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Clouds over Flores Island, Indonesia

MODIS; aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite flew over Indonesia and captured this true-color image of spectacular clouds rising over the landscape.

Tropical Cyclone Alessia (02S) over Australia

The first storm of the Australian region's cyclone season threatened Australia’s Top End in late November 2013.

Plume from Sakura-jima, southern Japan

On November 23, 2013 violent eruptions shook Japan’s Sakura-jima volcano.

Tropical Storm Issac

In late August 2012, Tropical Storm Isaac hovered over the Caribbean Sea, taking aim at populated areas. At 2:00 p.m. EDT on August 23, shortly after MODIS took this picture, the U.S.

Fires and smoke in western United States

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured this true-color image of the fires on August 13, 2012.

Latest News

Terra MODIS Collection 6 Level 1B products will be reprocessed to correct for the long term drift observed in the reflectance trending of band 5. More details regarding the reprocessing schedule can be found here:

Also, information regarding this calibration change can be found here.

The presentations from the MODIS Science Team Meeting, April-2014 are available at the following location:

Terra experienced an anomaly for B36/D7 beginning on 2014109.1405. Unlike previous instances of this unknown electronics/formatter anomaly, the detector behavior has not returned to normal.After 2 weeks continually being in the anomaly state, the decision was made to change the QA flag for this detector from 'Noisy' to 'Inoperable'. All Band 36 detectors are currently flagged as Noisy.

This QA change will be in effect from the LUT versions (Collection 5) and (Collection 6)

May 4, 2014 marked the 12 year anniversary of Aqua launch. The MODIS instrument on-board the Aqua spacecraft has well surpassed its design lifetime, but continues to provide valuable datasets for studies of Earth's land, ocean and atmosphere systems.

MCST arranged a workshop (via telecon) to discuss the status, impact on science products and way forward in regards to the Aqua CFPA temperature issue. The presentation can be found in the following location:

MODIS Characterization Support Team

The MODIS Characterization Support Team (MCST) is dedicated to the production of a high quality MODIS calibration product. This product is a precursor to every geophysical science product. MCST works for the Science Team Leader and is responsible for developing and maintaining the calibration product (L1B algorithm).

Tags: Calibration


Collection 6 has been under development for a number of years. MCST, in consultation with representatives of the science disciplines, developed improvements to the calibration algorithms and methodolgies to handle known issues with the aging MODIS sensors. Summary talks of the proposed Collection 6 changes have been delivered at the MODIS science team meetings over the last few years.


Current L1B LUT Versions:

Terra C6:; Terra C6.1:; Aqua C6:; Aqua C6.1:

Tags: L1B Product

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