014:06:13:13:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q283 2014:06:13:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E283 2014:06:13:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.27_Aqua 06/12/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.26_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R283 2014:06:12:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 06/11/2014. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2014170.1200 2014200.1200 2014230.1200 2014260.1200 2014350.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014173.1200 2014203.1200 2014233.1200 2014323.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2014170.0000 2014200.0000 2014290.0000 2015001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014173.0000 2014263.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q282 2014:06:12:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E282 2014:06:12:13:00 band_21_b1: Added a new table piece: 2014146.1030 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.27_Aqua 06/11/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.26. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R282 2014:06:11:15:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2014169.1200 2014199.1200 2014229.1200 2014259.1200 2014349.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014173.1200 2014203.1200 2014233.1200 2014323.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 06/11/2014. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q281 2014:06:11:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E281 2014:06:11:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.31.1_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 06/05/2014 ============================================================================ This LUT is same as V6.1.17.26 with only serial numbers changed. This delivery is requested for the post-delivery science testing before the new PGE02 6.1.31 with the SDP Toolkit 5.2.17 is used in the data production. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number R281 2014:06:05:16:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q280 2014:06:05:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E280 2014:06:05:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.26_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 05/20/2014 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.26_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R280 2014:05:20:12:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q279 2014:05:20:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E279 2014:05:20:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.26_Aqua 05/19/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.25_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R279 2014:05:19:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 05/16/2014. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2014143.1200 2014173.1200 2014203.1200 2014233.1200 2014323.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014151.1200 2014181.1200 2014211.1200 2014301.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2014143.0000 2014173.0000 2014263.0000 2015001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014151.0000 2014241.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q278 2014:05:19:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E278 2014:05:19:11:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2014135.0500 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.26_Aqua 05/16/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.25. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R278 2014:05:16:15:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2014143.1200 2014173.1200 2014203.1200 2014233.1200 2014323.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014155.1200 2014185.1200 2014215.1200 2014305.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 05/16/2014. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q277 2014:05:16:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E277 2014:05:16:15:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2014135.0500 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.25_Aqua 04/29/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.24. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R277 2014:04:29:11:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2014155.1200 2014185.1200 2014215.1200 2014305.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014129.1200 2014159.1200 2014189.1200 2014279.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 04/28/2014. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q276 2014:04:29:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E276 2014:04:29:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.25_Aqua 04/25/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.24_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R276 2014:04:25:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 04/25/2014. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2014151.1200 2014181.1200 2014211.1200 2014301.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014129.1200 2014159.1200 2014189.1200 2014279.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2014121.0000 2014151.0000 2014241.0000 2015001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014129.0000 2014219.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q275 2014:04:25:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E275 2014:04:25:15:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.24_Aqua 04/04/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.23. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R275 2014:04:04:14:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2014099.1200 2014129.1200 2014159.1200 2014189.1200 2014279.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014114.1200 2014144.1200 2014174.1200 2014264.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q274 2014:04:04:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E274 2014:04:04:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.24_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 04/03/2014 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.24_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R274 2014:04:03:15:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q273 2014:04:03:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E273 2014:04:03:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.24_Aqua 04/03/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.23_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R273 2014:04:03:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 04/03/2014. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2014099.1200 2014129.1200 2014159.1200 2014189.1200 2014279.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014114.1200 2014144.1200 2014174.1200 2014264.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2014099.0000 2014129.0000 2014219.0000 2015001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014114.0000 2014204.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q272 2014:04:03:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E272 2014:04:03:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.23_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 03/20/2014 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.23_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R272 2014:03:20:13:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q271 2014:03:20:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E271 2014:03:20:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.23_Aqua 03/19/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.22_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R271 2014:03:19:13:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 03/19/2014. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2014084.1200 2014114.1200 2014144.1200 2014174.1200 2014264.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014080.1200 2014110.1200 2014140.1200 2014230.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2014084.0000 2014114.0000 2014204.0000 2015001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014080.0000 2014170.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q270 2014:03:19:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E270 2014:03:19:13:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.23_Aqua 03/18/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.22. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R270 2014:03:18:16:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2014084.1200 2014114.1200 2014144.1200 2014174.1200 2014264.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014089.1200 2014119.1200 2014149.1200 2014239.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 03/18/2014. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q269 2014:03:18:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E269 2014:03:18:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.22_Aqua 02/24/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.21_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number R269 2014:02:24:15:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q268 2014:02:24:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E268 2014:02:24:15:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2014051.0500 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.22_Aqua 02/21/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.21. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R268 2014:02:21:16:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2014059.1200 2014089.1200 2014119.1200 2014149.1200 2014239.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014067.1200 2014097.1200 2014127.1200 2014217.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 02/21/2014. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q267 2014:02:21:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E267 2014:02:21:16:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2014051.0500 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.21_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 02/14/2014 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.21_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R267 2014:02:14:15:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q266 2014:02:14:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E266 2014:02:14:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.21_Aqua 02/12/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.20_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R266 2014:02:12:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 02/12/2014. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2014080.1200 2014110.1200 2014140.1200 2014230.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014051.1200 2014081.1200 2014111.1200 2014201.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2014080.0000 2014170.0000 2015001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014051.0000 2014141.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q265 2014:02:12:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E265 2014:02:12:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.31.0_Aqua 01/30/2014 ============================================================================ This is the initial LUTs for code version V6.1.31. It is same as V6.1.17.20 with only serial numbers changed. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number R265 2014:01:30:12:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q264 2014:01:30:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E264 2014:01:30:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.21_Aqua 01/29/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.20. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R264 2014:01:29:16:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2014037.1200 2014067.1200 2014097.1200 2014127.1200 2014217.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014055.1200 2014085.1200 2014175.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 01/29/2014. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q263 2014:01:29:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E263 2014:01:29:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.20_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 01/15/2014 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.20_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R263 2014:01:15:11:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q262 2014:01:15:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E262 2014:01:15:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.20_Aqua 01/14/2014 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.19_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R262 2014:01:14:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 01/14/2014. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2014021.1200 2014051.1200 2014081.1200 2014111.1200 2014201.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014025.1200 2014055.1200 2014085.1200 2014175.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2014021.0000 2014051.0000 2014141.0000 2015001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014025.0000 2014115.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q261 2014:01:14:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E261 2014:01:14:15:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.20_Aqua 12/20/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.19. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R261 2013:12:20:14:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2013360.1200 2014025.1200 2014055.1200 2014085.1200 2014175.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2014012.1200 2014042.1200 2014132.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 12/19/2013. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q260 2013:12:20:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E260 2013:12:20:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.19_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 12/20/2013 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.19_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R260 2013:12:20:10:00 m1 and RVS: The forward updated LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q259 2013:12:20:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E259 2013:12:20:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.19_Aqua 12/19/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.18_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R259 2013:12:19:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 12/19/2013. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2013360.1200 2014025.1200 2014055.1200 2014085.1200 2014175.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2013359.1200 2014024.1200 2014054.1200 2014144.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2013360.0000 2014025.0000 2014115.0000 2015001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2013359.0000 2014084.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q258 2013:12:19:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E258 2013:12:19:15:00 a0, a2, and band 21 b1: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2013332.1030. uncertainty update: sigma_a0, sigma_a2 and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2013332.1030. ============================================================================ v5.0.41.19_Aqua 11/20/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.18. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R258 2013:11:20:10:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q257 2013:11:20:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E257 2013:11:20:10:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2013322.0500 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.18_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 11/19/2013 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.18_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R257 2013:11:19:16:00 m1 and RVS: The LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q256 2013:11:19:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E256 2013:11:19:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.18_Aqua 11/19/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.17_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R256 2013:11:19:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 11/19/2013. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2013329.1200 2013359.1200 2014024.1200 2014054.1200 2014144.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2013328.1200 2013358.1200 2014023.1200 2014113.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2013329.0000 2013359.0000 2014084.0000 2015001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2013328.0000 2014053.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q255 2013:11:19:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E255 2013:11:19:15:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2013322.0500 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.18_Aqua 11/07/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.17. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R255 2013:11:07:15:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2013317.1200 2013347.1200 2014012.1200 2014042.1200 2014132.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2013336.1200 2014001.1200 2014091.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 11/07/2013. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q254 2013:11:07:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E254 2013:11:07:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.17_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 10/21/2013 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.17_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R254 2013:10:21:15:00 m1 and RVS: The LUTs are generated for Ocean group use only QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q253 2013:10:21:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E253 2013:10:21:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.17_Aqua 10/21/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.16_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R253 2013:10:21:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 10/18/2013. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2013298.1200 2013328.1200 2013358.1200 2014023.1200 2014113.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2014083.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2013298.0000 2013328.1200 2014053.0000 2015001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2014023.0000 uncertainty tables: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2013275.0000 to u1_table, u2_table, u3_table, and u4_table QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q252 2013:10:21:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E252 2013:10:21:10:00 band_21_b1: Added a new table piece: 2013261.1040 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.17_Aqua 09/26/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.16. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R252 2013:09:26:15:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2013276.1200 2013306.1200 2013336.1200 2014001.1200 2014091.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2013270.1200 2013300.1200 2013330.1200 2014055.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 09/26/2013. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q251 2013:09:26:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E251 2013:09:26:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.16_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 09/23/2013 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.16_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R251 2013:09:23:15:00 m1 and RVS: The LUTs before 2013268.0000 are copied from V6.1.17.7_OC6. The forward update after 2013268.0000 (including) are generated using all avaiable on-board calibration data and EV data as of 09/18/2013. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q250 2013:09:23:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E250 2013:09:23:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.16_Aqua 09/18/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.15_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R250 2013:09:18:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 09/18/2013. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2013268.1200 2013298.1200 2013328.1200 2013358.1200 2014083.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2013270.1200 2013300.1200 2013330.1200 2014055.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2013268.0000 2013298.0000 2014023.0000 2015001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2013270.0000 2013360.0000 2014001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q249 2013:09:18:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E249 2013:09:18:15:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.16_Aqua 09/06/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.15. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number R249 2013:09:06:12:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q248 2013:09:06:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E248 2013:09:06:12:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2013244.0500 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.15_Aqua 09/06/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.14_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number R248 2013:09:06:10:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q247 2013:09:06:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E247 2013:09:06:10:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table: Added a new table piece: 2013244.0500 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.14_Aqua 08/26/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.13_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R247 2013:08:26:10:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 08/23/2013. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2013240.1200 2013270.1200 2013300.1200 2013330.1200 2014055.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2013243.1200 2013273.1200 2013363.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2013240.0000 2013270.0000 2013360.0000 2014001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2013303.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q246 2013:08:26:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E246 2013:08:26:10:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.15_Aqua 08/21/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.14. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R246 2013:08:21:16:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2013240.1200 2013270.1200 2013300.1200 2013330.1200 2014055.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2013243.1200 2013273.1200 2013363.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 08/21/2013. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q245 2013:08:21:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E245 2013:08:21:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.7_OC6_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 08/12/2013 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.7_OC5_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R245 2013:08:12:10:00 m1 and RVS: A reprocessing update from November, 2012 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q244 2013:08:12:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E244 2013:08:12:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.7_OC5_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 06/27/2013 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.7_OC4_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R244 2013:06:27:12:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update similar to V6.1.17.13_Aqua QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q243 2013:06:27:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E243 2013:06:27:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.13_Aqua 06/26/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.12_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R243 2013:06:26:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 06/25/2013. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2013183.1200 2013213.1200 2013243.1200 2013273.1200 2013363.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2013188.1200 2013218.1200 2013308.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2013183.1200 2013213.1200 2013303.1200 2014001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2013248.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q242 2013:06:26:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E242 2013:06:26:15:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.14_Aqua 06/25/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.13. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R242 2013:06:25:16:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2013183.1200 2013213.1200 2013243.1200 2013273.1200 2013363.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2013189.1200 2013219.1200 2013309.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 06/25/2013. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q241 2013:06:25:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E241 2013:06:25:16:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.13_Aqua 05/03/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.12. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R241 2013:05:13:15:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2013129.1200 2013159.1200 2013189.1200 2013219.1200 2013309.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2013138.1200 2013168.1200 2013198.1200 2013288.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 05/02/2013. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q240 2013:05:03:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E240 2013:05:03:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.7_OC4_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 05/03/2013 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.7_OC3_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R240 2013:05:03:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update similar to V6.1.17.12_Aqua QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q239 2013:05:03:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E239 2013:05:03:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.12_Aqua 05/02/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.11_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R239 2013:05:02:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 05/02/2013. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2013128.1200 2013158.1200 2013188.1200 2013218.1200 2013308.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2013131.1200 2013161.1200 2013191.1200 2013281.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2013128.0000 2013158.0000 2013248.0000 2014001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2013131.0000 2013221.0000 2014001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q238 2013:05:02:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E238 2013:05:02:15:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.12_Aqua 04/12/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.11. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R238 2013:04:12:13:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2013108.1200 2013138.1200 2013168.1200 2013198.1200 2013288.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2013126.1200 2013156.1200 2013246.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 04/11/2013. