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Instrument Operation Team - Planning


The purpose of the MODIS Instrument Operations Team (IOT) is to plan, schedule, and monitor MODIS activities.


Operational Activities (OAs) have been designed to meet all MODIS science requirements. Descriptions of these OAs can be found in the MODIS Operations Concept Document (OCD). MCST provides a Terra Overflight and Aqua Overflight tool. Those tools allow for calculating surface viewing times and angles for each of the respective satellites.


The MODIS Instrument Operations Team schedules a daily set of Operational Activities using the Instrument Support Toolkit (IST) software package provided by the EOS Flight Operations Segment. If you would like to request a MODIS activity be added to the schedule, please notify the MODIS IOT.


The MODIS IOT will monitor all housekeeping telemetry for non-nominal conditions. In the event of an out-of-limits state, the MODIS IOT will follow recovery procedures as defined in the MODIS Fault Detection and Recovery Document. Information regarding telemetry trending, limited life items, and instrument anomalies can be found in the MODIS IOT Weekly Reports. The Daily and Weekly Reports are snapshots in time of the health and status of MODIS. Daily Reports exist for the Launch and Activation phase of the missions. After reaching a state of nominal "Science Mode", the IOT Reporting transitions to Weekly Reports. The Event History gives a chronological list of all activities and events that directly affected the state of each MODIS