Mission Operations Days: 2000/030 to 2000/036
January 30, 2000 00:00:00 GMT to February 05, 2000 00:00:00 GMT
Terra Spacecraft and MODIS Instrument Status:
Terra (AM-1) is in Normal Ops Mode MODIS is in Safe Mode MODIS has no known Anomalies |
Component | State(s) | Comment |
Blackbody | A Off; B Off | Nominal |
Calibration Electronics | A Off; B Off | Nominal |
Control Processor | A Off; B On | Nominal |
Nadir Door | Unlatched, Closed | Nominal |
Space View Door | Unlatched, Closed | Nominal |
Solar Diffuser Door | Unlatched, Closed | Nominal |
FDDI Formatter | A Off; B Off | Nominal |
FDDI Port | A Off; B Off | Nominal |
FIFO Memory | #1 & #2 Off; #3 & #4 Off | Nominal |
Format Processor | A Off; B Off | Nominal |
Power Supplies | #1 Off, #2 On | Nominal |
PV VIS FPA | A Off; B Off | Nominal |
PV NIR FPA | A Off; B Off | Nominal |
PV SMIR FPA | A Off; B Off | Nominal |
PV LWIR FPA | A Off; B Off | Nominal |
PC LWIR FPA | A Off; B Off | Nominal |
RC Outgas Heaters | All Off (CS, IS, OS) | Nominal |
RC LWIR FPA Heater | Off | Nominal |
RC SMIR FPA Heater | Off | Nominal |
Scan Assembly | A Off; B Off | Nominal |
SDSM | Off | Nominal |
SRCA | Off | Nominal |
PS1 Survival Heater | Enabled | Nominal |
PS2 Survival Heater | Enabled | Nominal |
Timing Generator | A Off; B On | Nominal |
Flight Software | Rev BD | Nominal |
Inhibit Ids Set | 31,32,33,53,58 | BB, CE, CP, SDSM, SD |
TMONs Enabled | None | Nominal |
This Week’s Completed MODIS Activities:
Sunday, January 30, 2000
Monday, January 31, 2000
Tuesday, February 1, 2000
Wednesday, February 2, 2000
Thursday, February 3, 2000
Friday, February 4, 2000
Saturday, February 5, 2000
This Week's Scheduled MODIS Activities Not Completed:
Upcoming MODIS Events:
MODIS will recover from Safe Mode and transition to Science Mode on Friday, February 11, 2000. The following events will occur:
Transition to Stanby Mode
Move the SVD to open position
Transition to Science Mode
Run PV Ecal with warm FPAs
Turn on the Blackbody
Set the Blackbody heater temperature to 285K
Open the SDD to the screened position
Close the SDD
Wait at least 5 minutes
Open the SDD to full open position
Close the SDD
No other activities are planned for the week.
MODIS Anomalies:
General Instrument Comments:
MODIS is currently in Safe Mode with all three doors closed and unlatched. The timing generator is powered on the B side due to the transition to Safe Mode from Science Mode.
MODIS Telemetry Trends:
Telemetry is nominal.
Non-MODIS Significant Events:
2000/033 19:57 A 20 second thruster burn occurred and was successful.
2000/033 20:07 A 20 second thruster burn occurred and was successful.
Limited Life Item Status:
All limited life items are well within lifetime ranges. The precise statistics for each item have been received from LMMS/Valley Forge and will be incorporated next week.