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q237 2013:04:12:13:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E237 2013:04:12:13:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.11_Aqua 04/05/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.10_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R237 2013:04:05:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 04/05/2013. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2013101.1200 2013131.1200 2013161.1200 2013191.1200 2013281.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2013096.1200 2013126.1200 2013156.1200 2013246.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2013101.0000 2013131.0000 2013221.0000 2014001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2013096.0000 2013186.0000 2014001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q236 2013:04:05:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E236 2013:04:05:11:00 band 21 b1: A new time stamp 2013091.1040 is added for band_21_b1_table. ============================================================================ v6.1.17.7_OC3_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 03/04/2013 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.7_OC2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R236 2013:03:04:11:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 03/04/2013. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q235 2013:03:04:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E235 2013:03:04:11:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.10_Aqua 03/01/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.9_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R235 2013:03:01:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 03/01/2013. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2013066.1200 2013096.1200 2013126.1200 2013156.1200 2013246.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2013080.1200 2013110.1200 2013140.1200 2013230.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2013066.0000 2013096.0000 2013186.0000 2014001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2013080.0000 2013170.0000 2014001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q234 2013:03:01:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E234 2013:03:01:16:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.11_Aqua 02/28/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.10. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R234 2013:02:28:15:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2013066.1200 2013096.1200 2013126.1200 2013156.1200 2013246.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2013075.1200 2013105.1200 2013135.1200 2013225.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 02/28/2013. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q233 2013:02:28:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E233 2013:02:28:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.9_Aqua 02/12/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.8_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R233 2013:02:12:16:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 02/12/2013. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2013050.1200 2013080.1200 2013110.1200 2013140.1200 2013230.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2013042.1200 2013072.1200 2013162.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2013050.0000 2013080.0000 2013170.0000 2014001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2013102.0000 2014001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q232 2013:02:12:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E232 2013:02:12:16:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.10_Aqua 02/08/2013 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.9. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R232 2013:02:08:16:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2013045.1200 2013075.1200 2013105.1200 2013135.1200 2013225.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2013046.1200 2013076.1200 2013166.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 02/08/2013. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q231 2013:02:08:16:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E231 2013:02:08:16:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.7_OC2_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 02/08/2013 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.7_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R231 2013:02:08:15:00 m1 and RVS: An update since December 2012 using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 02/08/2013. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q230 2013:02:08:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E230 2013:02:08:15:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.9_Aqua 12/11/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.8. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R230 2012:12:11:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2012352.1200 2013016.1200 2013046.1200 2013076.1200 2013166.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2012355.1200 2013019.1200 2013049.1200 2013139.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 12/10/2012. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q229 2012:12:11:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E229 2012:12:11:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.8_Aqua 12/10/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.7_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R229 2012:12:10:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 12/10/2012. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2012348.1200 2013012.1200 2013042.1200 2013072.1200 2013162.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2012357.1200 2013021.1200 2013051.1200 2013141.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2012348.0000 2013012.0000 2013102.0000 2014001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2012341.0000 2013065.0000 2014001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q228 2012:12:10:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E228 2012:12:10:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.7_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 12/04/2012 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.7_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R228 2012:12:04:15:00 m1 and RVS: A reprocessing using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 12/04/2012. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q227 2012:12:04:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E227 2012:12:04:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.7_Aqua 11/15/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.6_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R227 2012:11:15:18:00 m1: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 11/15/2012. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2012327.1200 2012357.1200 2013021.1200 2013051.1200 2013141.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2012341.1200 2013005.1200 2013035.1200 2013125.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q226 2012:11:15:18:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E226 2012:11:15:18:00 uncertainty update: sigma_a0, sigma_a2 and sigma_b1_B21: Added a new table piece at 2012288.1035. ============================================================================ v5.0.41.8_Aqua 11/15/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.7. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R226 2012:11:15:15:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2012325.1200 2012355.1200 2013019.1200 2013049.1200 2013139.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2012320.1200 2012350.1200 2013014.1200 2013104.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q225 2012:11:15:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E225 2012:11:15:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.6_Aqua 11/02/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.5_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R225 2012:11:02:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 11/02/2012. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2012311.1200 2012341.1200 2013005.1200 2013035.1200 2013125.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2012315.1200 2012345.1200 2013009.1200 2013099.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2012311.0000 2012341.0000 2013065.0000 2014001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2012315.0000 2013039.0000 2014001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q224 2012:11:02:15:00 EMISSIVE CHANGED: New serial number E224 2012:11:02:15:00 band 21 b1: A new time stamp 2012288.1035 is added for band_21_b1_table. ============================================================================ v5.0.41.7_Aqua 10/10/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.6. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R224 2012:10:10:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2012290.1200 2012320.1200 2012350.1200 2013014.1200 2013104.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2012294.1200 2012324.1200 2012354.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 10/09/2012. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q223 2012:10:10:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E223 2012:10:10:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.5_Aqua 10/04/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.4_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R223 2012:10:04:15:00 m1 and RVS: A forward update using all available on-board calibration data and EV data as of 10/04/2012. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2012285.1200 2012315.1200 2012345.1200 2013009.1200 2013099.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2012293.1200 2012323.1200 2012353.1200 2013077.1200 Following RVS table pieces were added or updated: 2012285.0000 2012315.0000 2013039.0000 2014001.0000 Following RVS table pieces were removed: 2012312.0000 2013001.0000 uncertainty update: An additional time-stamp has been added for u1,u2,u3 and u4 tables at 2012275.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q222 2012:10:04:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E222 2012:10:04:15:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.6_Aqua 09/14/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.5. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R222 2012:09:14:10:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2012264.1200 2012294.1200 2012324.1200 2012354.1200 2013079.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2012281.1200 2012311.1200 2013035.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q221 2012:09:14:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E221 2012:09:14:10:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.4_Aqua 09/13/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R221 2012:09:13:15:00 m1 : A forward update using all available on-board calibration data as of 09/13/2012. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2012263.1200 2012293.1200 2012323.1200 2012353.1200 2013077.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2012282.1200 2012312.1200 2013036.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q220 2012:09:13:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E220 2012:09:13:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.3_Aqua A test requested by Univ. of Wisconsin group 09/07/2012 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ Please note that this LUT update is for test purpose requested by Univ. of Wisconsin group, it should not be used in the C6 forward data production. LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number R220 2012:09:07:15:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q219 2012:09:07:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E219 2012:09:07:15:00 a0/a2 and sigma_a0/sigma_a2: A revised fitting approach is applied to remove the CFPA temperature effects to a2. The largest impacts should be seen for PC bands (B31-36) – in particular B33, 35, & 36 (bands that saturate during WUCD activities). No impact on PV bands ============================================================================ v5.0.41.5_Aqua 08/02/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.4. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R219 2012:08:02:14:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2012221.1200 2012251.1200 2012281.1200 2012311.1200 2013035.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2012224.1200 2012254.1200 2012284.1200 2013008.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q218 2012:08:02:14:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E218 2012:08:02:14:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.2_Aqua 08/02/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.1_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R218 2012:08:02:12:00 m1 : A forward update using all available on-board calibration data as of 08/01/2012. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2012222.1200 2012252.1200 2012282.1200 2012312.1200 2013036.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2013006.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q217 2012:08:02:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E217 2012:08:02:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.4_Aqua 07/06/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.3. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R217 2012:07:06:12:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2012194.1200 2012224.1200 2012254.1200 2012284.1200 2013008.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2012193.1200 2012223.1200 2012253.1200 2012343.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 07/05/2012. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q216 2012:07:06:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E216 2012:07:06:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.1_Aqua 07/05/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.17.0_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R216 2012:07:05:12:00 m1 & RVS: A forward update using all available SD, Moon, SRCA and EV data as of 07/03/2012. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2012192.1200 2012222.1200 2012252.1200 2012282.1200 2013006.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2012195.1200 2012225.1200 2012255.1200 2012345.1200 Following rvs table pieces were added or updated: 2012192.0000 2012222.0000 2012312.0000 2013001.0000 Following rvs table pieces were removed: 2012195.0000 2012285.0000 2013001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q215 2012:07:05:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E215 2012:07:05:12:00 a0/a2, sigma_a0/sigma_a2: Added a new table piece: 2012183.0000 ============================================================================ v6.1.17.0_Aqua 06/21/2012 ============================================================================ This is the initial LUTs for code version V6.1.17. It is same as V6.1.15.6 with only serial numbers changed. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number R215 2012:06:21:15:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q214 2012:06:21:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E214 2012:06:21:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.15.6_Aqua 06/05/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.15.5_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R214 2012:06:05:17:00 m1 & RVS: A forward update using all available SD, Moon, SRCA and EV data as of 06/05/2012. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2012165.1200 2012195.1200 2012225.1200 2012255.1200 2012345.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2012162.1200 2012192.1200 2012222.1200 2012312.1200 Following rvs table pieces were added or updated: 2012165.0000 2012195.0000 2012285.0000 2013001.0000 Following rvs table pieces were removed: 2012162.0000 2012252.0000 2013001.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q213 2012:06:05:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS Not CHANGED New serial number E213 2012:06:05:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.3_Aqua 06/04/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.2. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R213 2012:06:04:17:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2012163.1200 2012193.1200 2012223.1200 2012253.1200 2012343.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2012162.1200 2012192.1200 2012222.1200 2012312.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 06/04/2012. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q212 2012:06:04:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E212 2012:06:04:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.15.5_Aqua 05/07/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.15.4_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R212 2012:05:07:12:00 m1 & RVS: A forward update using all available SD, Moon, SRCA and EV data as of 05/04/2012. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2012132.1200 2012162.1200 2012192.1200 2012222.1200 2012312.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2012138.1200 2012168.1200 2012198.1200 2012288.1200 Following rvs table pieces were added or updated: 2012132.0000 2012162.0000 2012252.0000 2013001.0000 Following rvs table pieces were removed: 2012138.0000 2012228.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q211 2012:05:07:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E211 2012:05:07:12:00 a0/a2, band_21_b1: Added a new table piece: 2012121.1040 bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table and bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table Added a new table piece: 2012121.1040 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.2_Aqua 05/04/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.41.1. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R211 2012:05:04:17:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2012132.1200 2012162.1200 2012192.1200 2012222.1200 2012312.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2012133.1200 2012163.1200 2012193.1200 2012283.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been forward updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 05/04/2012. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q210 2012:05:04:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E210 2012:05:04:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.15.4_Aqua 04/10/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.15.3_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R210 2012:04:10:12:00 m1 & RVS: A forward update using all available SD, Moon, SRCA and EV data as of 04/09/2012. Following m1 table pieces were added or updated: 2012108.1200 2012138.1200 2012168.1200 2012198.1200 2012288.1200 Following m1 table pieces were removed: 2012125.1200 2012155.1200 2012245.1200 Following rvs table pieces were added or updated: 2012108.0000 2012138.0000 2012228.0000 2013001.0000 Following rvs table pieces were removed: 2012185.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q209 2012:04:10:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E209 2012:04:10:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.1_Aqua 04/09/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.28. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R209 2012:04:09:12:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2012103.1200 2012133.1200 2012163.1200 2012193.1200 2012283.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2012105.1200 2012135.1200 2012165.1200 2012255.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 04/09/2012. QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q208 2012:04:09:12:00 detector_quality_flag_values: Similar to the update in v6.1.15.3_Aqua, a new time stamp 2012072.0000 is added to flag Band 6 Dector 7 (prod order) as "Noisy". Bits for this time(2012072.0000) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2012072.0000 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 6 ( 5) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E208 2012:04:09:12:00 To incorporate the algorithm update of default b1 calculation, the same lut patches are updated as in v5.0.41.0, 3 new luts added: bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table; bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table; bb_t_sat_default_b1_Tlwir_baseline_aqua_table 1 lut removed: bb_t_sat_default_b1_aqua_table ============================================================================ v6.1.15.3_Aqua 03/12/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.15.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R208 2012:03:12:12:00 m1 & RVS: A forward update using all available SD, Moon, SRCA and EV data. QA LUTS CHANGED: New serial number Q207 2012:03:12:12:00 detector_quality_flag_values: The SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) of Band 6 Dector 7 (product order) did not meet the specification since 2011182.0000. A new timestamp, 2011182.0000, is added to flag this detector as "Noisy". The same change is also included in the most recent time stamp 2012022.1510. Bits for the time(2012022.1510) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2012022.1510 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 6 ( 5) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E207 2012:03:12:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.28_Aqua 03/08/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.27. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R207 2012:03:08:17:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2012075.1200 2012105.1200 2012135.1200 2012165.1200 2012255.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2012093.1200 2012123.1200 2012213.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q206 2012:03:08:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E206 2012:03:08:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.15.2_Aqua 02/10/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.15.1_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R206 2012:02:10:17:00 m1 & RVS: A forward update from January 25, 2011 using all available SD, Moon and EV data. QA LUTS CHANGED: New serial number Q205 2012:02:10:17:00 detector_quality_flag_values: Same as in V5.0.39.27 update, a new table stamped at 2012022.1510 is added to set Aqua Band 29 detector #6 in Product Order (detector #5 in SBRS order) to be a Noisy Detector. Bits for this time(2012022.1510) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2012022.1510 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 6 ( 5) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E205 2012:02:10:17:00 UI LUTs update sigma_a0_table, sigma_a2_table, sigma_b1_B21_table: Added a new table with the time stamp 2012001.0000 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.27_Aqua 02/08/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.26. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R205 2012:02:08:12:00 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 02/07/2012. QA LUTS CHANGED New serial number Q204 2012:02:08:12:00 detector_quality_flag_values: Added a new table stamped at 2012022.1510 to set Aqua Band 29 detector #6 in Product Order (detector #5 in SBRS order) to be a Noisy Detector since its NEdT exceeded the spec. All other Detector Quality Flags in the new table piece remain the same as those in the time stamped table piece 2010320.2340. Bits for this time(2012022.1510) are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2012022.1510 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 6 ( 5) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E204 2012:02:08:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.26_Aqua 01/25/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.25. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R204 2012:01:25:17:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2012033.1200 2012063.1200 2012093.1200 2012123.1200 2012213.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2012046.1200 2012076.1200 2012106.1200 2012196.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q203 2012:01:25:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E203 2012:01:25:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.25_Aqua 01/10/2012 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.24. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R203 2012:01:10:12:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2012016.1200 2012046.1200 2012076.1200 2012106.1200 2012196.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2012021.1200 2012051.1200 2012081.1200 2012171.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 01/09/2012. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q202 2012:01:10:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E202 2012:01:10:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.3_OC11_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 12/22/2011 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.3_OC10_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R202 2011:12:22:17:00 m1, sigma_m1 and rvs_rsb: All LUTs have been reprocessed through the entire mission using all available EV,SRCA,SD and lunar data as of 12/20/2011. Please note that no SD bias correction is applied in m1, and RSB RVS LUTs are not det-dependent. dn_sat_ev: Updated to V6.1.15.1. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q201 2011:12:22:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E201 2011:12:22:17:00 a0, a2 and band 21 b1: Updated to V6.1.15.0 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.24_Aqua 12/21/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.23. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R201 2011:12:21:12:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2012021.1200 2012051.1200 2012081.1200 2012171.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011364.1200 2012029.1200 2012059.1200 2012149.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 12/20/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q200 2011:12:21:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E200 2011:12:21:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.23_Aqua 11/23/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.22. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R200 2011:11:23:12:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2011334.1200 2011364.1200 2012029.1200 2012059.1200 2012149.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011343.1200 2012008.1200 2012038.1200 2012128.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q199 2011:11:23:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E199 2011:11:23:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.15.1_Aqua 11/17/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.15.0_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R199 2011:11:17:17:00 m1 & RVS: All LUTs have been reprocessed through the entire mission using the most recent EV,SRCA,SD and lunar data. An alternative approach (II) using EV dn and on-board lunar measurements has been applied to Bands 8 and 9 to derive m1 and rvs tables. dn_sat_ev: Entire mission update for the RSB pre-saturation table. UI LUTs update u1_table and u3_table: Added a new table with the time stamp 2011000.0000 u2_table and u4_table: Entire mission update QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q198 2011:11:17:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E198 2011:11:17:17:00 UI LUTs update sigma_a0_table, sigma_a2_table, sigma_b1_B21_table: Added a new table with the time stamp 2011001.0000 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.22_Aqua 11/10/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.21. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R198 2011:11:10:17:00 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 11/10/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q197 2011:11:10:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E197 2011:11:10:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.21_Aqua 11/03/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.20. