Mission Operations Days: 2001/363 to 2002/004
December 29, 2001 00:00:00 GMT to January 04, 2002 00:00:00 GMT
Terra Spacecraft and MODIS Instrument Status:
AM-1 "Terra" is in Normal Mode PFM MODIS is in A-Side Science Mode |
Component | State(s) | Comment |
Blackbody | A On (290 K); B Off | Nominal |
Calibration Electronics | A On; B Off | Nominal |
Control Processor | A On; B Off | Nominal |
Nadir Door | Unlatched, Open | Nominal |
Space View Door | Unlatched, Open | Nominal |
Solar Diffuser Door | Unlatched, Closed | Nominal |
FDDI Formatter | A On; B Off | Nominal |
FDDI Port | A On; B Off | Nominal |
FIFO Memory | #1 & #2 On; #3 & #4 Off | Nominal |
Format Processor | A On; B Off | Nominal |
Power Supplies | #1 On, #2 Off | Nominal |
PV VIS FPA | A On; B Off | Nominal |
PV NIR FPA | A On; B Off | Nominal |
PV SMIR FPA | A On; B Off | Nominal |
PV LWIR FPA | A On; B Off | Nominal |
PC LWIR FPA | A On; B Off | Nominal |
RC Outgas Heaters | All Off (CS, IS, OS) | Nominal |
RC LWIR FPA Heater | On (83 K) | Nominal |
RC SMIR FPA Heater | Off | Nominal |
Scan Assembly | A On; B Off | Nominal |
SDSM | Off | Nominal |
SRCA | Off | Nominal |
PS1 Survival Heater | Enabled | Nominal |
PS2 Survival Heater | Enabled | Nominal |
Timing Generator | A On; B Off | Nominal |
Flight Software | Rev BD + 3 set of patches
Nominal |
Inhibit Ids Set | None | Nominal |
TMON 66 | Disabled | Nominal |
TMON 67 | Disabled | Nominal |
TMON 68 | Enabled | Nominal |
TMON 69 | Disabled | Nominal |
This Week's Completed MODIS Activities:
Saturday, December 29, 2001
Sunday, December 30, 2001
Monday, December 31, 2001
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Wednesday, January 2, 2002
Thursday, January 3, 2002
MODIS Lunar Roll Maneuver (-1.9741 degrees)
2002/003 10:16:03 Real-time IRU set to High Rate (lower spacecraft attitude precision)
2002/003 10:46:22 ATC Formatter to Night Rate Set ahead by 03:23 to ensure 50/50 day/night data collection.
2002/003 11:13:14 ATC Formatter to Day Rate
2002/003 11:13:16 ATC SCIABNORM flag set to ABNORM
2002/003 11:13:18 ATC PV DCR computation to OFF
2002/003 11:13:20 ATC PC DCR computation to OFF
2002/003 11:13:22 ATC Sector rotation to 3072
2002/003 11:19:52 ATC Sector rotation to 0
2002/003 11:19:54 ATC PC DCR computation to ON
2002/003 11:19:56 ATC PV DCR computation to ON
2002/003 11:19:58 ATC SCIABNORM flag to NORM
2002/003 11:20:00 ATC Formatter to Night Rate
2002/003 11:28:03 Real-Time IRU set to Low Rate (greater spacecraft attitude precision)
2002/003 11:42:33 ATC Formatter to Day Rate Set later by 03:23 to ensure 50/50 day/night data collection.
Friday, January 4, 2002
This Week's Scheduled MODIS Activities Not Completed:
Upcoming Week's MODIS Events:
Sunday, January 6, 2002
2002/006 11:59:06 ATC OA-16: SDSM Screened
2002/006 11:59:06 ATC OA-16: SDSM Screened
2002/006 13:37:59 ATC OA-15: SDSM Open
Monday, January 7, 2002
2002/007 20:56:39 ATC OA-15: SDSM Open with SDSM mirror fixed at SD view
2002/007 22:35:31 ATC OA-16: SDSM Screened with SDSM mirror fixed at sun view
Terra MODIS calibrations for the month of January will include an SRCA Full Radiometric, SRCA Full Spatial, SRCA Full Spectral, Blackbody heating, and bi-weekly SDSM calibrations.
The next MODIS Lunar Calibration via a spacecraft roll maneuver is scheduled for February 3rd, 2002 (2002/032) with data collection from 20:19:21 to 20:25:51. The roll angle will be -3.4357 degrees.
A Drag Make-Up (DMU) maneuver is planned for the week of January 6th, 2002. The next inclination maneuver (2 of 6) is scheduled for January 16, 2002. For this second inclination maneuver, the MODIS doors will only be closed in the event of a failure to return to nominal pointing. A second DMU maneuver is planned for the week after the inclination maneuver.
The IOT has been notified that the Terra Deep Space Calibration Maneuver has been postponed once again. The maneuver is not expected to be performed until late summer of 2002 at the earliest. The reasoning for this delay was to allow the EOS Operations Center (EOC) time to adjust to operating Terra and Aqua spacecraft simultaneously.
MODIS Anomalies:
Formatter Error Events:
The formatter error rate has been fairly steady for the past few weeks with the counter rollover time approximately every seven hours and forty-five minutes.
Error tracking spreadsheets have been updated and can be retrieved from:
An MS Excel spreadsheet called, AM1_FR_error_rollovers_MMDDYY.xls contains the data for the times each of the error count "roll over" occurs (with the MMDDYY denoting the date the spreadsheet was made, the more recent date containing the most up-to-date information).
General Instrument Comments:
MODIS is in Science Mode on the A-side with the SVD and NAD open, operating with the Formatter Resolution Flight Software Patches (FRFSP).
MODIS Telemetry Trends:
No abnormal telemetry trends are being observed.
Non-MODIS Significant Events:
Science Data Loss Reports can be viewed at:
Select "Search Data Losses", and choose Data Type: MOD
Then press the big SUBMIT button.
Limited Life Item Status:
SRCA 10W Lamp #1: 192.8 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #2: 147.2 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #3: 156.4 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #4: 61.5 of 500 hours
SRCA 1W Lamp #1: 558.6 of 4000 hours
SRCA 1W Lamp #2: 276.3 of 4000 hours
Solar Diffuser Door: 1781 of 3022 Movements
Nadir Aperture Door: 534 of 1316 Movements
Space View Door: 437 of 1316 Movements