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Mission Operations Days: 2000/323 to 2000/329
November 18, 2000 00:00:00 GMT to November 24, 2000 00:00:00 GMT

Terra Spacecraft and MODIS Instrument Status:

Terra (AM-1) is in Normal Ops Mode
MODIS is in Science Mode - B Side
Component State(s) Comment
Blackbody A Off; B On (290 K) Nominal
Calibration Electronics A Off; B On Nominal
Control Processor A Off; B On Nominal
Nadir Door Unlatched, Open Nominal
Space View Door Unlatched, Open Nominal
Solar Diffuser Door Unlatched, Closed Nominal
FDDI Formatter A Off; B On Nominal
FDDI Port A On; B Off Nominal
FIFO Memory #1 & #2 Off; #3 & #4 On Nominal
Format Processor A Off; B On Nominal
Power Supplies #1 Off; #2 On Nominal
PV VIS FPA A Off; B On Nominal
PV NIR FPA A Off; B On Nominal
PV SMIR FPA A Off; B On Nominal
PV LWIR FPA A Off; B On Nominal
PC LWIR FPA A Off; B On Nominal
RC Outgas Heaters All Off (CS, IS, OS) Nominal
RC LWIR FPA Heater On (83 K) Nominal
RC SMIR FPA Heater Off Nominal
Scan Assembly A Off; B On Nominal
SDSM A Off; B Off Nominal
SRCA A Off; B Off Nominal
PS1 Survival Heater Enabled Nominal
PS2 Survival Heater Enabled Nominal
Timing Generator A Off; B On Nominal
Flight Software Rev BD + 1 set of patches
  • FR Error Counting and Statistics (2 patches)
Inhibit Ids Set None Nominal
TMONs Enabled 68 Nominal

This Week’s Completed MODIS Activities:

Friday, November 17, 2000

Leonid Meteor shower Nov 17th & 18th: MODIS remained in nominal B-side science operations, however, all calibration activities were suspended during this time.

Saturday, November 18, 2000


Sunday, November 19, 2000


Monday, November 20, 2000

2000/325 21:00:00 ATC Set Blackbody to 270K

Tuesday, November 21, 2000

2000/326 15:00:00 ATC Set Blackbody to 280K
2000/326 19:00:00 ATC Set Blackbody to 285K
2000/326 21:00:00 ATC Set Blackbody to 290K
2000/326 23:00:00 ATC Set Blackbody to 295K
2000/326 23:01:00 ATC Set Blackbody duty cycle to FULL

Wednesday, November 22, 2000

2000/327 01:00:00 ATC Set Blackbody to 300K
2000/327 03:00:00 ATC Set Blackbody to 315K
2000/327 05:00:00 ATC Set Blackbody to 270K
2000/327 05:01:00 ATC Set Blackbody duty cycle to THIRD
2000/327 21:25:10 ATC OA15: SDSM Open
2000/327 23:04:03 ATC OA16: SDSM Screened

Thursday, November 23, 2000

2000/328 01:00:00 ATC Set Blackbody to 290K
2000/328 09:48:37 - 10:22:10 ATC SRCA Full Radiometric (B)

Friday, November 24, 2000

2000/329 10:29:10 - 11:20:49 ATC SRCA Full Spectral 30W Part I (B)
2000/329 12:24:17 - 12:59:02 ATC SRCA Full Spectral 30W Part II (B)
2000/329 13:46:23 - 14:37:39 ATC SRCA Full Spectral 10W Part I (B)
2000/329 15:42:04 - 16:20:02 ATC SRCA Full Spectral 10W Part II (B)

This Week's Scheduled MODIS Activities Not Completed:


Upcoming MODIS Events:

Friday, November 24, 2000


Saturday, November 25, 2000


Sunday, November 26, 2000


Monday, November 27, 2000


Tuesday, November 28, 2000


Wednesday, November 29, 2000

2000/327 21:31:26 ATC OA15: SDSM Open
2000/327 23:10:19 ATC OA16: SDSM Screened

Thursday, November 30, 2000


Friday, December 1, 2000




MODIS Anomalies:

No formatter anomalies have been detected since switching to B-side science operations. The MODIS IOT is continuing to monitor changes with the radiative cooler temperatures and focal plane power.

General Instrument Comments:

MODIS is in Science Mode on the B-side with the SVD and NAD open, operating with the Formatter Resolution Flight Software Patches (FRFSP). No new events have been witnessed by the FRFSP since the B-Side Transition on DOY 2000/304.

MODIS Telemetry Trends:

The Radiative Cooler intermediate stage temperature has slowly been increasing since approximately DOY 2000/240. During this time the LWIR focal plane heater margin has been decreasing. The IOT is continuing to trend these telemetry mnemonics.

Non-MODIS Significant Events:


Limited Life Item Status:

SRCA 10W Lamp #1: 176.3 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #2: 137.6 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #3: 146.8 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #4: 61.5 of 500 hours

SRCA 1W Lamp #1: 556.3 of 4000 hours
SRCA 1W Lamp #2: 276.3 of 4000 hours

Solar Diffuser Door: 1459 of 3022 Movements
Nadir Aperture Door: 532 of 1316 Movements
Space View Door: 437 of 1316 Movements