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R197 2011:11:03:12:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2011313.1200 2011343.1200 2012008.1200 2012038.1200 2012128.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011324.1200 2011354.1200 2012019.1200 2012109.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q196 2011:11:03:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E196 2011:11:03:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.3_OC10_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 10/21/2011 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.3_OC9_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R196 2011:10:21:12:00 m1, sigma_m1 and rvs_rsb: All LUTs have been reprocessed through the entire mission using all available EV,SRCA,SD and lunar data as of 10/20/2011. Please note that no SD bias correction is applied in m1, and RSB RVS LUTs are not det-dependent. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q195 2011:10:21:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E195 2011:10:21:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.20_Aqua 10/14/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.19. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R195 2011:10:14:12:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2011294.1200 2011324.1200 2011354.1200 2012019.1200 2012109.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011302.1200 2011332.1200 2011362.1200 2012087.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 09/06/2011. dn_sat_ev: added a new timestamp: 2011284.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q194 2011:10:14:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E194 2011:10:14:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.19_Aqua 9/22/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.18. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R194 2011:09:22:15:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2011272.1200 2011302.1200 2011332.1200 2011362.1200 2012087.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011280.1200 2011310.1200 2011340.1200 2012065.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q193 2011:09:22:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E193 2011:09:22:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.15.0_Aqua Collection 6 for internal test only 09/07/2011 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ This is the initial LUTs for code version V6.1.15. LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.13.0_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R193 2011:09:07:17:00 UI LUTs update: u1_table, u2_table and u3_table QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q192 2011:09:07:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E192 2011:09:07:17:00 a0, a2 and band 21 b1: added a new table with the time stamp 2011150.1040 UI LUTs update: sigma_a2_table The algorithm update of default b1 calculation similar to V5.0.41.0: 3 new luts added: bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table; bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table; bb_t_sat_default_b1_Tlwir_baseline_aqua_table 1 lut removed: bb_t_sat_default_b1_aqua_table ============================================================================ v6.1.7.3_OC9_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 09/06/2011 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.3_OC8_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R192 2011:09:06:12:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2011257.1200 2011287.1200 2011317.1200 2011347.1200 2012072.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011270.1200 2011300.1200 2012025.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD, Moon, SRCA and EV data as of 09/06/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q191 2011:09:06:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E191 2011:09:06:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.18_Aqua 9/01/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.17. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number R191 2011:09:01:12:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2011250.1200 2011280.1200 2011310.1200 2011340.1200 2012065.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011269.1200 2011299.1200 2012029.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q190 2011:09:01:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E190 2011:09:01:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.41.0_Aqua 8/03/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.17. REFLECTIVE LUTS not changed: New serial number R190 2011:08:03:17:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q189 2011:08:03:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E189 2011:08:03:17:00 The following changes are due to the algorithm update of default b1 calculation (only affect Aqua bands 33, 35 and 36 during blackbody warm up/cool down): 3 new luts added: bb_t_sat_default_b1_baseline_aqua_table; bb_t_sat_default_b1_c1_aqua_table; bb_t_sat_default_b1_Tlwir_baseline_aqua_table 1 lut removed: bb_t_sat_default_b1_aqua_table ============================================================================ v6.1.7.3_OC8_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 07/21/2011 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.3_OC7_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R189 2011:07:21:17:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2011210.1200 2011240.1200 2011270.1200 2011300.1200 2012025.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011219.1200 2011249.1200 2011279.1200 2012004.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD, Moon, SRCA and EV data as of 07/20/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q188 2011:07:21:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E188 2011:07:21:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.17_Aqua 7/20/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.16. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R188 2011:07:20:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2011209.1200 2011239.1200 2011269.1200 2011299.1200 2012024.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011219.1200 2011249.1200 2011279.1200 2012004.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs were updated using all the available SD and Moon events till 7/20/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q187 2011:07:20:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E187 2011:07:20:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.3_OC7_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 06/30/2011 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.3_OC6_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R187 2011:06:30:17:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2011189.1200 2011219.1200 2011249.1200 2011279.1200 2012004.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011208.1200 2011238.1200 2011268.1200 2011358.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD, Moon, SRCA and EV data as of 06/29/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q186 2011:06:30:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E186 2011:06:30:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.16_Aqua 6/30/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.15. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R186 2011:06:30:12:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2011189.1200 2011219.1200 2011249.1200 2011279.1200 2012004.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011205.1200 2011235.1200 2011265.1200 2011355.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs were updated using all the available SD and Moon events till 6/29/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q185 2011:06:30:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E185 2011:06:30:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.3_OC6_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 06/20/2011 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.3_OC5_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R185 2011:06:20:17:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added or updated: 2011178.1200 2011208.1200 2011238.1200 2011268.1200 2011358.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011328.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD, Moon, SRCA and EV data as of 06/17/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q184 2011:06:20:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E184 2011:06:20:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.15_Aqua 6/20/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.14. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R184 2011:06:20:12:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2011175.1200 2011205.1200 2011235.1200 2011265.1200 2011355.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011178.1200 2011208.1200 2011238.1200 2011328.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs were updated using all the available SD and Moon events till 6/17/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q183 2011:06:20:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E183 2011:06:20:12:00 band 21 b1: added a new time stamp: 2011150.1040 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.3_OC5_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 05/20/2011 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.3_OC4_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R183 2011:05:20:17:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added: 2011148.1200 2011178.1200 2011208.1200 2011238.1200 2011328.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011145.1200 2011175.1200 2011205.1200 2011295.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD, Moon, SRCA and EV data as of 05/18/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q182 2011:05:20:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E182 2011:05:20:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.14_Aqua 5/20/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.13. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R182 2011:05:20:12:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2011148.1200 2011178.1200 2011208.1200 2011238.1200 2011328.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011168.1200 2011198.1200 2011228.1200 2011318.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs were updated using all the available SD and Moon events till 5/18/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q181 2011:05:20:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E181 2011:05:20:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.13_Aqua 5/10/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.12. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R181 2011:05:10:15:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2011138.1200 2011168.1200 2011198.1200 2011228.1200 2011318.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011155.1200 2011185.1200 2011215.1200 2011305.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs were updated using most updated SD and Moon events till 4/27/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q180 2011:05:10:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E180 2011:05:10:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.3_OC4_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 05/05/2011 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.3_OC3_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R180 2011:05:05:17:00 m1, sigma_m1 & RVS: All LUTs have been reprocessed through the entire mission using all available EV,SRCA,SD and lunar data as of 5/5/2011. Please note that no SD bias correction is applied in m1, and RSB RVS LUTs are not det-dependent. QA LUTS CHANGED: New serial number Q179 2011:05:05:17:00 Similar to the change in V6.1.7.3_OC_Aqua, several updates were added to address the fluctuation between noisy and inoperable behavior for B27 D3 (product order). Time stamps for each change of noise state were added: 2010336.0755 -> Noisy 2010337.0000 -> Dead 2010339.0520 -> Noisy EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E179 2011:05:05:17:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_aqua: A LUT with time-stamp 2009206.0300 is derived by a modified approach. ============================================================================ v5.0.39.12_Aqua 4/27/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.11. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R179 2011:04:27:15:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2011155.1200 2011185.1200 2011215.1200 2011305.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011145.1200 2011175.1200 2011205.1200 2011295.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs were updated using most updated SD and Moon events till 4/27/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q178 2011:04:27:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E178 2011:04:27:15:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.11_Aqua 4/20/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.10. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R178 2011:04:20:13:34 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2011115.1200 2011145.1200 2011175.1200 2011205.1200 2011295.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011121.1200 2011151.1200 2011241.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs were updated using most updated SD and Moon events till 4/14/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q177 2011:04:20:13:34 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E177 2011:04:20:13:34 ============================================================================ v6.1.13.0_Aqua Collection 6 for internal test only 04/14/2011 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ This is the initial LUTs for code version V6.1.13. It is same as V6.1.11.0 with only serial numbers changed. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number R177 2011:04:14:17:38 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q176 2011:04:14:17:38 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E176 2011:04:14:17:38 ============================================================================ v6.1.11.0_Aqua Internal test only 4/07/2011 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.3 REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R176 2011:04:07:17:00 LUTs change for uncertainty calculation: 6 new tables are added for new uncertainty algorithm: u1_table; u2_table; u3_table; u4_table; swir_ui_factor_table; u2_frames_table 8 tables are obsolete: rsb_nedl_table; sigma_m1_table; sigma_rsb_adc_table; sigma_rvs_rsb_table; sigma_k_inst_table; sigma_t_inst_table; sigma_pv_resid_elec_table; sigma_r_star_lin_resid_ucoeff_table m1 & RVS: All LUTs have been reprocessed through the entire mission using the most recent EV,SRCA,SD and lunar data. Alternative approach has been applied for Bands 8 and 9 using EV dn and on-board lunar measurements to derive m1 and rvs tables. QA LUTS CHANGED: New serial number Q175 2011:04:07:17:00 detector_quality_flag_values: Similar to the change in V6.1.7.3_OC_Aqua, several updates were added to address the fluctuation between noisy and inoperable behavior for B27 D3 (product order). Time stamps for each change of noise state were added: 2010336.0755 -> Noisy 2010337.0000 -> Dead 2010339.0520 -> Noisy EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number E175 2011:04:07:17:00 bb_t_sat_default_b1_aqua: A LUT with time-stamp 2009206.0300 is derived by a modified approach. LUTs change for uncertainty calculation: 11 new tables are added for new uncertainty algorithm: sigma_L_Tbb_table; sigma_L_Tcav_table; sigma_L_Tsm_table; sigma_L_lambda_table; sigma_RVS_ev_table; sigma_a0_table; sigma_a2_table; sigma_b1_B21_table; sigma_epsilon_bb_table; sigma_epsilon_cav_table; pcx_ui_factor_table 5 tables are obsolete: band_21_uncert_lsat_table sigma_teb_adc_table sigma_teb_pv_resid_elec_table ucoeff_calibr_resid_table ucoeff_table ============================================================================ v6.1.7.3_OC3_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 03/21/2011 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.3_OC2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R175 2011:03:21:17:00 m1, sigma m1: Predicted from the fitting based on updated SDSM and SD calibrations. Following table pieces were added: 2011085.1200 2011115.1200 2011145.1200 2011175.1200 2011265.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011102.1200 2011192.1200 2011282.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD, Moon, SRCA and EV data as of 03/18/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q174 2011:03:21:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E174 2011:03:21:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.10_Aqua 2/24/2011 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.9. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R174 2011:02:24:15:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2011061.1200 2011091.1200 2011121.1200 2011151.1200 2011241.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011059.1200 2011089.1200 2011179.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 02/24/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number Q173 2011:02:24:15:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E173 2011:02:24:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.3_OC2_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 02/04/2011 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.3_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R173 2011:02:04:17:00 m1, sigma m1: Following table pieces were added: 2011042.1200 2011072.1200 2011102.1200 2011192.1200 2011282.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011055.1200 2011085.1200 2011175.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 02/04/2011. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q172 2011:02:04:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E172 2011:02:04:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.9_Aqua 12/22/2010 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.8. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R172 2010:12:22:15:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2010364.1200 2011029.1200 2011059.1200 2011089.1200 2011179.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2011007.1200 2011037.1200 2011067.1200 2011157.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 12/22/2010. QA LUTS CHANGED: New serial number Q171 2010:12:22:15:00 detector_quality_flag_values: Several updates were added to address the behavior of B27 D3 (product order) beginning on 2010260.0625. B27 D3 fluctuated between noisy and inoperable behavior. Time stamps for each change of noise state were added: 2010260.0625 -> Inoperable 2010265.1505 -> Noisy 2010270.0420 -> Inoperable 2010279.1915 -> Noisy 2010302.2010 -> Inoperable 2010304.0235 -> Noisy 2010308.2235 -> Inoperable 2010311.0450 -> Noisy 2010320.2340 -> Inoperable EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E171 2010:12:22:15:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.3_Aqua internal test only 12/16/2010 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.3_OC REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R171 2010:12:16:17:00 m1, sigma_m1 and rvs_rsb: This is an entire mission update. All LUTs are re-generated using the most recently updated Lunar, SD, SRCA and EV measurements. SD detector bias correction and detector-dependent RVS are applied to bands 8 to 12. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q170 2010:12:16:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E170 2010:12:16:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.3_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 12/13/2010 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R170 2010:12:13:17:00 m1, sigma_m1 and rvs_rsb: All LUTs are re-generated using the most recently updated Lunar, SD, SRCA and EV measurements. Please note that no SD bias correction is applied in m1, and RVS LUTs is not det-dependent for all RSB bands. QA LUTS CHANGED: New serial number Q169 2010:12:13:17:00 detector_quality_flag_values: Several updates were added to address the behavior of B27 D3 (product order) beginning on 2010260.0625. B27 D3 fluctuated between noisy and inoperable behavior. Time stamps for each change of noise state were added: 2010260.0625 -> Inoperable 2010265.1505 -> Noisy 2010270.0420 -> Inoperable 2010279.1915 -> Noisy 2010302.2010 -> Inoperable 2010304.0235 -> Noisy 2010308.2235 -> Inoperable 2010311.0450 -> Noisy 2010320.2340 -> Inoperable EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E169 2010:12:13:17:00 a0_table and a2_table: The C6 WUCD (warmup-cooldown) analysis procedures were modified to account for any on-orbit drift of coefficients. This new procedure is applied to B20,22-25,27-30 and 33-36. Bands 31 and 32 are dervied on-orbit. The revised C6 LUT delivery contains one new timestamp for a0/a2, for a total of 2: 1. 2002001.0000 (pre-launch) 2. 2009208.1050 band_21_b1: Removed 1 table at: 2009292.1030 Added 2 tables at: 2009208.1050, 2010263.1040 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.8_Aqua 12/02/2010 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.7. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R169 2010:12:02:12:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2010342.1200 2011007.1200 2011037.1200 2011067.1200 2011157.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2010352.1200 2011017.1200 2011047.1200 2011137.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 12/01/2010. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q168 2010:12:02:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E168 2010:12:02:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.9.0_Aqua Collection 6 for internal test only 11/15/2010 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ This is the initial LUTs for code version V6.1.9. It is same as V6.1.7.2 with only serial numbers changed. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number R168 2010:11:15:17:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q167 2010:11:15:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E167 2010:11:15:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.7_Aqua 11/10/2010 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.6. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R167 2010:11:10:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2010322.1200 2010352.1200 2011017.1200 2011047.1200 2011137.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2010340.1200 2011005.1200 2011095.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 11/10/2010. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q166 2010:11:10:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E166 2010:11:10:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.2_OC2_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 10/27/2010 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.2_OC1_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R166 2010:10:27:17:00 m1, sigma_m1 and rvs_rsb: Similar to v6.1.7.2_OC1_Aqua, except that m1, sigma m1 and RVS are forward updated using the most recent SDSM, SD, Lunar, SRCA and EV measurements. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q165 2010:10:27:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E165 2010:10:27:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.6_Aqua 09/30/2010 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.5. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R165 2010:09:30:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2010280.1200 2010310.1200 2010340.1200 2011005.1200 2011095.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2010290.1200 2010320.1200 2010350.1200 2011075.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 09/30/2010. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q164 2010:09:30:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E164 2010:09:30:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.5_Aqua 09/09/2010 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.4. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R164 2010:09:09:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2010260.1200 2010290.1200 2010320.1200 2010350.1200 2011075.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2010277.1200 2010307.1200 2011032.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q163 2010:09:09:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E163 2010:09:09:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.4_Aqua 07/28/2010 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.3. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R163 2010:07:28:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2010217.1200 2010247.1200 2010277.1200 2010307.1200 2011032.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2010218.1200 2010258.1200 2010288.1200 2011013.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q162 2010:07:28:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E162 2010:07:28:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.2_OC1_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 07/19/2010 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R162 2010:07:19:17:00 m1, sigma_m1 and rvs_rsb: Similar to v6.1.7.2_Aqua, all LUTs are re-generated using the most recently updated Lunar, SD, SRCA and EV measurements, except that no SD bias correction is applied, and RVS LUTs is not det-dependent for all RSB bands. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q161 2010:07:19:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E161 2010:07:19:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.2_Aqua internal test only 06/30/2010 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.1 (The last reprocess before the collection 6 L1B data production) REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R161 2010:06:30:17:00 m1, sigma_m1 and rvs_rsb: This is an entire mission update. All LUTs are re-generated using the most recently updated Lunar, SD, SRCA and EV measurements. dn_sat: Added a new time stamp: 2010132.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q160 2010:06:30:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E160 2010:06:30:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.3_Aqua 06/30/2010 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.2. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R160 2010:06:30:12:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2010188.1200 2010218.1200 2010258.1200 2010288.1200 2011013.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2010204.1200 2010234.1200 2010264.1200 2010354.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 06/30/2010. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q159 2010:06:30:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E159 2010:06:30:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.2_Aqua 06/17/2010 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.39.1. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R159 2010:06:17:12:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2010174.1200 2010204.1200 2010234.1200 2010264.1200 2010354.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2010194.1200 2010224.1200 2010314.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 06/16/2010. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q158 2010:06:17:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E158 2010:06:17:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.1_OC3_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 05/27/2010 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION (internal test only) ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.1_OC2_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R158 2010:05:27:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2010154.1200 2010184.1200 2010214.1200 2010244.1200 2010334.