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Collection 7

Collection 7 (C7) has been under development for the past several years. MCST, in consultation with representatives of the science disciplines, developed improvements to the calibration algorithms and methodologies to handle known issues with the aging MODIS sensors. MCST delivered an initial set of C7 look-up tables in March 2021, and several updates have been delivered since then. The reprocessing and forward production of C7 Level 1B is expected to begin in 2024. MCST has provided three technical memos summarizing the code changes and algorithm enhancements to the C7 L1B code and LUTs.

C7 proposed changes in reflective solar bands  (RSB Document)

C7 proposed changes in thermal emissive bands (TEB Document)

C7 proposed changes in the L1B code (L1B Document)

For any questions or clarifications, please contact Amit Angal, Kevin Twedt, and Jack Xiong.