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2010167.1200 2010257.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD, SRCA, Moon and EV data as of 05/26/2010. RVS LUTs are not detector-dependent. Bands 17, 18 and 19 mirror side2 do not use EV data anymore. A two-point linear fitting using SD and Moon data is applied instead. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q157 2010:05:27:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E157 2010:05:27:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.1_Aqua 05/06/2010 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.37.8. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R157 2010:05:06:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2010134.1200, 2010164.1200 2010194.1200 2010224.1200 2010314.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2010126.1200, 2010156.1200 2010186.1200 2010276.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 05/06/2010. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q156 2010:05:06:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E156 2010:05:06:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.1_OC2_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 03/31/2010 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION (internal test only) ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.1_OC_Aqua REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R156 2010:03:31:12:00 The following m1 tables and sigma m1 tables from the last delivery were regenerated using reprocessed measurements, 2010107.1200 2010137.1200 2010167.1200 2010257.1200 The forward RVS LUTs are generated using the most recently updated SD, SRCA, Moon and EV data. RVS LUTs are not detector-dependent. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q155 2010:03:31:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E155 2010:03:31:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.37.8_Aqua 03/30/2010 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.37.7. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R155 2010:03:30:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2010096.1200 2010126.1200 2010156.1200 2010186.1200 2010276.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2010100.1200 2010130.1200 2010160.1200 2010250.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 03/29/2010. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q154 2010:03:30:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E154 2010:03:30:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.37.7_Aqua 03/04/2010 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.37.6. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R154 2010:03:04:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2010070.1200 2010100.1200 2010130.1200 2010160.1200 2010250.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2010084.1200 2010114.1200 2010144.1200 2010234.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 03/04/2010. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q153 2010:03:04:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E153 2010:03:04:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.1_Aqua Collection 6 baseline for internal test only 02/25/2010 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.0 REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R153 2010:02:25:19:00 1. Measured m1 tables have been reprocessed with the most-recent SD degradation and SDSM D9 correction factor. 2. RVS LUTs have been reprocessed using the most recently updated SD, SRCA, EV and lunar measurements. 3. SD detector bias correction is applied to bands 8-12 only, and detector-dependent RVS is applied to bands 8-12 only. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q152 2010:02:25:19:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E152 2010:02:25:19:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.1_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Color Group only 02/25/2010 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION (internal test only) ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.7.0 REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R152 2010:02:25:18:00 1. Measured m1 tables have been reprocessed with the most-recent SD degradation and SDSM D9 correction factor. 2. RVS LUTs have been reprocessed using the most recently updated SD, SRCA, EV and lunar measurements. 3. No SD bias correction is applied, and RVS LUTs is not det-dependent for all RSB bands. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q151 2010:02:25:18:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E151 2010:02:25:18:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.39.0_Aqua 02/25/2010 ============================================================================ Same as V5.0.37.6 with only serial numbers changed for PGE02 V5.0.39. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R151 2010:02:25:17:00 QA LUTS: New serial number Q150 2010:02:25:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS: New serial number E150 2010:02:25:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.37.6_Aqua 02/16/2010 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.37.5. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R150 2010:02:16:12:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2010084.1200 2010114.1200 2010144.1200 2010234.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2010071.1200 2010101.1200 2010191.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 02/12/2010. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q149 2010:02:16:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E149 2010:02:16:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.37.5_Aqua 01/05/2010 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.37.4. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R149 2010:01:05:12:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2010011.1200 2010041.1200 2010071.1200 2010101.1200 2010191.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2010007.1200 2010037.1200 2010067.1200 2010157.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 01/04/2010. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q148 2010:01:05:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E148 2010:01:05:12:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.7.0_Aqua Collection 6 baseline for internal test only 12/09/2009 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.5.0 REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R148 2009:12:09:17:00 1. Measured m1 tables have been reprocessed with the most-recent SD degradation and SDSM D9 correction factor. 2. RVS LUTs have been reprocessed using the most recently updated SD, SRCA, EV and lunar measurements. 3. SD detector bias correction is applied to bands 8-12 only, and detector-dependent RVS is applied to bands 8-12 only. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q147 2009:12:09:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS changed: New serial number E147 2009:12:09:17:00 1 new time stamp: 2009292.1030 for band_21_b1_table. ============================================================================ v6.1.7.0_OC_Aqua Special version for SeaWIFS Group only 12/03/2009 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION (internal test only) ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.5.0 REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R147 2009:12:03:17:00 1. Measured m1 tables have been reprocessed with the most-recent SD degradation and SDSM D9 correction factor. 2. RVS LUTs have been reprocessed using the most recently updated SD, SRCA, EV and lunar measurements. 3. No SD bias correction is applied, and RVS LUTs is not det-dependent for all RSB bands. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q146 2009:12:03:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E146 2009:12:03:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.37.4_Aqua 12/01/2009 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.37.3. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R146 2009:12:01:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2009342.1200 2010007.1200 2010037.1200 2010067.1200 2010157.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2009343.1200 2010008.1200 2010038.1200 2010128.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 12/01/2009. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q145 2009:12:01:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E145 2009:12:01:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.37.3_Aqua 11/02/2009 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.37.2. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R145 2009:11:02:12:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2009313.1200 2009343.1200 2010008.1200 2010038.1200 2010128.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2009317.1200 2009347.1200 2010012.1200 2010102.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 11/02/2009. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q144 2009:11:02:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E144 2009:11:02:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.37.2_Aqua 10/07/2009 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.37.1. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R144 2009:10:07:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2009287.1200 2009317.1200 2009347.1200 2010012.1200 2010102.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2009293.1200 2010018.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 10/07/2009. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q143 2009:10:07:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E143 2009:10:07:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.5.0_ALT_Aqua Collection 6 alternative m1/rvs 09/08/2009 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION (internal test only) ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.5.0_Aqua. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R143 2009:09:08:17:00 m1, sigma_m1 and rvs_rsb: m1 and RVS LUTs are derived from the alternative approach using the earth-view dns and lunar m1s. The alternative approach has been applied only for Band 8 after day 1000 (since Jan. 1, 2002) and the remaining LUTs should be exactly the same to V6.1.5.0_Aqua. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q142 2009:09:08:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E142 2009:09:08:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.5.0_Aqua Collection 6 baseline for internal test only 08/28/2009 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ This is the initial LUTs for code version V6.1.5. LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.3.0 REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R142 2009:08:28:17:00 1. All the measured m1 tables since the last delivery (after 2009/110) have been reprocessed with the most-recent SD degradation and SDSM D9 correction factor. 2. Updated EV dn trending has been used to correct for the SD calibration bias (delta m1) and the delta m1 corrected measured m1s have been used in the m1 fitting algorithm 3. All the m1 and sigma m1 LUTs after 2009/110 have been regenerated using the data described above. 4. RVS LUTs after day 2009/110 have been updated using the most updated SD,SRCA,EV and lunar measurements. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q141 2009:08:28:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E141 2009:08:28:17:00 A new table: "bb_t_sat_default_b1_aqua_table.2009206.0300" is derived from Aqua on-orbit Blackbody Warm-up/Cool-down activity 2009206-208, OA-26. ============================================================================ v6.1.3.0_Aqua Collection 6 baseline for internal test only 07/22/2009 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ This is the initial LUTs for code version V6.1.3. It is same as V6.1.1.2 with only serial numbers changed. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number R141 2009:07:22:17:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q140 2009:07:22:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E140 2009:07:22:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.37.1_Aqua 07/15/2009 ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.37.0. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R140 2009:07:15:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2009203.1200 2009233.1200 2009263.1200 2009293.1200 2010018.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2009200.1200 2009230.1200 2009320.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 07/15/2009. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q139 2009:07:15:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E139 2009:07:15:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.37.0_Aqua 06/29/2009 ============================================================================ Same as V5.0.35.12 with only serial numbers changed for PGE02 V5.0.37. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R139 2009:06:29:12:00 QA LUTS: New serial number Q138 2009:06:29:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS: New serial number E138 2009:06:29:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.35.12_OC2_Aqua Special version for SeaWIFS Group only 06/15/2009 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.1.2_ALT This LUT is actually same with V6.1.1.2_ALT_Aqua, except that the serial numbers and version number use Version 5 format, and there is no detector_quality_flag2_values table in QA LUT. The purpose of this delivery is to let SeaWIFS group test collection 6 alternative m1/rvs using collection 5 code. REFLECTIVE LUTS not changed: New serial number R138 2009:06:15:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS not changed: New serial number E137 2009:06:15:12:00 QA LUTS changed: New serial number Q137 2009:06:15:12:00 detector_quality_flag2_values table is removed ============================================================================ v6.1.1.2_ALT_Aqua Collection 6 alternative m1/rvs 05/12/2009 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION (internal test only) ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.1.2. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R137 2009:06:15:12:00 m1, sigma_m1 and rvs_rsb: m1 and RVS LUTs are derived from the alternative approach using the earth-view dns and lunar m1s. The alternative approach has been applied only for Band 8 after day 1000 (since Jan. 1, 2002) and the remaining LUTs should be exactly the same to V6.1.1.2_Aqua. EMISSIVE LUTS not changed: New serial number E136 2009:06:15:12:00 QA LUTS not changed: New serial number Q136 2009:06:15:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.35.12_OC1_Aqua Special version for SeaWIFS Group only 05/19/2009 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.1.2 This LUT is actually same with the collection 6 baseline V6.1.1.2_Aqua, except that the serial numbers and version number use Version 5 format, and there is no detector_quality_flag2_values table in QA LUT. The purpose of this delivery is to let SeaWIFS group test collection 6 LUTS baseline using collection 5 code. REFLECTIVE LUTS not changed: New serial number R136 2009:05:19:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS not changed: New serial number E135 2009:05:19:12:00 QA LUTS changed: New serial number Q135 2009:05:19:12:00 detector_quality_flag2_values table is removed ============================================================================ v5.0.35.12_Aqua 05/13/2009 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs: m1, sigma_m1 and RVS and Emissive LUTs: band_21_b1 REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: New serial number R135 2009:05:13:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2009140.1200 2009170.1200 2009200.1200 2009230.1200 2009320.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2009134.1200 2009164.1200 2009194.1200 2009284.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 05/13/2009. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q134 2009:05:13:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E134 2009:05:13:17:00 1 new timestamp for band_21_b1: 2009124.1045 ============================================================================ v6.1.1.2_Aqua Collection 6 baseline for internal test only 05/12/2009 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ This is a redelivery of collection 6 baseline. LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.1.1 REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R134 2009:05:12:12:00 m1 and sigma_m1: m1 LUTs have been created using the updated SD degradation coefficients and delta m1 coefficients. Delta m1 correction is applied to bands 13 to 16 too. rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been re-calculated using the Lunar,SD,SRCA and EV measurements till 05/11/2009. The detector-dependent RVS LUTs are generated for bands 13 to 16. EMISSIVE LUTS changed: New serial number E133 2009:05:12:12:00 One forward update has been applied since V6.1.1.1 1 new timestamp for band_21_b1: 2009124.1045 QA LUTS not changed: New serial number Q133 2009:05:12:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.35.11_Aqua 04/07/2009 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs: m1, sigma_m1 and RVS REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R133 2009:04:07:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2009104.1200 2009134.1200 2009164.1200 2009194.1200 2009284.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2009117.1200 2009147.1200 2009237.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 04/06/2009. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q132 2009:04:07:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E132 2009:04:07:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.35.10_Aqua 02/18/2009 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs: m1, sigma_m1 and RVS, and EMISSIVE LUT: band_21_b1_table REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R132 2009:02:18:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2009057.1200 2009087.1200 2009117.1200 2009147.1200 2009237.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2009050.1200 2009080.1200 2009110.1200 2009200.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 02/17/2009. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q131 2009:02:18:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED New serial number E131 2009:02:18:17:00 band_21_b1_table: added a table piece with the time stamp at 2009040.1030 ============================================================================ v5.0.35.9_OC2_Aqua Special version for SeaWIFS Group only 02/17/2009 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.1.1 This LUT is actually same with the collection 6 baseline V6.1.1.1_Aqua, except that the serial numbers and version number use Version 5 format, and there is no detector_quality_flag2_values table in QA LUT. The purpose of this delivery is to let SeaWIFS group test collection 6 LUTS baseline using collection 5 code. REFLECTIVE LUTS not changed: New serial number R131 2009:02:17:12:00 EMISSIVE LUTS not changed: New serial number E130 2009:02:17:12:00 QA LUTS changed: New serial number Q130 2009:02:17:12:00 detector_quality_flag2_values table is removed ============================================================================ v6.1.1.1_Aqua Collection 6 baseline for internal test only 02/12/2009 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ This is a redelivery of collection 6 baseline. LUT changes noted are with respect to V6.1.1.0 REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R130 2009:02:12:12:00 m1 and sigma_m1: m1 LUTs have been created using the SD degradation coefficients updated till 02/03/2009 and the updated delta m1 coefficients. Also the correction for SDSM D9 has been applied in this LUT delivery. rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been recalculated using the Lunar,SD,SRCA and EV measurements till 02/03/2009. dn_sat_ev: The dn_sat_ev LUTs have been recalculated using the EV data last updated 02/03/2009. The first four LUTs are exactly same as Collection 5 processing. The dn_sat value has been applied to the bands exhibiting presaturation trends (Bands 2,13L,13H,14L,14H,15, 17,19). Bands not exhibiting pre-saturation trends have been set to 4095.00 EMISSIVE LUTS changed: New serial number E129 2009:02:12:12:00 Two forward updates have been applied since V6.1.1.0 1 new timestamp for band_21_b1: 2008322.1025 1 new timestamp for bb_t_sat_default_b1_aqua: 2009038.0300 QA LUTS not changed: New serial number Q129 2009:02:12:12:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.35.9_OC1_Aqua Special version for SeaWIFS Group only 01/27/2009 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ LUT changes noted are with respect to V5.0.35.9 Please note that the changes of REFLECTIVE LUTS, EMISSIVE LUTS, and QA LUTS are same as the collection 6 baseline, except that the serial numbers and version number are different, and there is no detector_quality_flag2_values table in QA LUTS in this delivery. The purpose of this delivery is to let SeaWIFS group test collection 6 LUTS baseline with collection 5 code. REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R129 2009:01:27:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS changed: New serial number E128 2009:01:27:17:00 QA LUTS changed: New serial number Q128 2009:01:27:17:00 For the details to the LUTS change, please refer to the update info in v6.1.1.0_Aqua at below. ============================================================================ v5.0.35.9_Aqua 01/14/2009 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1, RVS and dn_sat_ev. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R128 2009:01:14:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2009020.1200 2009050.1200 2009080.1200 2009110.1200 2009200.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2009017.1200 2009047.1200 2009077.1200 2009167.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 01/12/2008. dn_sat_ev: Added a new table piece with the time stamp 2009021.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q127 2009:01:14:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED New serial number E127 2009:01:14:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.1.1.0_Aqua Collection 6 baseline for internal test only 12/24/2008 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ This is the initial LUTs for code version V6.1.1 based on LUTs V5.0.35.8, except the changes at below: REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R127 2008:12:24:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: 1. The fitted m1 LUTs were generated from the SD measured m1 and the EV observed delta m1 correction, where delta m1 were applied to bands 3-4, 8-12 only. 2. The SD degradation, which were derived from the SDSM, was updated and fitted for the entire missions with a new strategy rvs_rsb: 1. RVS is detector dependent for bands 3, 4, and 8-12 in collection 6 2. Time-dependent and detector-averaged RVS was also applied to bands 13-16 in collection 6 dn_sat_ev: Time stamps of LUTs in this delivery: 2002001.0000 2002175.2323 2002210.2023 2002255.1331 2004350.0000 2006335.0000 2007365.0000 QA LUTS changed: New serial number Q126 2008:12:24:17:00 detector_quality_flag_values: These are newly revised flags cover the entire time period since the launch. Time stamps of LUTs in this delivery: 2002001.0000 2002158.1807 2002178.1358 2002189.1439 2002255.1830 2005010.1715 2006314.0000 2007359.1020 2008038.1750 detector_quality_flag2_values: This is newly added QA table in collection 6 for noisy or dead subframe. However, at this time no subframe for Aqua is considerred to be noisy or inoperable. One piece table with time stamp 2002001.0000 is used to cover the entire mission EMISSIVE LUTS changed: New serial number E126 2008:12:24:17:00 a0_table, a2_table: Current values of a0 and a2 are determined from prelaunch measurements for bands 20,22-25,27-30, 33-36, with values of a0 set to be zero for bands 31,32,33,34,35,36. a2 for bands 31 & 32 are from on-orbit cooldown measurements. Only one timestep (2002001.0000) is needed as prelaunch values are used for most bands and analysis of a2 for on-orbit derivation for bands 31 & 32 has not met the criteria to require an update. band_21_b1: Derived using Cooldown measurements. Time stamps of LUTs in this delivery: 2002001.0000 2002278.1005 2005201.1055 2006102.1055 2007351.1020 2008154.1045 bb_t_sat_aqua_table bb_t_sat_default_b1_aqua tables: Derived using Cooldown measurements. Timesteps: 2002001.0000 2007349.0300 2008236.0300 ============================================================================ v5.0.35.8_Aqua 12/11/2008 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs: m1, sigma_m1 and RVS, and Emissive LUTs: band_21_b1_table REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R126 2008:12:11:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2008353.1200 2009017.1200 2009047.1200 2009077.1200 2009167.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2008352.1200 2009016.1200 2009046.1200 2009136.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 12/10/2008. dn_ev_sat: Added a new table piece: 2008355.0000 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q125 2008:12:11:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS: New serial number E125 2008:12:11:17:00 band_21_b1_table: Added a new table piece: 2008322.1030 ============================================================================ v6.0.1.2_Aqua Collection 6 baseline for internal test only 11/26/2008 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except the changes at below: REFLECTIVE LUTS changed: New serial number R125 2008:11:26:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: 1. The fitted m1 LUTs were generated from the SD measured m1 and the delta m1 correction, where delta m1 were applied to bands 3-4, 8-12 only. 2. The SD degradation, which were derived from the SDSM, was updated and fitted for the entire missions with a new strategy rvs_rsb: 1. RVS is detector dependent for bands 3, 4, and 8-12 in collection 6 2. Time-dependent and detector-averaged RVS was also applied to bands 13-16 in collection 6 dn_sat_ev: Time stamps of LUTs in this delivery: 2002001.0000 2002175.2323 2002210.2023 2002255.1331 2008151.0000 QA LUTS changed: New serial number Q124 2008:11:26:17:00 detector_quality_flag_values: These are newly revised flags cover the entire time period since the launch. Time stamps of LUTs in this delivery: 2002001.0000 2002158.1807 2002178.1358 2002189.1439 2002255.1830 2005010.1715 2006033.0000 2006314.0000 2007359.1020 2008038.1750 detector_quality_flag2_values: This is newly added QA table in collection 6 for noisy or dead subframe. However, at this time no subframe for Aqua are considerred to be noisy or inoperable. One piece table with time stamp 2002001.0000 is used to cover the entire mission EMISSIVE LUTS changed: New serial number E124 2008:11:26:17:00 a0_table, a2_table: Current values of a0 and a2 are determined from prelaunch measurements for bands 20,22-25,27-30, 33-36, with values of a0 set to be zero for bands 31,32,33,34,35,36. a2 for bands 31 & 32 are from on-orbit cooldown measurements. Only one timestep (2002001.0000) is needed as prelaunch values are used for most bands and analysis of a2 for on-orbit derivation for bands 31 & 32 has not met the criteria to require an update. band_21_b1: Derived using Cooldown measurements. Time stamps of LUTs in this delivery: 2002001.0000 2002278.1005 2005201.1055 2006102.1055 2007351.1020 2008154.1045 bb_t_sat_aqua_table ============================================================================ v5.0.35.7_Aqua 11/10/2008 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1 and RVS. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R124 2008:11:10:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2008322.1200 2008352.1200 2009016.1200 2009046.1200 2009136.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2008328.1200 2008358.1200 2009022.1200 2009112.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 11/10/2008. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q123 2008:11:10:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E123 2008:11:10:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.35.6_Aqua 10/16/2008 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1 and RVS. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R123 2008:10:16:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2008298.1200 2008328.1200 2008358.1200 2009022.1200 2009112.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2008297.1200 2008327.1200 2008357.1200 2009081.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 10/15/2008. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q122 2008:10:16:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E122 2008:10:16:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.0.1.1_Aqua Special version for TEB test only 10/06/2008 NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except a0, a2, band_21_b1 tables and bb_t_sat_aqua_table in TEB luts and all serials numbers. This LUT is used for test purpose only. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number R122 2008:10:07:10:00 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q121 2008:10:07:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTS: New serial number E121 2008:10:07:10:00 a0, a2, band_21_b1 and bb_t_sat_aqua_table: use collection 6 provided by Brian Wenny. All other luts are same as v5.0.35.5 (which have not been changed since v5.0.35.2) ============================================================================ v5.0.35.5_Aqua 09/15/2008 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1 and RVS. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R121 2008:09:15:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2008267.1200 2008297.1200 2008327.1200 2008357.1200 2009081.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2008273.1200 2008303.1200 2009027.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs have been updated using all the available SD and Moon data as of 2008/140. The purpose of updating the RVS LUTs is to add an additional timestamp for the prediction LUTs. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q120 2008:09:15:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E120 2008:09:15:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.35.4_Aqua 07/25/2008 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1 and sigma_m1. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R120 2008:07:25:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2008213.1200 2008243.1200 2008273.1200 2008303.1200 2009027.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2008210.1200 2008240.1200 2008330.1200 QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q119 2008:07:25:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E119 2008:07:25:17:00 ============================================================================ v6.0.1.0_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 05/23/2008 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except 1 change to QA luts and all serials numbers. This LUT is used for testing code version PGE02 V6.0.1 only. REFLECTIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number R119 2008:05:23:17:00 QA LUTS: New serial number Q118 2008:05:23:17:00 add a new QA LUT: detector_quality_flag2_values_table.asc for noisy and dead subframe The initial setting is shown below, ______________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2007001.0000 | |----------- |---------------| | Bit 0 | BAND DET* | | Noisy | Prd (SB) | | Subframe 1 | None | |----------------------------| | Bit 1 | BAND DET* | | Noisy | Prd (SB) | | Subframe 2 | None | |----------------------------| | Bit 2 | BAND DET* | | Noisy | Prd (SB) | | Subframe 3 | None | |----------------------------| | Bit 3 | BAND DET* | | Noisy | Prd (SB) | | Subframe 4 | None | |----------------------------| | Bit 4 | BAND DET* | | Dead | Prd (SB) | | Subframe 1 | 1 1 (40) | | | 2 20 (21) | | | 2 19 (22) | | | 3 2 (19) | | | 7 3 (18) | |----------------------------| | Bit 5 | BAND DET* | | Dead | Prd (SB) | | Subframe 2 | 1 8 (33) | | | 1 7 (34) | | | 2 20 (21) | | | 2 19 (22) | | | 4 4 (17) | |----------------------------| | Bit 6 | BAND DET* | | Dead | Prd (SB) | | Subframe 3 | 1 8 (33) | | | 1 7 (34) | | | 2 5 (36) | | | 5 6 (15) | |----------------------------| | Bit 7 | BAND DET* | | Dead | Prd (SB) | | Subframe 4 | 1 8 (33) | | | 1 7 (34) | | | 2 20 (21) | | | 2 19 (22) | | | 6 9 (12) | |----------------------------| *For Detectors, both Product ("Prd") and SBRS ("(SB)") orders are given. EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E118 2008:05:23:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.35.3_Aqua 05/22/2008 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1 and RVS. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R118 2008:05:22:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2008180.1200 2008210.1200 2008240.1200 2008330.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2008146.1200 2008176.1200 2008266.1200 rvs_rsb: The new added RVS LUTs were produced with all available data from SD and Moon as of 05/22/2008. QA LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q117 2008:05:22:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E117 2008:05:22:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.35.2_Aqua 03/19/2008 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1 and RVS, and QA LUTs detector_quality_flag_values. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R116 2008:03:19:17:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2008086.1200 2008116.1200 2008146.1200 2008176.1200 2008266.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2008104.1200 2008134.1200 2008224.1200 rvs_rsb: The new added RVS LUTs were produced with all available data from SD and Moon as of 03/19/2008. QA LUTS: New serial number Q115 2008:03:19:17:00 detector_quality_flag_values: sets Aqua Band 29 detector #2 in Product Order (detector #9 in SBRS order) to be a Noisy Detector. Starting in granule 2008038.1750, Aqua B29 D9 in SBRS order (D2 in product order) showed a significant jump in noise and fluctuations in b1 after passage through the South Atlantic Anomaly. The fluctuation persisted for more than a week then stabilized. In granule 2008062.1545 the increased noise and fluctuating b1 returned and has persisted continuously for over two weeks. The percentage of scans out of spec on a granule basis has been consistently around 50% during that period. It was agreed to change the QA flag status of this detector to "Noisy". All other Detector Quality Flags in the new table piece remain the same as those in the time stamped table piece 2007359.1020. Bits for this time are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2008038.1750 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | | | 29 2 ( 9) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- *For Detectors, both Product ("Prd") and SBRS ("(SB)") orders are given. EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E115 2008:03:19:17:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.35.1_Aqua 02/07/2008 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1 and RVS, and QA LUTs detector_quality_flag_values. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R115 2008:02:07:15:00 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2008044.1200 2008074.1200 2008104.1200 2008134.1200 2008224.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2008063.1200 2008093.1200 2008183.1200 rvs_rsb: The new RVS LUTs were produced with all available data from SD and Moon as of 02/07/2008. QA LUTS: New serial number Q114 2008:02:07:15:00 detector_quality_flag_values: Table piece added: 2007359.1020 Starting in granule 2007359.1020, Aqua Band 29 Detector #3 in SRBS order (Detector #8 in product order) showed a significant jump in noise level as well as fluctuations in b1 values. After monitoring the detector behavior for several weeks, the granule average noise level was below specifications, however a nearly consistent 30% of all scans on a scan-by-scan basis were above specification. It was agreed to change the QA flag status of this detector to "Noisy". All other Detector Quality Flags in the new table piece remain the same as those in the time stamped table piece 2006314.0000. Bits for this time are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2007359.1020 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | | | 29 8 ( 3) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- *For Detectors, both Product ("Prd") and SBRS ("(SB)") orders are given. EMISSIVE LUTS NOT CHANGED: New serial number E114 2008:02:07:15:00 ============================================================================ v5.0.35.0_Aqua 01/15/2008 ============================================================================ Same as V5.0.7.27 with only serial numbers changed for PGE02 V5.0.35. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R114 2008:01:15:12:51 QA LUTS: New serial number Q113 2008:01:15:12:51 EMISSIVE LUTS: New serial number E113 2008:01:15:12:51 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.27_Aqua 12/27/2007 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1 and RVS. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R113 2007:12:27:17:00 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2008003.1200 2008033.1200 2008063.1200 2008093.1200 2008183.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2008002.1200 2008032.1200 2008062.1200 2008152.1200 rvs_rsb: The new RVS LUTs were produced with all available data from SD and Moon as of 12/24/2007. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q112 2007:12:27:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E112 2007:12:27:17:00 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.26_Aqua 11/26/2007 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1 and RVS. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R112 2007:11:26:17:00 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2007337.1200 2008002.1200 2008032.1200 2008062.1200 2008152.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2007335.1200 2007365.1200 2008030.1200 2008120.1200 rvs_rsb: The new RVS LUTs were produced in the same way as previous delivery with all available data by 11/20/2007. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q111 2007:11:26:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E111 2007:11:26:17:00 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.25_Aqua 10/26/2007 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1 and sigma_m1. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R111 2007:10:26:17:00 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2007305.1200 2007335.1200 2007365.1200 2008030.1200 2008120.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2007314.1200 2007344.1200 2008009.1200 2008099.1200 QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q110 2007:10:26:17:00 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E110 2007:10:26:17:00 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.24_Aqua 10/04/2007 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R110 2007:10:04:13:51 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2007284.1200 2007314.1200 2007344.1200 2008009.1200 2008099.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2007291.1200 2008016.1200 rvs_rsb: The new RVS LUTs were produced in the same way as previous delivery. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q109 2007:10:04:13:51 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E109 2007:10:04:13:51 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.23_Aqua 07/18/2007 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R109 2007:07:18:15:45 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2007201.1200 2007231.1200 2007261.1200 2007291.1200 2008016.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2007206.1200 2007236.1200 2007266.1200 2007356.1200 rvs_rsb: The new RVS LUTs were produced in the same way as previous delivery with all available data by 07/13/2007. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q108 2007:07:18:15:45 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E108 2007:07:18:15:45 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.22_Aqua 06/22/2007 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1 and rvs_rsb. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R108 2007:06:22:11:10 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2007178.1200 2007206.1200 2007236.1200 2007266.1200 2007356.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2007178.1200 2007208.1200 2007238.1200 2007328.1200 QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q107 2007:06:22:11:10 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E107 2007:06:22:11:10 ============================================================================ v5.0.6.21_OC_Aqua Special version for Ocean Group only 06/05/2007 ============================================================================ The LUT changes are based on Version with changes only to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R107 2007:06:05:11:06 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: The LUTs have been processed with an updated SD degradation fitting using the SDSM. All the LUTs after 01/01/2007 have been reprocessed. rvs_rsb: The new RVS LUTs were produced in the same way as V5.0.7.21_Aqua using the new m1 tables with all available data by 06/01/2007. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q106 2007:06:05:11:06 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E106 2007:06:05:11:06 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.21_Aqua 06/01/2007 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R106 2007:06:01:15:56 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2007178.1200 2007208.1200 2007238.1200 2007328.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2007187.1200 2007217.1200 2007307.1200 rvs_rsb: The new RVS LUTs were produced in the same way as previous delivery with all available data by 06/01/2007. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q105 2007:06:01:15:56 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E105 2007:06:01:15:56 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.20_Aqua 05/15/2007 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R105 2007:05:15:12:39 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2007157.1200 2007187.1200 2007217.1200 2007307.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2007154.1200 2007244.1200 rvs_rsb: The new RVS LUTs were produced in the same way as previous delivery with all available data by 05/14/2007. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q104 2007:05:15:12:39 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E104 2007:05:15:12:39 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.19_Aqua 03/13/2007 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R104 2007:03:13:13:51 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2007064.1200 2007094.1200 2007124.1200 2007154.1200 2007244.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2007083.1200 2007113.1200 2007203.1200 rvs_rsb: The new RVS LUTs were produced in the same way as previous delivery with all available data by 03/09/2007. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q103 2007:03:13:13:51 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E103 2007:03:13:13:51 ============================================================================ v5.1.1.0_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 02/28/2007 ============================================================================ Same as V5.0.7.18 with only serial numbers changed. This LUT is used for the testing code version PGE02 V5.1.1. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R103 2007:02:28:15:21 QA LUTS: New serial number Q102 2007:02:28:15:21 EMISSIVE LUTS: New serial number E102 2007:02:28:15:21 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.18_Aqua 02/02/2007 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R102 2007:02:02:10:21 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2007053.1200 2007083.1200 2007113.1200 2007203.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2007061.1200 2007091.1200 2007181.1200 rvs_rsb: The new RVS LUTs were produced in the same way as previous delivery with all available data by 02/01/2007. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q101 2007:02:02:10:21 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E101 2007:02:02:10:21 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.17_Aqua 01/10/2007 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R101 2007:01:10:10:33 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2007031.1200 2007061.1200 2007091.1200 2007181.1200 Following table pieces were removed: 2007040.1200 2007070.1200 2007160.1200 Following table piece was updated: 2007010.1200 rvs_rsb: The new RVS LUTs were produced in the same way as previous delivery with all available data by 01/08/2007. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q100 2007:01:10:10:33 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E100 2007:01:10:10:33 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.36_Aqua 12/19/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R100 2006:12:19:11:25 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2006345.2205 Following table piece was updated: 2008001.0000 Table piece 2008001.0000 is identical to table piece 2006345.2205. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q099 2006:12:19:11:25 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E099 2006:12:19:11:25 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.16_Aqua 12/18/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1 and sigma_m1. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R099 2006:12:14:10:00 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2007010.1200 2007040.1200 2007070.1200 2007160.1200 Following table piece were removed: 2007013.1200 2007103.1200 QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q098 2006:12:14:10:00 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E098 2006:12:14:10:00 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.35_Aqua 11/14/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the RSB LUTs, and detector_quality_flag_values table in the QA LUTs. No change was made to the TEB LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R098 2006:11:14:12:28 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2006303.2310 2008001.0000 Following table piece was removed: 2007001.0000 Table piece 2008001.0000 is identical to table piece 2006303.2310. QA LUTs: New serial number Q097 2006:11:14:12:28 QA LUTS CHANGED: detector_quality_flag_values. Starting from 2006314.0000, Aqua Band 6 Detector #14 in SBRS Order (detector #7 in Product Order) was set back to be normal detector. Meanwhile, Band 6 Detector #17 in SBRS Order (detector #4 in Product Order) was set to be noisy detector. These two detectors were both dead detectors previously. All other Detector Quality Flags in the new table piece remain the same as those in the time stamped table piece 2006033.0000. Bits for this time are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2006314.0000 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 20 10 ( 1) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 27 8 ( 3) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 ( 5) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- *For Detectors, both Product ("Prd") and SBRS ("(SB)") orders are given. EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E097 2006:11:14:12:28 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.15_Aqua 11/13/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs, and detector_quality_flag_values in QA LUTs. No change was made to the TEB LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R097 2006:11:13:10:48 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2006318.1200 2006348.1200 2007013.1200 2007103.1200 Following table piece were removed: 2006318.1200 2006348.1200 2007073.1200 rvs_rsb: The new RVS LUTs were produced in the same way as previous delivery with all available data by 11/10/2006. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q096 2006:11:13:10:48 QA LUTS: detector_quality_flag_values. Table piece added: 2006033.0000 Starting from 2006314.0000, Aqua Band 6 Detector #14 in SBRS Order (detector #7 in Product Order) was set back to be normal detector. Meanwhile, Band 6 Detector #17 in SBRS Order (detector #4 in Product Order) was set to be noisy detector. These two detectors were both dead detectors previously. All other Detector Quality Flags in the new table piece remain the same as those in the time stamped table piece 2006033.0000. Bits for this time are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2006314.0000 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- *For Detectors, both Product ("Prd") and SBRS ("(SB)") orders are given. EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E096 2006:11:13:10:48 ============================================================================ v5.0.33.0_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 10/30/2006 ============================================================================ Initial LUTs for V5.0.33. Same as V5.0.7.14 with only name and serial numbers changed. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R096 2006:10:30:15:10 QA LUTS: New serial number Q095 2006:10:30:15:10 EMISSIVE LUTS: New serial number E095 2006:10:30:15:10 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.14_Aqua 09/26/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1 and sigma_m1. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R093 2006:09:26:10:28 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2006288.1200 2006318.1200 2006348.1200 2007073.1200 Following table piece were removed: 2006288.1200 2007013.1200 QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q092 2006:09:26:10:28 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E092 2006:09:26:10:28 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.33_Aqua 09/25/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R092 2006:09:25:13:05 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2006261.2235 Following table piece was updated: 2007001.0000 Table piece 2007001.0000 is identical to table piece 2006261.2235. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q091 2006:09:25:13:05 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E091 2006:09:25:13:05 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.32_Aqua 08/31/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R091 2006:08:31:14:48 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2006240.2220 Following table piece was updated: 2007001.0000 Table piece 2007001.0000 is identical to table piece 2006240.2220. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q090 2006:08:31:14:48 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E090 2006:08:31:14:48 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.31_Aqua 07/21/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R090 2006:07:21:14:36 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2006198.2145 Following table piece was updated: 2007001.0000 Table piece 2007001.0000 is identical to table piece 2006198.2145. rvs_rsb: Prodeuced using the same method used for V4.3.1.30_Aqua with all available data by 07/19/2006. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q089 2006:07:21:14:36 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E089 2006:07:21:14:36 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.13_Aqua 07/20/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1 and rvs_rsb. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R089 2006:07:20:16:47 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1 and rvs_rsb m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2006228.1200 2006258.1200 2006288.1200 2007013.1200 Following table piece were removed: 2006225.1200 2006315.1200 rvs_rsb: produced using exactly the same method used in V5.0.7.12 with all available data by 07/20/2006. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q088 2006:07:20:16:47 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E088 2006:07:20:16:47 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.30_Aqua 06/29/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R088 2006:06:29:09:25 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2006177.2305 Following table piece was updated: 2007001.1200 Table piece 2007001.1200 is identical to table piece 2006177.2305. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q087 2006:06:29:09:25 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E087 2006:06:29:09:25 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.29_Aqua 05/23/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R087 2006:05:22:10:30 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2006135.2225 Following table piece was updated: 2007001.1200 Table piece 2007001.1200 is identical to table piece 2006135.2225. rvs_rsb: Prodeuced using the same method used for V4.3.1.28_Aqua with all available data by 05/17/2006. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q086 2006:05:22:10:30 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E086 2006:05:22:10:30 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.12_Aqua 05/18/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1 and rvs_rsb. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R086 2006:05:18:10:33 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1 and rvs_rsb m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2006135.1200 2006165.1200 2006195.1200 2006225.1200 2006315.1200 Following table piece were removed: 2006144.1200 2006174.1200 2006204.1200 2006294.1200 rvs_rsb: produced using exactly the same method used in V5.0.7.11 with all available data by 05/17/2006. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q085 2006:05:18:10:33 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E085 2006:05:18:10:33 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.28_Aqua 05/03/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R085 2006:05:03:09:23 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2006114.2205 Following table piece was updated: 2007001.1200 Table piece 2007001.1200 is identical to table piece 2006114.2205. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q084 2006:05:03:09:23 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E084 2006:05:03:09:23 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.11_Aqua 06/02/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1 and sigma_m1. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R084 2006:05:02:15:08 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2006144.1200 2006174.1200 2006204.1200 2006294.1200 Following table piece were removed: 2006132.1200 2006162.1200 2006252.1200 QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q083 2006:05:02:15:08 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E083 2006:05:02:15:08 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.27_Aqua 03/23/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R083 2006:03:23:16:30 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2006072.2305 Following table piece was updated: 2007001.1200 Table piece 2007001.1200 is identical to table piece 2006072.2305. rvs_rsb: Prodeuced using the same method used for V4.3.1.26_Aqua with all available data by 03/21/2006. Three new table pieces added. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q082 2006:03:23:16:30 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E082 2006:03:23:16:30 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.10_Aqua 03/23/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to Reflective LUTs m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R082 2006:03:23:10:03 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2006102.1200 2006132.1200 2006162.1200 2006252.1200 Following table piece were removed: 2006081.1200 2006111.1200 2006141.1200 2006231.1200 rvs_rsb: produced using exactly the same method used in previous delivery for collection 5 with all available data by 03/21/2006. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q081 2006:03:23:10:03 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E081 2006:03:23:10:03 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.9_Aqua 02/27/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R081 2006:02:27:10:45 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1 Following table pieces were added: 2006081.1200 2006111.1200 2006141.1200 2006231.1200 Following table piece were removed: 2006060.1200 2006090.1200 2006120.1200 2006210.1200 QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q080 2006:02:27:10:45 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E080 2006:02:27:10:45 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.26_Aqua 02/24/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 tables in the RSB LUTs, and detector_quality_ flag_values table in the QA LUTs. No change was made to the TEB LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R080 2006:02:24:15:59 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1 m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2006051.2240 Following table piece was updated: 2007001.1200 Table piece 2007001.1200 is identical to table piece 2006051.2240. QA LUTs: New serial number Q079 2006:02:24:15:59 QA LUTS CHANGED: detector_quality_flag_values. Since day 2006033 GMT 0000, Aqua Band 18 detector #6 in Product Order (detector #5 in SBRS order) has become unstable in its SNR trending. Consequently a new table piece with time stamp 2006033.0000 was added which sets this detector from normal to out-of-fmaily. All other Detector Quality Flags in the new table piece remain the same as those in the time stamped table piece 2005010.1715. Bits for this time are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2006033.0000 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 20 10 ( 1) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 27 8 ( 3) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 ( 5) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- *For Detectors, both Product ("Prd") and SBRS ("(SB)") orders are given. EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E079 2006:02:24:15:59 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.8_Aqua 02/03/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs, and detector_quality_flag_values in QA LUTs. No change was made to the TEB LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R079 2006:02:03:13:38 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2006060.1200 2006090.1200 2006120.1200 2006210.1200 Following table piece were removed: 2006057.1200 2006147.1200 rvs_rsb: produced using exactly the same method used in previous delivery for collection 5 with all available data by 02/02/2006. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q078 2006:02:03:13:38 QA LUTS: detector_quality_flag_values. Table piece added: 2006033.0000 Since day 2006033 GMT 0000, Aqua Band 18 detector #6 in Product Order (detector #5 in SBRS order) has become unstable in its SNR trending. Consequently a new table piece with time stamp 2006033.0000 was added which sets this detector from normal to out-of-fmaily. All other Detector Quality Flags in the new table piece remain the same as those in the time stamped table piece 2005010.1715. Bits for this time are set as follows: _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2006033.0000 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 18 6 (5 ) | | | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- *For Detectors, both Product ("Prd") and SBRS ("(SB)") orders are given. EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E078 2006:02:03:13:38 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.25_Aqua 01/13/2006 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R078 2006:01:13:16:34 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2006009.2200 Following table piece was updated: 2007001.1200 Table piece 2007001.1200 is identical to table piece 2006009.2200. rvs_rsb: Prodeuced using the same method used for V4.3.1.24_Aqua with all available data by 01/13/2006. Three new table pieces added. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q077 2006:01:13:16:34 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E077 2006:01:13:16:34 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.24_Aqua 12/20/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R077 2005:12:20:10:20 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2005346.2315 Following table piece was updated: 2007001.1200 Table piece 2007001.1200 is identical to table piece 2005346.2315. rvs_rsb: Prodeuced using the same method used for V4.3.1.23_Aqua with all available data by 12/19/2005. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q076 2005:12:20:10:20 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E076 2005:12:20:10:20 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.7_Aqua 12/08/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R076 2005:12:08:11:09 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table pieces were added: 2005332.1200 2005362.1200 2006027.1200 2006057.1200 2006147.1200 Following table piece were removed: 2005350.1200 2006015.1200 2006105.1200 rvs_rsb: produced using exactly the same method used in previous delivery for collection 5 with all available data by 12/02/2005. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q075 2005:12:08:11:09 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E075 2005:12:08:11:09 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.23_Aqua 12/06/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R075 2005:12:06:15:37 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2005332.2305 Following table piece was updated: 2007001.1200 Table piece 2007001.1200 is identical to table piece 2005332.2305. rvs_rsb: Prodeuced using the same method used for V4.3.1.22_Aqua with all available data by 12/02/2005. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q074 2005:12:06:15:37 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E074 2005:12:06:15:37 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.6_Aqua 10/24/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R074 2005:10:24:14:14 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: All LUTs for 2005 have been updated. Following table pieces were added: 2005290.1200 2005320.1200 2005350.1200 2006015.1200 2006105.1200 Following table piece were removed: 2005306.1200 2005336.1200 2006001.1200 2006091.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs in this delivery were produced using exactly the same method used in previous delivery for collection 5 with all available data by 10/21/2005. Following table pieces were added: 2005310.0000 2006040.0000 Following table piece was removed: 2006001.0000 Following table piece was updated: 2007001.0000 Table piece 2007001.0000 is identical to table piece 2006040.0000. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q073 2005:10:24:14:14 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E073 2005:10:24:14:14 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.22_Aqua 10/21/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R073 2005:10:21:15:27 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2005290.2230 Following table piece was updated: 2006001.0000 Table piece 2006001.0000 is identical to table piece 2005290.2230. rvs_rsb: Following table pieces were added: 2005310.0000 2006040.0000 Following table piece was removed: 2006001.0000 Following table piece was updated: 2007001.0000 Table piece 2007001.0000 is identical to Table piece 2006040.0000. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q072 2005:10:21:15:27 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E072 2005:10:21:15:27 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.5_Aqua 10/07/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change is made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R072 2005:10:07:10:32 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1 All LUTs for 2005 have been updated. Following table pieces were added: 2005276.1200 2005306.1200 2005336.1200 2006001.1200 2006091.1200 Following table piece were removed: 2005282.1200 2006007.1200 QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q071 2005:10:07:10:32 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E071 2005:10:07:10:32 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.21_Aqua 09/22/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R071 2005:09:22:15:31 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2005262.2210 Following table piece was updated: 2006001.0000 Table piece 2006001.0000 is identical to table piece 2005262.2210. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q070 2005:09:22:15:31 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E070 2005:09:22:15:31 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.20_Aqua 08/31/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R070 2005:08:31:10:59 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2005234.2150 Following table piece was updated: 2006001.0000 Table piece 2006001.0000 is identical to table piece 2005234.2150. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q069 2005:08:31:10:59 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E069 2005:08:31:10:59 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.4_Aqua 07/19/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R069 2005:07:18:17:01 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: All LUTs for 2005 have been updated. Following table pieces were added: 2005192.1200 2005222.1200 2005250.1200 2005282.1200 2006007.1200 Following table piece were removed: 2005194.1200 2005224.1200 2005254.1200 2005344.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs in this delivery were produced using exactly the same method used in previous delivery with all available data by 7/05/2005. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q068 2005:07:18:17:01 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E068 2005:07:18:17:01 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.19_Aqua 07/18/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R068 2005:07:18:10:25 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Following table piece was added: 2005192.2255 Following table piece was updated: 2006001.0000 Table piece 2006001.0000 is identical to table piece 2005192.2255. rvs_rsb: Following table pieces were added: 2005190.0000 2005280.0000 2007001.0000 Following table piece was removed: 2005210.0000 Following table piece was updated: 2006001.0000 Table piece 2007001.0000 is identical to Table piece 2006001.0000. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q067 2005:07:18:10:25 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E067 2005:07:18:10:25 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.3_Aqua 07/05/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except the update no B26_B5_Corr_Switch and B26_B5_Corr tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R067 2005:07:1:15:18 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: Set b26_b5_corr_switch to "On" for the early mission period before 2003104.1225. Corresponding change was also made to b26_b5_corr. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q066 2005:07:1:15:18 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E066 2005:07:1:15:18 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.2_Aqua 06/17/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R066 2005:06:17:12:10 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: All LUTs for 2005 have been updated. Following table pieces were added: 2005120.1200 2005150.1200 2005164.1200 2005194.1200 2005224.1200 2005344.1200 Following table piece were updated: 2005090.1200 Following table piece were updated: 2005108.1200 2005138.1200 2005168.1200 2005198.1200 2005288.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs in this delivery were produced using exactly the same method used in V5.0.7.1 with all available data by 6/16/2005. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q065 2005:06:17:12:10 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E065 2005:06:17:12:10 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.18_Aqua 06/06/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R065 2005:06:06:15:06 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1 One table piece time stamped with 2005150.2215 was added to and one table piece time stamped with 2006001.0000 was updated from both m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The table piece time stamped with 2006001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece time stamped with 2005150.2215. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q064 2005:06:06:15:06 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E064 2005:06:06:15:06 ============================================================================ V5.0.7.1_Aqua 04/27/2005 ============================================================================ This version is same as V5.0.7.0_Aqua except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs, and to detector_quality_flag_values table in the QA LUTs. No change was made to the TEB LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R064 2005:04:27:15:24 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: All LUTs for 2005 have been updated. Following table pieces were added: 2005090.1200 2005108.1200 2005138.1200 2005168.1200 2005198.1200 2005288.1200 rvs_rsb: The RVS LUTs in this delivery were produced using exactly the same method used in V5.0.7.0 with all available data by 4/26/2005. QA LUTs: New serial number Q063 2005:04:27:15:24 QA LUTS CHANGED: detector_quality_flag_values. Table piece added: 2005010.1715 Since day 2005010 GMT 1715, Aqua Band 27 detector #3 in Product Order (detector #8 in SBRS order) has become unstable in its b1 and NEdT trending. Its NEdT often exceed the specification of 0.25. Consequently, this detector was set to be noisy at 2005010.1715. All other Detector Quality Flags in the new table piece remain the same as those in the time stamped table piece 2002255.1830. _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2005010.1715 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- *For Detectors, both Product ("Prd") and SBRS ("(SB)") orders are given. EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E063 2005:04:27:15:24 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.17_Aqua 04/21/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R063 2005:04:21:13:38 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: One table piece time stamped with 2005108.2315 was added to and one table piece time stamped with 2006001.0000 was updated from both m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The table piece time stamped with 2006001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece time stamped with 2005108.2315. rvs_rsb: Table piece time stamped with 2005210.0000 was added. Table piece time stamped with 2005180.0000 was removed.Table piece time stamped with 2006001.0000 was updated as a duplicate of the table piece time stamped with 2005210.0000. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q062 2005:04:21:13:38 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E062 2005:04:21:13:38 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.16_Aqua 03/15/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R062 2005:03:15:10:24 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: One table piece stamped with 2005066.2235 was added to and one table piece time stamped with 2006001.0000 was updated from both m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The table piece time stamped with 2006001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece time stamped with 2005066.2235. rvs_rsb: Two table pieces time stamped with 2005060.0000 and 2005180.0000 were added. Table piece time stamped with 2006001.0000 was updated as a duplicate of the table piece time stamped with 2005180.0000. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q061 2005:03:15:10:24 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E061 2005:03:15:10:24 ============================================================================ v5.0.7.0_Aqua 03/01/2005 ============================================================================ Same as V5.0.5.0 with only serial numbers changed for PGE02 V5.0.7. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R061 2005:03:01:13:22 QA LUTS: New serial number Q060 2005:03:01:13:22 EMISSIVE LUTS: New serial number E060 2005:03:01:13:22 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.15_Aqua 02/15/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 tables in the Reflective LUTs, and to table detector_quality_flag_values in the QA LUTs. No change was made to the TEB LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R060 2004:02:15:14:01 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: One table piece time stamped with 2005038.2345 was added to and one table piece time stamped with 2006001.0000 was updated for both m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The table piece time stamped with 2006001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece time stamped with 2005038.2345. QA LUTs: New serial number Q059 2004:02:15:14:01 QA LUTS CHANGED: detector_quality_flag_values. Band 27, Detector 3(Product Order) was designated noisy as of day 2005010 GMT 1715. Consequently a new table piece with time stamp 2005010.1715 was added. All other Detector Quality Flags in the new table piece remain the same as those in the time stamped table piece 2003025.0000 (See V4.1.3.3_Aqua below). _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2005010.1715 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 20 10 ( 1) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | | | 27 3 ( 8) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- *For Detectors, both Product ("Prd") and SBRS ("(SB)") orders are given. EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E059 2004:02:15:14:01 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.14_Aqua 01/19/2005 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R059 2004:01:19:10:01 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: Two table pieces time stamped with 2004366.2240 and 2006001.0000 were added to and one table piece time stamped with 2005001.0000 was removed from both m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The table piece time stamped with 2006001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece time stamped with 2004366.2240. rvs_rsb: Table piece time stamped with 2005012.0000 was added. Table piece time stamped with 2006001.0000 was updated as a duplicate of the table piece time stamped with 2005012.0000. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q058 2004:01:19:10:01 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E058 2004:01:19:10:01 ============================================================================ V5.0.5.0_Aqua 01/12/2005 ============================================================================ This is the initial LUTs for code V5.0.5. These LUTs are the same as those in LUTs V5.0.1.0_Aqua except for some changes to dn_sat_ev, m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R058 2004:01:12:11:18 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: dn_sat_ev, m1, sigma_m1, rvs_rsb Update to dn_sat_ev table: Updated dn_sat_ev values for presaturating bands 2, 13L, 13H, 14L, 14H. Bands that do no exhibit any presaturation (1,3-12,16,18,26) are set to 4095 to remove any dn_sat_ev cutoff so as to make more valid data available. Update to m1 and sigma_m1 tables: Following new coefficients are used in the m1 calculation: a. single Vignetting functions used (average of band 3,4,18,19) b. new degradation coefficients (fitted with two parts) Update to rvs_rsb table: These time-dependent RVS LUTs were produced using exactly the same method as the one for V5.0.1.0 with all available data by 1/7/2005. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q057 2004:01:12:11:18 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E057 2004:01:12:11:18 ============================================================================ V4.3.1.13_Aqua 12/13/2004 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R057 2004:12:13:12:04 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: One table piece time stamped with 2004337.2310 was added and one table piece time stamped with 2005001.0000 was updated in both m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The table piece time stamped with 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece time stamped with 2004337.2310, so that a step function is simulated after 2004337.2310. rvs_rsb: Two table pieces time stamped with 2005001.0000 and 2006001.0000 were updated. Table piece time stamped with 2006001.0000 is a duplicate of the table piece time stamped with 2005001.0000. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q056 2004:12:13:12:04 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E056 2004:12:13:12:04 ============================================================================ V5.0.1.0_Aqua 12/07/2004 ============================================================================ This is the initial version for Collection 5. LUT changes noted are with respect to V4.3.1.12. REFLECTIVE LUTS: New serial number R056 2004:12:07:11:00 REFLECTIVE LUTS ADDED: swir_oob_sending_detector: This is a new look-up table added to determine the SWIR out-of-band correction "sending" detectors from the "sending" band. It is a one- dimension array of 10 elements which specify the 10 chosen sending detectors (detector index in production order - 1) for the SWIR OOB correction. In this initial version for V5, the "sending" detector indexes are not altered from their original values in V4.3.1.12, so the output should not affected by adding the new LUT. REFLECTIVE LUTS CHANGED: dn_sat_ev: These LUTs are derived from Earth View data (in SBRS order). Time stamps of LUTs in this delivery: 2002001.0000 2002175.2323 2002210.2023 2002255.1331 m1 and sigma_m1: The following new coefficients are used in the m1 calculation: 1. single Vignetting functions used (average of band 3,4,18,19) 2. new degradation coefficents (fitted with two parts) rvs_rsb: Only SD and Moon data are used to generate this set of LUTs. The algorithms used to generate this set of LUTs are same as those used to generate the LUTs used in collection 4 except 1. 1/m1 is used to produce relative RVS 2. Then RVS = RVS_prelaunch * RVS_rel instead of RVS = RVS_prelaunch / RVS_rel The difference of the LUTs produced by original algorithms and the new algorithms is less than 0.05%. Because Aqua mirror side dn ratio is close to one and not much change has been observed since Aqua launch, the algorithms used to produce this set of LUTs are same as those used to produce Terra RVS for collection 5 although SD, Moon, and mirror side ratio of SRCA and EV dn were used to produce Terra RVS. QA LUTS: New serial number Q055 2004:12:07:11:00 QA LUTS CHANGED: detector_quality_flag_values: These are newly revised flags cover the entire time period since the launch. Time stamps of LUTs in this delivery: 2002001.0000 2002158.1807 2002178.1358 2002189.1439 2002255.1830 The flags in these tables are same as those 5 pieces in the current Aqua Collection 4 (V4) tables, except for the piece '2002164.0202' in Collection 4 was renamed to '2002158.1807' in Collection 5 for the first update after initial Science Mode on orbit. EMISSIVE LUTS: New serial number E055 2004:12:07:11:00 EMISSIVE LUTS CHANGED: a0_table, a2_table: Time stamps of LUTs in this delivery: 2002001.0000 2002158.1815 2002183.1520 2002218.1455 2002255.2155 band_21_b1: These coefficients are derived from individual BB warmup data set for mirror side dependent new V5 code. A new dimension of Mirror Side is added to the band_21_b1 LUT to separate the coefficients of the two mirror sides for Band 21 (In the previous version (V4), mirror side 1 and mirror side 2 had same value). The first table piece (2002001.0000) is for pre-launch. Time stamps of LUTs in this delivery: 2002001.0000 2002158.1815 2002183.1520 2002218.1455 2002255.2155 2003122.0000 2003309.0110 2004117.0050 The first one (2002001.0000) is for pre-launch table. These new band_21_b1 LUTs carry mirror side dependent values. In the previous version (V4), this table only had 10 values for individual 10 detectors that mirror side 1 and mirror side 2 had same value. ============================================================================ v4.3.1.12_Aqua 10/29/2004 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R055 2004:10:29:13:28 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1 One table piece (2004299.2215) was added to and one table piece (2005001.0000) was updated in both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. The table piece 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece 2004299.2215, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2004299.2215. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q054 2004:10:29:13:28 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E054 2004:10:29:13:28 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.11_Aqua 10/01/2004 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R054 2004:10:01:13:18 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1 One table piece (2004271.2145) was added to and one table piece (2005001.0000) was updated in both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. The table piece 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece 2004271.2145, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2004271.2145. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q053 2004:10:01:13:18 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E053 2004:10:01:13:18 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.10_Aqua 09/03/2004 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R053 2004:09:03:10:47 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1 One table piece (2004243.2130) was added to and one table piece (2005001.0000) was updated in both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. The table piece 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece 2004243.2130, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2004243.2130. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q052 2004:09:03:10:47 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E052 2004:09:03:10:47 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.9_Aqua 08/19/2004 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R052 2004:08:19:11:15 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1 and sigma_m1: One table piece time stamped with 2004299.2300 was added and one table piece time stamped with 2005001.0000 was updated in both m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The table piece time stamped with 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece time stamped with 2004299.2300, so that a step function is simulated after 2004299.2300. rvs_rsb: Two table pieces time stamped with 2004205.0000 and 2005001.0000 were updated. Table piece time stamped with 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the table piece time stamped with 2004205.0000. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q051 2004:08:19:11:15 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E051 2004:08:19:11:15 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.8_Aqua 06/24/2004 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R049 2004:06:24:08:46 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1, rvs_rsb Changes to m1 and sigma_m1 tables: One table piece time stamped with 2004173.2210 was added and one table piece time stamped with 2005001.0000 was updated in both m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The table piece time stamped with 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece time stamped with 2004173.2210, so that a step function is simulated after 2004173.2210. Changes to rvs_rsb table: Two table pieces time stamped with 2004175.0000 and 2005001.0000 were updated. Table piece time stamped with 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the table piece time stamped with 2004175.0000. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q048 2004:06:24:08:46 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E048 2004:06:24:08:46 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.7_Aqua 05/28/2004 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R048 2004:05:28:22:09 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1 Update to m1 and sigma_m1 tables: One table piece (2004145.2145) was added to and one table piece (2005001.0000) was updated in both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. The table piece 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece 2004145.2145, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2004145.2145. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q047 2004:05:28:22:09 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E047 2004:05:28:22:09 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.6_Aqua 04/19/2004 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R046 2004:04:19:15:05 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1, rvs_rsb Update to m1 and sigma_m1 tables: One table piece time stamped with 2004103.2240 was added and one table piece time stamped with 2005001.0000 was updated in both m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The table piece time stamped with 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece time stamped with 2004103.2240, so that a step function is simulated after 2004103.2240. Update to rvs_rsb table: One table piece time stamped with 2004120.0000 was added to the rvs_rsb table. The table piece time stamped with 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the table piece time stamped with 2004120.0000. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q045 2004:04:19:15:05 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E045 2004:04:19:15:05 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.5S2_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 04/15/2004 ============================================================================ These are special LUTs for SeaWiFS's Ocean testing only. They are same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 tables in the Reflective LUTs using different smoothing strategy with polynomial fit. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R045 2004:04:14:18:11 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1 Update to m1 and sigma_m1 tables: Non-Oceans bands (Bands 1-7,17-19,26) are fitted differently: Band 1-4 using 6th order polynomial Band 5-7 using linear fit Band 17-19 using 6th order polynomial Band 26 using linear fit Oceans bands (Bands 8-16) are fitted using 6th order polynomial. The table piece with time stamp 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2004228.0000. Note: Only Ocean bands from 8 to 16 should be used for Ocean test. Only m1 tables dated before day 2004150 should be used for Ocean test. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q044 2004:04:14:18:11 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E044 2004:04:14:18:11 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.5S_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 04/06/2004 ============================================================================ These are special LUTs for SeaWiFS's Ocean testing only. They are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to either the TEB LUTs or the QA LUTs. Note: this special version of LUTs should be valid up to date 2004179 only. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R044 2004:04:06:10:26 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1, rvs_rsb Update to m1 and sigma_m1 tables: For non-Oceans bands (Bands 1-7,17-19,26), the tables are identical to those in the special LUTs for SeaWiFS test. Oceans bands (Bands 8-16) are fitted. The table piece with time stamp 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2004179.1200. Update to rvs_rsb table: The table pieces with time stamp up to 2004086.0000 are identical to those in the special LUTs for SeaWiFS test. The table piece with time stamp 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2004156.0000. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q043 2004:04:06:10:26 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E043 2004:04:06:10:26 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.4S2_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 03/24/2004 ============================================================================ These are special LUTs for SeaWiFS's Ocean Color testing only. They are same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 tables in the Reflective LUTs using different smoothing strategy with polynomial fit. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R043 2004:03:24:15:38 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1 Update to m1 and sigma_m1 tables: One table piece was deleted, 16 table pieces were added, and 29 table pieces were updated in both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables. Non-Oceans bands (Bands 1-7,17-19,26) are fitted differently: Band 1-4 using 6th order polynomial Band 5-7 using linear fit Band 17-19 using 6th order polynomial Band 26 using linear fit Oceans bands (Bands 8-16) are fitted using 6th order polynomial. The m1 and sigma tables after day 2003340 are identical to those in Version Note: Only Ocean bands from 8 to 16 should be used for Ocean test. Only m1 tables dated before day 2003315 should be used for Ocean test. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q042 2004:03:24:15:38 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E042 2004:03:24:15:38 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.5_Aqua 03/09/2004 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to dn_sat_ev, m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R042 2004:03:09:17:12 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: dn_sat_ev, m1, sigma_m1, rvs_rsb Update to dn_sat_ev table: One table piece (time stamp 2003299.0100) was updated in the dn_sat_ev table. Update to m1 and sigma_m1 tables: One table piece (time stamp 2004061.2020) was added and one table piece (time stamp 2005001.0000) was updated in both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The table piece with time stamp 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2004061.2020, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2004061.2020. Update to rvs_rsb table: Two table pieces (time stamps 2004070.0000 and 2005001.0000) were added and one table piece (time stamp 2004001.0000) was deleted from the rvs_rsb table. The table piece with time stamp 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the table piece with time stamp 2004070.0000. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q041 2004:03:09:17:12 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E041 2004:03:09:17:12 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.4S_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 02/26/2004 ============================================================================ These are special LUTs for SeaWiFS's Ocean Color testing only. They are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and rvs_rsb tables in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R041 2004:02:26:10:47 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1, rvs_rsb Update to m1 and sigma_m1 tables: Three table pieces (2004056.1200, 2004086.1200, and 2004116.1200) were added and one table piece (2005001.0000) was updated in both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The table piece 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece 2004116.1200, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2004116.1200. For non-Oceans bands (Bands 1-7,17-19,26), the tables are identical to those in the current LUTs Version (up to 2004033). For Oceans bands (Bands 8-16), tables through 2004033 were newly fitted. Tables with time stamp greater than 2004033 were computed as follows: a) Non-Oceans bands are the copy of 2004033. b) Oceans bands are fitted. Update to rvs_rsb table: Four table pieces (2004056.0000, 2004086.0000, 2004116.0000, and 2005001.0000) were added to and one table piece (2004001.0000) was updated in the rvs_rsb table. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q040 2004:02:26:10:47 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E040 2004:02:26:10:47 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.4_Aqua 02/04/2004 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R040 2004:02:04:15:55 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1 Update to m1 and sigma_m1 tables: One table piece (2004033.2135) was added to and one table piece (2005001.0000) was updated in both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. The table piece 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece 2004033.2135, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2004033.2135. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q039 2004:02:04:15:55 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E039 2004:02:04:15:55 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.3_Aqua 01/08/2004 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1, sigma_m1, and dn_sat_ev in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R039 2004:01:08:14:08 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1, dn_sat_ev Update to m1 and sigma_m1 tables: Two table pieces (2004002.2035 and 2005001.0000) were added to and one table piece (2004001.0000) was deleted from both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. The table piece 2005001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece 2004002.2035, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2004002.2035. Update to dn_sat_ev table: This LUT has been updated to a step-function time dependent LUT with two table pieces (2002001.0000 and 2003299.0100). The table piece 2002001.0000 is identical to the constant dn_sat_ev LUT in Version QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q038 2004:01:08:14:08 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E038 2004:01:08:14:08 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.2_Aqua 12/18/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No change was made to both the TEB LUTs and the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R038 2003:12:18:11:05 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003342.2040) was added to both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003342.2040, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003342.2040. Table pieces removed: One table piece (2003314.2155) was removed from both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q037 2003:12:18:11:05 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E037 2003:12:18:11:05 ============================================================================ v4.2.1.9_Aqua 12/16/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R037 2003:12:16:15:27 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003342.2040) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003342.2040, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003342.2040. Table pieces removed: None. The new m1 table is calculated with the best corrections at this time - GEO, BRF, VF, and Degradation, and coordinate system of BRF and VF is SD. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q036 2003:12:16:15:27 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E036 2003:12:16:15:27 ============================================================================ v4.3.1.1_Aqua 11/25/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs and a change to band_21_b1 in the TEB LUTs. No change was made to the QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R036 2003:11:25:13:47 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003314.2155) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003314.2155, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003314.2155. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q035 2003:11:25:13:47 EMISSIVE LUTs: New serial number E035 2003:11:25:13:47 EMISSIVE LUTs CHANGED: band_21_b1. In the TEB band_21_b1 table, one table piece (2003212.0035) was added. The LUT values were calculated using the on-orbit Blackbody warm-up cycle data set from days 2003209-210. ============================================================================ v4.3.1.0_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 11/07/2003 ============================================================================ REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R035 2003:11:07:12:06 To accompany the first Aqua reprocessing effort, a new set of Reflective LUTs was generated. REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: "m1" The best corrections, to date, were applied to produce the measured m1 LUT files. These corrections include: PGE03 (MYD03) correction of the SD sun angles, BRF as a function of SD zenith and azimuth, Vignetting as a function of SDS zenith and azimuth, temperature using Kinst, and SWIR optical crosstalk correction using Band 25. The non-SWIR bands are fitted with a smooth function from which the m1 LUT files are generated. The SWIR bands are fitted as step functions prior to day 2002225 and as linear functions thereafter. 31 time stamped table pieces were created. Their times are 2002001.0000 2002175.2324 2002178.1545 2002178.1547 2002189.1439 2002189.1441 2002210.2025 2002210.2027 2002220.1251 2002235.1251 2002250.1251 2002255.2155 2002255.2157 2002265.1251 2002280.1251 2002295.1251 2002310.1251 2002325.1251 2002340.1251 2002355.1251 2003030.1251 2003060.1251 2003090.1251 2003120.1251 2003150.1251 2003180.1251 2003210.1251 2003242.1251 2003269.1200 2003301.0000 2004001.0000 The table piece time stamped 2002001.0000 contains prelaunch values; the table piece time stamped 2004001.0000 is a duplicate of 2003301.0000, thereby simulating a step function between those two times. "Sigma_m1" New sigma m1 values corresponding to the new m1 values were introduced. The time stamps are the same as those given above for the m1 values. "RVS_RefSB" Changed to a piecewise linear LUT with 11 time-stamped table pieces. A linear function was used for relative RVS and fitted to SD and Lunar m1 values. The time stamps are 2002001.0000 2002171.0000 2002220.0000 2002270.0000 2002320.0000 2003001.0000 2003051.0000 2003101.0000 2003151.0000 2003215.0000 2004001.0000 (the time stamped table 2004001.0000 is a copy of 2003215.0000, thereby simulating a step function between those times) "X_OOB_1" Changed to a constant LUT. The LUT values are identical to those in the table piece with time stamp 2003104.1225 in LUTs V4.1.5.0 through V4.2.1.8. "SWIR_OOB_corr_sending_band" Set to Band 25 for the entire mission. QA LUTs: New serial number Q034 2003:11:07:12:06 QA LUTs ADDED: Three new LUTs were added to define the upper limit of the deviation from nominal allowed before the Bit QA flag "spacecraft maneuver" is set. See the code history for details. "Spacecraft_Roll_Threshold_Angle" Initially set to 1 degree "Spacecraft_Pitch_Threshold_Angle" Initially set to 1 degree "Spacecraft_Yaw_Threshold_Angle" Initially set to 1 degree QA LUTs DELETED: "PROCESSINGCENTER" The source of the ProcessingCenter metadata item was changed to be the Process Control File (PCF). QA LUTs CHANGED: "ALGORITHMPACKAGEACCEPTANCEDATE" Set to 2002-02-12, the date code and prelaunch LUTs were submitted to SDST. "ALGORITHMPACKAGEMATURITYCODE" Changed to "OPERATIONAL". "mission phase" Changed to "EXECUTION". EMISSIVE LUTs: New serial number E034 2003:11:07:12:06 EMISSIVE LUTs CHANGED: None. ============================================================================ v4.2.1.8_Aqua 10/16/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R034 2003:10:16:15:41 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003286.2135) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003286.2135, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003286.2135. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q033 2003:10:16:15:41 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E033 2003:10:16:15:41 ============================================================================ v4.2.1.7_Aqua 10/02/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R033 2003:10:02:13:51 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003272.2305) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003272.2305, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003272.2305. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q032 2003:10:02:13:51 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E032 2003:10:02:13:51 ============================================================================ v4.2.1.6_Aqua 09/23/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R032 2003:09:22:13:59 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003258.2115) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003258.2115, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003258.2115. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q031 2003:09:22:13:59 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E031 2003:09:22:13:59 ============================================================================ v4.2.1.5_Aqua 09/05/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R031 2003:09:05:09:35 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003244.2105) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003244.2105, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003244.2105. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q030 2003:09:05:09:35 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E030 2003:09:05:09:35 ============================================================================ v4.2.1.4_Aqua 08/08/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. These LUTs parallel those in V4.1.3.11 except that the m1 and sigma_m1 LUTs are adjusted for the SWIR "sending" band being Band 25 after 2003104. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R030 2003:08:08:09:04 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003216.2040) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003216.2040, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003216.2040. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q029 2003:08:08:09:04 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E029 2003:08:08:09:04 ============================================================================ v4.1.3.11_Aqua 08/07/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R029 2003:08:07:14:40 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003216.2040) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003216.2040, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003216.2040. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q028 2003:08:07:14:40 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E028 2003:08:07:14:40 ============================================================================ v4.2.1.3_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 07/25/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. These LUTs parallel those in V4.1.3.10 except that the m1 and sigma_m1 LUTs are adjusted for the SWIR "sending" band being Band 25 after 2003104. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R028 2003:07:25:14:43 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003202.2030) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003181.2015, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003202.2030. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q027 2003:07:25:14:43 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E027 2003:07:25:14:43 ============================================================================ v4.1.3.10_Aqua 07/25/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R027 2003:07:25:11:29 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003202.2030) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003202.2030, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003202.2030. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q026 2003:07:25:11:29 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E026 2003:07:25:11:29 ============================================================================ v4.2.1.2_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 07/07/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. These LUTs parallel those in V4.1.3.9 except that the m1 and sigma_m1 LUTs are adjusted for the SWIR "sending" band being Band 25 after 2003104. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R026 2003:07:03:15:36 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003181.2015) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003181.2015, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003181.2015. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q025 2003:07:03:15:36 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E025 2003:07:03:15:36 ============================================================================ v4.1.3.9_Aqua 07/03/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R025 2003:07:03:10:27 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003181.2015) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003181.2015, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003181.2015. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q024 2003:07:03:10:27 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E024 2003:07:03:10:27 ============================================================================ v4.2.1.1_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 06/16/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. These LUTs parallel those in V4.1.3.8 except that the m1 and sigma_m1 LUTs are adjusted for the SWIR "sending" band being Band 25 after 2003104. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R024 2003:06:16:10:48 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003160.2130) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003160.2130, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003160.2130. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q023 2003:06:16:10:48 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E023 2003:06:16:10:48 ============================================================================ v4.1.3.8_Aqua 06/12/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R023 2003:06:12:17:11 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003160.2130) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003160.2130, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003160.2130. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q022 2003:06:12:17:11 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E022 2003:06:12:17:11 ============================================================================ v4.2.1.0_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 06/03/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. The L1B code version has changed due to a correction to the Earth-Sun distance calculation. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R022 2003:06:03:12:40 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003146.2120) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003146.2120, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003146.2120. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q021 2003:06:03:12:40 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E021 2003:06:03:12:40 ============================================================================ v4.1.3.7_Aqua 05/29/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R021 2003:05:29:17:21 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003146.2120) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003146.2120, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003146.2120. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q020 2003:05:29:17:21 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E020 2003:05:29:17:21 ============================================================================ v4.1.5.1_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 05/09/2003 ============================================================================ This set of LUTs turns the Band 5 to Band 26 destriping correction on for times later than 2003104.1255 and updates m1 and sigma_m1 LUTs. LUT changes noted are with respect to V4.1.5.0. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R019 2003:05:07:15:56 REFLECTIVE LUTs Changed: "B26_B5_Corr_Switch" On/Off switch for the Band 26 destriping algorithm. Set of "OFF" before 2003104.1255 and "ON" after 2003104.1255. "B26_B5_Corr" Correction coefficients, one for each Aggregated Band 5/Band26 detector. Set to all 0 before 2003104.1255 and to values calculated by C. Moeller after 2003104.1255. REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1 Table pieces added for m1 and sigma_m1: One table piece (2003125.2100) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. These m1 and sigma_m1 values are tuned to Band 25 as the SWIR sending band. (All m1 and sigma_m1 table pieces with time stamps earlier than 2003104.1255 are the same as those in V4.1.3.6 and are tuned to Band 28 as the SWIR sending band.) In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003125.2100, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003125.2100. Table pieces removed for m1 and sigma_m1: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q018 2003:05:07:15:56 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E018 2003:05:07:15:56 ============================================================================ v4.1.3.6_Aqua 05/08/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R020 2003:05:08:10:10 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003125.2100) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. In both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables, one table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced with a new one. This table piece is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003125.2100, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003125.2100. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q019 2003:05:08:10:10 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E019 2003:05:08:10:10 ============================================================================ v4.1.5.0_Aqua NEVER USED IN DATA PRODUCTION 04/28/2003 ============================================================================ Code Version 4.1.5 introduces a Band 5 to Band 26 correction analogous to the correction currently in place for MODIS/Aqua and 3 new LUTs are introduced into the Reflective LUTs in consequence. In addition, the band whose values are used to make SWIR corrections has been changed from Band 28 to a band determined by a new Reflective LUT. See the Aqua code history for more details. LUT changes noted are with respect to V4.1.2.4. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R017 2003:04:22:17:43 REFLECTIVE LUTs ADDED: A destriping algorithm for Band 26 devised by C. Moeller was implemented. A new time-dependent LUT was added which gives coefficients for a detector-specific crosstalk correction based on the aggregated Band 5 radiances. The Band 26 scaled integers are adjusted by the Band 5 correction term, which is the product of the Band 5 radiance times the ratio of the Band 5 to Band 26 scaling factors times the LUT correction value for that detector. In addition a new LUT which allows for a frame offset with regard to the Band 5 radiance was added. A LUT which switches the correction off or on was also added. REFLECTIVE LUTs ADDED: "B26_B5_Corr_Switch" On/Off switch for the Band 26 destriping algorithm. Presently set to OFF. "B26_B5_Corr" Correction coefficients, one for each Aggregated Band 5/Band26 detector. Is of step function type although at present has only one table piece and so is treated as a constant LUT. Currently set to all 0. "B26_B5_Frame_Offset" Frame offset table with one entry for each detector. Currently set to all 0. "SWIR_OOB_corr_sending_band" Band to use when calculating the SWIR correction. Currently a step function LUT with two time stamped table pieces: 2002001.0000 (band set to Band 28) and 2003104.1225 (band set to Band 25). REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1, X_OOB_1 Table pieces added for m1 and sigma_m1: One table piece (2003104.1225) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. These m1 and sigma_m1 values are tuned to Band 25 as the SWIR sending band. (All previous m1 and sigma_m1 table pieces are the same as those in V4.1.3.5 and are tuned to Band 28 as the SWIR sending band.) Table piece updated for m1 and sigma_m1: One table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The new table piece with time stamp 2004001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003104.1225, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003097.1355. Table pieces removed for m1 and sigma_m1: None. X_OOB_1: changed to a step function LUT with two time stamped table pieces: 2002001.0000 (identical to "X_OOB_1" in V4.1.3.5, using Band 28 as the SWIR correction sending band) and 2003104.1225, which uses Band 25 as the SWIR correction sending band. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q016 2003:04:22:17:43 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E016 2003:04:22:17:43 ============================================================================ v4.1.3.5_Aqua 04/28/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R018 2003:04:28:10:42 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003104.1225) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables to reflect the current state of the MODIS/Aqua instrument. Table piece updated: One table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The new table piece with time stamp 2004001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003104.1225, so that a step function is simulated for data times after that time. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q017 2003:04:28:10:42 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E017 2003:04:28:10:42 ============================================================================ v4.1.3.4_Aqua 04/10/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs and QA LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R016 2003:04:10:09:27 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003097.1355) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables. Table piece updated: One table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The new table piece with time stamp 2004001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003097.1355, so that a step function is simulated for data times after that time. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q015 2003:04:10:09:27 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E015 2003:04:10:09:27 ============================================================================ v4.1.3.3_Aqua 03/21/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except for some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs and one change to detector_quality_ flag_values in the QA LUTs. No changes were made to the TEB LUTs. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R015 2003:03:21:10:50 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003076.1825) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables. Table piece updated: One table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The new table piece with time stamp 2004001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003076.1825, so that a step function is simulated for data times after that time. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs CHANGED: New serial number Q014 2003:03:21:12:02 LUT Changed: Detector Quality Flag Values table. Band 21, Detector 9 was designated noisy as of 2003 day 025. Consequently a new table piece with time stamp 2003025.0000 was added. All other Detector Quality Flags in the new table piece remain the same as those in the time stamped table piece 2002255.1830 (See V4.1.1.1_Aqua below). _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2003025.0000 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 20 10 ( 1) | | | 21 9 ( 2) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- *For Detectors, both Product ("Prd") and SBRS ("(SB)") orders are given. EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E014 2003:03:21:12:02 ============================================================================ v4.1.3.2_Aqua 02/25/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except that some changes to m1 and sigma_m1 in the Reflective LUTs have been made. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R014 2003:02:24:13:25 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces added: One table piece (2003048.2120) was added for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables. Table piece replaced: One table piece (2004001.0000) was replaced for both the m1 and sigma_m1 tables. The new table piece with time stamp 2004001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003048.2120, so that a step function is simulated for data times after that time. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q013 2003:02:24:13:25 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E013 2003:02:24:13:25 ============================================================================ v4.1.3.1_Aqua 01/31/2003 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except that some changes of m1 and sigma_m1 on the Reflective LUTs have been made. REFLECTIVE LUTs: New serial number R013 2003:01:29:11:48 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: m1, sigma_m1. Table pieces replaced: None. Table pieces added: Three new table pieces (2002364.1720, 2003020.2235, 2004001.0000) were added. The new table piece with time stamp 2004001.0000 is a duplicate of the new table piece with time stamp 2003020.2235, so that a step function is simulated for data times after 2003020.2235. Table pieces removed: None. QA LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number Q012 2003:01:29:11:48 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED: New serial number E012 2003:01:29:11:48 ============================================================================ v4.1.3.0_Aqua 12/18/2002 ============================================================================ These LUTs are the same as those in Version except that the R* LUT has been removed due to a code change which rendered it redundant. All serial numbers are changed with the submission of a new code version. REFLECTIVE LUTs New serial number: R012 2002:12:17:13:46 REFLECTIVE LUTs REMOVED: R* (Use in code replaced by inverse of m1*Solar Emissivity/Pi) QA LUTs NOT CHANGED New serial number: Q011 2002:12:17:13:47 EMISSIVE LUTs NOT CHANGED New serial number: E011 2002:12:17:13:45 ============================================================================ v4.1.1.1_Aqua 12/02/2002 ============================================================================ REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED New serial number: R011 2002:12:02:10:00 New m1, r_star, and sigma_m1 table pieces were manufactured: In the m1 calculation, 1. The VF function evaluated by Junqiang Sun using the Yaw data was applied. 2. The SWIR optical leak was included. 3. The SD degradation is applied. SD degradation coefficients were calculated by Joe Esposito with the SDSM data available as of 2002266. TABLE PIECES DELETED FOR m1, sigma_m1, and r_star: 2003001.0000 TABLE PIECES ADDED for m1, sigma_m1, and r_star: 2002322.1505 2002322.1510 TABLE PIECES WHICH REMAIN THE SAME for m1, sigma_m1, and r_star: 2002001.0000 2002189.1618 2002255.1829 2002167.1720 2002198.2308 2002255.1830 2002185.1704 2002221.2312 2002266.1425 2002189.1617 2002232.2115 EMISSIVE LUTs CHANGED New serial number: E010 2002:12:02:10:00 "band_21_b1_table": New table piece added with time stamp 2002255.2155. The LUT values were calculated using the on-orbit Blackbody warm-up cycle data set from day 2002276. QA LUTs CHANGED New Serial Number: Q010 2002:12:04:21:56 QA LUT Changed: Detector Quality Flag Values table. The time stamped table piece dated 2002255.1830 was changed. Band 6, Detector 7 (14 in SBRS order) was changed to "non-functioning". All settings for this table piece are below. See "DETECTOR QUALITY FLAGS FOR MODIS/AQUA AS OF JULY 30, 2002", under Version, for settings of previous time stamped pieces. _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2002255.1830 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 20 10 ( 1) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 7 (14) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- *For Detectors, both Product ("Prd") and SBRS ("(SB)") orders are given. ============================================================================ v4.1.1.0_Aqua 10/03/2002 ============================================================================ The scientific content of these LUTs is the same as in LUTs Version (see below). Format differences are discussed in the section on Version immediately following. The Emissive, Reflective, and QA LUTs have been assigned different serial numbers as follows, however. EMISSIVE LUTs Serial Number: E009 2002:10:03:15:54 QA LUTs Serial Number: Q009 2002:10:03:15:55 REFLECTIVE LUTs Serial Number: R010 2002:10:03:15:56 ============================================================================ v4.1.0.0_Aqua 07/30/2002 ============================================================================ There are no scientific differences between this set of LUTs and those issued with Version Several code changes have been made, however, which result in differences in LUT formats and which LUT tables are included in the files. The LUT type of the RVS corrections was changed to piecewise linear. In addition the RVS LUTs were changed from listing the RVS corrections to listing the quadratic coefficients necessary to make the RVS corrections. The coefficients are now calculated by interpolating on the granule collection time and the RVS corrections are then generated using the interpolated coefficients. Previously used Emissive and Reflective RVS LUT tables were eliminated and new ones introduced. The ADC correction has been stripped out of the code and the corresponding LUTs ("delta_DN_RSB" and "delta_DN_TEB") have been removed. REFLECTIVE LUTs New serial number: R009 2002:07:29:18:50 REFLECTIVE LUTs CHANGED: "dn_sat_ev": Data type of changed to float64 to avoid discrepancies seen between MOD_PR02 run on LINUX systems and IRIX systems where values were flagged under one operating system but not the other. BDSM LUTs: Fill values were eliminated from all LUTs previously dimensioned "BDSM" ([NUM_REFLECTIVE_BANDS] * [MAX_DETECTORS_PER_BAND] * [MAX_SAMPLES_PER_BAND] * [NUM_MIRROR_SIDES]) in the LUT HDF files. Each table piece is stored in the HDF file with dimensions NUM_REFLECTIVE_INDICES, where NUM_REFLECTIVE_INDICES = [NUM_250M_BANDS * DETECTORS_PER_250M_BAND * SAMPLES_PER_250M_BAND * NUM_MIRROR_SIDES] + [NUM_500M_BANDS * DETECTORS_PER_500M_BAND * SAMPLES_PER_500M_BAND * NUM_MIRROR_SIDES] + [NUM_1000M_BANDS * DETECTORS_PER_1KM_BAND * SAMPLES_PER_1KM_BAND * NUM_MIRROR_SIDES] with SAMPLES_PER_250M_BAND = 4, SAMPLES_PER_500M_BAND = 2, and SAMPLES_PER_1KM_BAND = 1. Values within each table piece appear in the order listed above. The overall dimensions of time dependent BDSM LUTs are now [NUM_TIMES] * [NUM_REFLECTIVE_INDICES], where NUM_TIMES is the number of time dependent table pieces. REFLECTIVE LUTs ADDED: "RVS_RefSB" Band/Detector/Mirror Side specific quadratic coefficients to calculate RVS corrections on a frame-by-frame basis. Is of step function type although at present has only one table piece and so is treated as a constant LUT. REFLECTIVE LUTs DELETED: "RVS_250m", "RVS_500m", "RVS_1km_RefSB", "delta_DN_RSB" EMISSIVE LUTs New serial number: E008 2002:07:29:18:50 EMISSIVE LUTs ADDED: "RVS_TEB" Band/Detector/Mirror Side specific quadratic coefficients to calculate RVS corrections on a frame-by-frame basis. Is of type piecewise linear although at present has only one table piece and so is treated as a constant LUT. "RVS_BB_SV_Frame_No" The BB and SV corrections are simply the corrections calculated for a specific EV frame; this table consists of the reference frame numbers to use for the BB and SV respectively. EMISSIVE LUTs DELETED: "RVS_1km_Emiss_SV", "RVS_1km_Emiss_BB", "RVS_1km_Emiss_EV", "delta_DN_TEB" QA LUTs: Not changed (same as Version ============================================================================ v3.1.0.3_Aqua 10/03/2002 ============================================================================ REFLECTIVE LUT SERIAL NUMBER: R009 2002:10:02:21:16 Reflective LUTs changed: 1. m1, r_star, and sigma_m1 were reworked: a. The VF function using the Yaw data was applied. b. The SWIR optical leak was included. c. SD degradation was applied; coefficients were calculated with the SDSM data available so far. There are twelve completely new table pieces for each of the three LUTs: 2002001.0000 2002189.1618 2002255.1829 2002167.1720 2002198.2308 2002255.1830 2002185.1704 2002221.2312 2002266.1425 2002189.1617 2002232.2115 2003001.0000 2. The SWIR out-of-band correction switch was turned ON and new tables for x_oob_0 and x_oob_1 were inserted. EMISSIVE LUT SERIAL NUMBER: E008 2002:09:28:16:06 Emissive LUTs changed: a0_table, a2_table, band_21_b1_table, and bb_t_sat_default_b1_aqua_table Four table pieces were inserted for each LUT, replacing the table pieces already there. The times of the table pieces are 2002001.0000, which apply for pre-launch values. 2002158.1815, which apply for after the first Science Mode. 2002183.1520, which apply for after day 2002178 Safe Mode. 2002218.1455, which apply for after day 2002210 Safe Mode. a. A0 for Bands 33-36 are set to zero(0) for 2002158, 183, and 218. A2 for Bands 33-36 are re-fitted accordingly using TV3 data sets. b. A0 and A2 for Bands 31-32 in 2002158, 183, and 218 are computed using on-orbit Blackbody warm-up cycles data from days 2002168, 2002190, and 2002243 respectively. c. Band_21_b1, except for the pre-launch table, are computed from the data sets described in (b). d. BB_T_Sat_Default_b1_Aqua (for Bands 33,35,36), except for the pre-launch table, are computed at T_bb=295K plateau during Blackbody warm-up cycles data sets described in [3]. Note that A0=0 and new A2 are being applied accordingly. QA LUT SERIAL NUMBER: Q008 2002:09:28:16:06 QA LUT Changed: Detector Quality Flag Values table. One new time stamped table piece dated 2002255.1830 was added to the Detector Quality Flag Values table. Settings for that piece are below. See "DETECTOR QUALITY FLAGS FOR MODIS/AQUA AS OF JULY 30, 2002", under Version, for settings of previous time stamped pieces. _________________________ | TIME | | | STAMP | 2002255.1830 | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 20 10 ( 1) | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | | | 6 12 ( 9) | | | 6 10 (11) | | | 6 6 (15) | | | 6 5 (16) | | | 6 4 (17) | | | 6 2 (19) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | | | | | | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | |-------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | |-------|---------------| | | | | | None | | Bit 5 | | |-------|---------------| | | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | | | 6 All | | | 7 All | | | 26 All | |-------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | ------------------------- *For Detectors, both Product ("Prd") and SBRS ("(SB)") orders are given. ============================================================================ v3.1.0.2_Aqua 07/29/2002 ============================================================================ This set of LUTs is the first generated after the MODIS/Aqua NAD opened on Day 2002175. m1, sigma_m1, and r_star reflective LUTs are updated. Two detectors on Band 6 are marked as non-responsive for a short period of time before the Vdet/Itwk settings were returned to their initial post-launch values. The default Band 21 b1 coefficients have been updated, and the saturation temperatures for BB warmup for bands 33, 34, and 36 are changed. There are also new values for the a0 and a2 emissive band calibration coefficients (the constant and second-order terms in the quadratic calibration equation). EMISSIVE LUT SERIAL NUMBER: E007 2002:07:25:17:50 Emissive LUTs Changed: band_21_b1_table: The prelaunch LUT already in place was renamed to have time stamp 2002001.0000 and a new time stamped table piece with date 2002158.1815 computed from the average of the coefficients derived using Blackbody warmup calibration data from days 2002168-169 and 2002190-191 was inserted. bb_t_sat_default_b1_aqua_table: This LUT is for on-orbit B33, 35, 36 default b1 when the Blackbody reaches above saturation temperatures of 290, 295, and 300K respectively. The prelaunch LUT already in place was renamed to have time stamp 2002001.0000 and two new time stamped table pieces with dates 2002158.1815 and 2002183.1520 were inserted. The pieces were computed at T_bb=295K using Blackbody warmup calibration data from days 2002168-169 and 2002190-191 respectively. a0_table and a1_table: Both tables are step function LUTs consisting of three time stamped pieces with dates of 2002001.000, 2002158.1815, and 2002183.1520. The piece with time stamp 2002001.000 is the table present in V3.1.0.1 (see below). The second and third table pieces are from the BB warmups on 2002168 and 2002190 respectively. These tables are inserted mainly to update A0 and A2 coefficients for Bands 31 and 32; no other band coefficients are different from pre-launch values. QA LUT SERIAL NUMBER: Q007 2002:07:25:17:38 QA LUTs Changed: detector_quality_flag_values_table The detector quality flag table is now a step function LUT which consists of four time-stamped pieces (2002001.0000, 2002164.0202, 2002178.1358, and 2002189.1439). Bits set are as follows: DETECTOR QUALITY FLAGS FOR MODIS/AQUA AS OF JULY 30, 2002 _________________________________________________________________________ | TIME | | | | | | STAMP | 2002001.0000 | 2002164.0202 | 2002178.1358 | 2002189.1439 | |-------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | BAND DET* | BAND DET* | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | Prd (SB) | Prd (SB) | Prd (SB) | | Bit 0 | 20 10 ( 1) | 6 17 ( 4) | 6 17 ( 4) | 6 17 ( 4) | | | 36 5 ( 6) | 20 10 ( 1) | 20 10 ( 1) | 20 10 ( 1) | |-------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | BAND DET* | BAND DET* | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | Prd (SB) | Prd (SB) | Prd (SB) | | Bit 1 | 5 20 ( 1) | 5 20 ( 1) | 5 20 ( 1) | 5 20 ( 1) | | | 6 20 ( 1) | 6 20 ( 1) | 6 20 ( 1) | 6 20 ( 1) | | | 6 19 ( 2) | 6 19 ( 2) | 6 19 ( 2) | 6 19 ( 2) | | | 6 18 ( 3) | 6 18 ( 3) | 6 18 ( 3) | 6 18 ( 3) | | | 6 16 ( 5) | 6 16 ( 5) | 6 16 ( 5) | 6 16 ( 5) | | | 6 14 ( 7) | 6 15 ( 6) | 6 15 ( 6) | 6 15 ( 6) | | | 6 13 ( 8) | 6 14 ( 7) | 6 14 ( 7) | 6 14 ( 7) | | | 6 2 (19) | 6 13 ( 8) | 6 13 ( 8) | 6 13 ( 8) | | | | 6 12 ( 9) | 6 12 ( 9) | 6 12 ( 9) | | | | 6 10 (11) | 6 10 (11) | 6 10 (11) | | | | 6 6 (15) | 6 6 (15) | 6 6 (15) | | | | 6 2 (19) | 6 5 (16) | 6 2 (19) | | | | 36 5 ( 6) | 6 4 (17) | 36 5 ( 6) | | | | | 6 2 (19) | | | | | | 36 5 ( 6) | | |-------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | BAND DET* | BAND DET* | BAND DET* | | | Prd (SB) | Prd (SB) | Prd (SB) | Prd (SB) | | Bit 2 | 21 1 (10) | 21 1 (10) | 21 1 (10) | 21 1 (10) | |-------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | Bit 3 | None | None | None | None | |-------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | Bit 4 | None | None | None | None | |-------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | | BAND DET* | | | | | | Prd (SB) | None | None | None | | Bit 5 | 36 5 ( 6) | | | | |-------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | | BAND DET | BAND DET | BAND DET | BAND DET | | Bit 6 | 5 All | 5 All | 5 All | 5 All | | | 6 All | 6 All | 6 All | 6 All | | | 7 All | 7 All | 7 All | 7 All | | | 26 All | 26 All | 26 All | 26 All | |-------|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | Bit 7 | None | None | None | None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *For Detectors, both Product ("Prd") and SBRS ("(SB)") orders are given. Bit Value Meanings for Detector Quality Flags: For Reflective Solar Bands: Bit 0: Noisy Detector Bit 1: Dead Detector (Non-responsive detector): Bit 2: Out-of-Family Gain Bit 3: Dynamic Range (Saturates before mission spec Lmax) Bit 4: Detector DN saturates on open SD Bit 5: High calibration fit residuals Bit 6: Electronic or Optical crosstalk For Thermal Emissive Bands: Bit 0: Noisy Detector Bit 1: Dead Detector (Non-responsive detector) Bit 2: Out-of-Family Gain Bit 3: Dynamic Range (Saturates before mission spec Lmax) Bit 4: Detector DN saturates on blackbody when Tbb=290K (DN > 4095) Bit 5: High calibration-fit residuals (1% deviation from the fit) Bit 6: Electronic or Optical crosstalk REFLECTIVE LUT SERIAL NUMBER: R008 2002:07:25:17:59 Reflective LUTs changed: m1, r_star, and sigma_m1 were reworked to take account of the different Vdet/Itwk settings in the Aqua mission to date. There are eight completely new table pieces for each of the three LUTs: 2002001.0000, 2002164.0202, 2002175.2322, 2002189.1617, 2002189.1618, 2002198.2310, and 2003001.0000. ============================================================================ v3.1.0.1_Aqua 06/05/2002 ============================================================================ New LUTs based on more careful assessment of some pre-launch data as well as new RSR tables, etc. EMISSIVE LUT SERIAL NUMBER: E006 2002:06:05:13:50 Emissive LUTs Changed: a0_table, a2_table, l_max table a0_table and a2_table now have Band 31 and Band 32 coefficients set to 0. They will be updated after the on-orbit warm-up cycle is completed. l_max_table was changed based on pre-launch data. ------------------------ QA LUT SERIAL NUMBER: Q006 2002:06:05:13:50 QA LUT Changed: a1_table.asc a1_table has had Band 31 and Band 32 coefficients updated based on calculated values from TRW data. ------------------------ REFLECTIVE LUT SERIAL NUMBER: R007 2002:06:05:13:50 The following reflective LUTs were changed based on pre-launch data: esun_over_pi, k_inst, m1, r_star, rsb_nedl, sigma_k_inst, sigma_m1, sigma_r_star, and sigma_rvs_rsb. ============================================================================ v3.1.0.0_Aqua 02/15/2002 ============================================================================ First Aqua-specific set of LUTs based on actual pre-launch values. A list of the tables for each set of LUTs follows: FM1 (AQUA) REFLECTIVE LUT STATUS AS OF 2/01/2002 REFLECTIVE LUT SERIAL NUMBER: R006 2002:01:31:17:00 NEW Pre-Launch Values | Same as MODIS/Terra | dn_obc_avg_first_frame_to_use | delta_dn_rsb dn_obc_avg_number_of_frames_to_use | dn_star_max dn_sat_ev | dn_star_min e_sun_over_pi | k_fpa k_inst | m0 m1 | rsb_specified_uncertainty r_star | rsb_sv_dn_moon_include_frames rsb_nedl | rsb_ui_scaling_factor rvs_1km_refsb | sigma_pv_resid_elec rvs_250m | sigma_rsb_adc rvs_500m | sigma_t_inst sigma_k_inst | t_fpa_ref sigma_m1 | sigma_r_star_lin_resid_ucoeff | sigma_rvs_rsb | swir_oob_correction_switch | t_inst_ref | x_oob_0 | x_oob_1 | x_oob_2 | FM1 (AQUA) EMISSIVE LUT STATUS AS OF 2/01/2002 EMISSIVE LUT SERIAL NUMBER: E005 2002:01:31:17:00 New emissive LUTs specific to a problem with the blackbody warmup saturation temperature on Aqua Bands 33, 34, and 36 were added. They are bb_t_sat_aqua (saturation temperatures for the affected band/detector combinations), bb_t_sat_default_b1_aqua (default b1 values to use if the blackbody temperature is over the saturation limit for that band/detector), and bb_t_sat_aqua_switch (on/off switch for the correction, currently set to ON). NEW Pre-Launch Values | Same as MODIS/Terra | a0 | delta_dn_teb a2 | delta_t_bb_beta band_21_b1 | delta_t_bb_delta band_21_uncert_lsat | l_max bb_dn_first_frame_to_use | l_min bb_dn_number_of_frames_to_use | num_overlap_scans_b1 bb_t_sat_aqua_switch (NEW) | rvs_1km_emiss_bb bb_t_sat_aqua (NEW) | sigma_teb_adc bb_t_sat_default_b1_aqua (NEW) | sigma_teb_pv_resid_elec bb_weight | sv_dn_moon_include_frames epsilon_bb | teb_specified_uncertainty epsilon_cav | teb_ui_scaling_factor nwl | pc_xt | pcx_correction_switch | rsr | rvs_1km_emiss_ev | rvs_1km_emiss_sv | sv_dn_first_frame_to_use | sv_dn_number_of_frames_to_use | t_cav_default | t_cav_function_flag | t_ins_default | t_ins_function_flag | t_ins_offset | t_mir_default | t_mir_function_flag | ucoeff_calibr_resid | ucoeff | wavelength | FM1 (AQUA) QA LUT STATUS AS OF 2/01/2002 QA LUT SERIAL NUMBER: Q005 2002:01:31:17:00 NEW Pre-Launch Values | Same as MODIS/Terra | a1 | algorithmpackageacceptancedate bb_average_temperature_variance | algorithmpackagematuritycode cavity_temperature_variance | associatedplatformshortname detector_quality_flag_values | control_options instrument_temperature_variance | mission_phase lwir_fpa_temperature_variance | moon_offset_limits mirror_average_temperature_variance | mirrorside_1_temperature_variance | mirrorside_2_temperature_variance | mwir_fpa_temperature_variance | nedl | nir_fpa_base_variance | t_bb_variance | visual_fpa_base_variance | ============================================================================ v3.0.1.0_Aqua 09/28/2001 ============================================================================ A new Browse code version was implemented and the PGE02 Version incremented. No changes were made to the MOD_PR02 code or LUTs except to change the PGE02 version. Values still have no scientific meaning. ============================================================================ v3.0.0.0_Aqua 03/26/01 ============================================================================ The structure of the LUT files changed. See the Terra LUT History file for details. Values still have no scientific meaning. ============================================================================ v2.5.5.0_Aqua 01/12/2001 ============================================================================ The structure of the LUT files changed. See the Terra LUT History file for details. Values still have no scientific meaning. ============================================================================ v2.5.4.0_Aqua 12/01/2000 ============================================================================ The structure of the Reflective LUTs file changed. See the Terra LUT History file for details. Values still have no scientific meaning. ============================================================================ v2.5.3.0_Aqua 10/16/2000 ============================================================================ No science changes. The PGE version changed (see the MOD_PR02 HISTORY file). ============================================================================ v2.5.2.0_Aqua 10/16/2000 ============================================================================ No science changes. The PGE version changed (see the MOD_PR02 HISTORY file). ============================================================================ v2.5.1.1 (Aqua) 08/24/2000 ============================================================================ No science changes. The PGE version changed (see the MOD_PR02 HISTORY file). ============================================================================ v2.5.0.1 (Aqua) 08/18/2000 ============================================================================ These values have no scientific meaning. They are set to the Terra values to allow pre-launch testing of PGEs for data formats.