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Mission Operations Days: 2002/257 to 2002/263
September 14, 2002 00:00:00 GMT to September 20, 2002 00:00:00 GMT

The Active PFM MODIS Formatter was swapped from FR A to FR B on DOY 2002/260

Terra Spacecraft and MODIS Instrument Status:

Terra (AM-1) is in Normal Mode
MODIS is in A-side Science Mode
Component State(s) Comment
Blackbody A On (290 K); B Off Nominal Science Mode
Calibration Electronics A On; B Off Nominal Science Mode
Control Processor A On; B Off Nominal Science Mode
Nadir Door Unlatched, Open Nominal Science Mode
Space View Door Unlatched, Open Nominal Science Mode
Solar Diffuser Door Unlatched, Closed Nominal Science Mode
FDDI Formatter A On; B Off Nominal Science Mode
FDDI Port A On; B Off Nominal Science Mode
FIFO Memory #1 & #2 On; #3 & #4 Off Nominal Science Mode
Format Processor A Off; B On Nominal Science Mode
Power Supplies #1 On, #2 Off Nominal Science Mode
PV VIS FPA A On; B Off Nominal Science Mode
PV NIR FPA A On; B Off Nominal Science Mode
PV SMIR FPA A On; B Off Nominal Science Mode
PV LWIR FPA A On; B Off Nominal Science Mode
PC LWIR FPA A On; B Off Nominal Science Mode
RC Outgas Heaters All Off (CS, IS, OS) Nominal Science Mode
RC LWIR FPA Heater On (83 K) Nominal Science Mode
RC SMIR FPA Heater Off Nominal Science Mode
Scan Assembly A On; B Off Nominal Science Mode
SDSM Off Nominal Science Mode
SRCA Off Nominal Science Mode
PS1 Survival Heater Enabled Nominal Science Mode
PS2 Survival Heater Enabled Nominal Science Mode
Timing Generator A On; B Off Nominal Science Mode
Flight Software Rev BD + 6 sets of patches
  • CP to Safe - No FR Off (1 patch)
  • FR Error Counting and Statistics (2 patches)
  • FR 1000ms time code patches (3 patches)
  • FR Band 5 Gain Change (20 commands)
  • FR BB Ideal Output Values (1 patch)
  • FR A EEPROM KME Fast 1 word patch (1 patch)
Nominal Science Mode
Inhibit Ids Set None Nominal Science Mode
TMON 66 Disabled Nominal Science Mode
TMON 67 Disabled Nominal Science Mode
TMON 68 Enabled Nominal Science Mode
TMON 69 Disabled Nominal Science Mode

This Week's Completed MODIS Activities:

Friday, September 13, 2002


Saturday, September 14, 2002


Sunday, September 15, 2002


Monday, September 16, 2002


Tuesday, September 17, 2002

*** 2002/260 Formatter A to Formatter B Swap ***

Disable FR Error Counting Alarms

2002/260 13:17:31-13:17:41 Real-Time MOD_ALARMS_CP_ST_06('DISABLE')
2002/260 13:17:53-13:17:59 Real-Time MOD_ALARMS_FR_SRC('DISABLE')
2002/260 13:18:15-13:18:22 Real-Time MOD_ALARMS_URT_RST('DISABLE')

Turn off the FIFOs (stop science data flow to SSR) and switch to the FR B

2002/260 14:11:40-14:12:13 Real-Time MOD_SET_FIFO_BLOCKS('OFF','OFF','OFF','OFF')
2002/260 14:12:28-14:12:55 Real-Time MOD_FR_ON('B')

Baseline dump of the memory region to be loaded

2002/260 14:15:01-14:15:34 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('FR_OPERAND',2,11706,0,1,1)
2002/260 14:15:51-14:16:35 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('FR_OPERAND',64,45056,0,1,2)

Load the FR Error Counting/Tracking/Ignore Statistics Load

2002/260 14:17:05-14:17:32 Real-Time MOD_MEM_LOAD('AM1_MPR_MODIS_FR_RECOVERY',64,'N','DISABLE',1,2)
2002/260 14:17:56-14:18:26 Real-Time MOD_MEM_LOAD('AM1_MPR_MODIS_FR_ANOMALY2',2,'N','DISABLE',1,1)

Verification dump of the memory region loaded

2002/260 14:18:40-14:19:09 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('FR_OPERAND',2,11706,0,1,1)
2002/260 14:19:27-14:20:09 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('FR_OPERAND',64,45056,0,1,2)

Turn on the FIFOs (begin science data flow to SSR)

2002/260 14:20:31-14:21:16 Real-Time MOD_SET_FIFO_BLOCKS('ON','ON','OFF','OFF')

Enable FR Error Counting Alarms

2002/260 15:04:56-15:05:06 Real-Time MOD_ALARMS_CP_ST_06('ENABLE')
2002/260 15:05:10-15:05:23 Real-Time MOD_ALARMS_FR_SRC('ENABLE')
2002/260 15:05:27-15:05:42 Real-Time MOD_ALARMS_URT_RST('ENABLE')

Baseline dump of the memory region to be loaded

2002/260 15:20:50-15:21:15 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('FR_OPERAND',1,7315,0,1,1)
2002/260 15:21:29-15:21:56 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('FR_OPERAND',1,7333,0,1,1)
2002/260 15:22:07-15:22:34 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('FR_OPERAND',1,7346,0,1,1)

Load the FR 1000 ms time code patch

2002/260 15:22:55-15:23:25 Real-Time MOD_MEM_LOAD('AM1_MPR_MODIS_FR_MS_PATCH1',1,'N','DISABLE',1,1)
2002/260 15:23:42-15:24:31 Real-Time MOD_MEM_LOAD('AM1_MPR_MODIS_FR_MS_PATCH2',1,'N','DISABLE',1,1)
2002/260 15:24:48-15:25:14 Real-Time MOD_MEM_LOAD('AM1_MPR_MODIS_FR_MS_PATCH3',1,'N','DISABLE',1,1)

Verification dump of the memory region loaded

2002/260 15:25:34-15:25:59 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('FR_OPERAND',1,7315,0,1,1)
2002/260 15:26:12-15:26:40 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('FR_OPERAND',1,7333,0,1,1)
2002/260 15:55:39-15:56:07 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('FR_OPERAND',1,7346,0,1,1)

Baseline dump of the memory region to be changed

2002/260 15:56:43-16:00:22 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('FPA_GAIN',550,0,0,1,18)

Band 5, Detectors 1-20, PV Gain Change.

2002/260 17:23:07-17:23:18 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,1,66)
2002/260 17:23:28-17:23:39 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,2,63)
2002/260 17:23:49-17:24:02 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,3,65)
2002/260 17:24:16-17:24:29 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,4,66)
2002/260 17:24:37-17:24:52 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,5,63)
2002/260 17:25:00-17:25:14 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,6,63)
2002/260 17:25:48-17:25:39 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,7,59)
2002/260 17:25:48-17:26:01 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,8,60)
2002/260 17:26:20-17:26:35 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,9,55)
2002/260 17:26:43-17:26:58 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,10,54)
2002/260 17:27:09-17:27:22 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,11,54)
2002/260 17:27:34-17:27:47 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,12,53)
2002/260 17:27:56-17:28:09 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,13,51)
2002/260 17:28:19-17:28:37 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,14,53)
2002/260 17:28:45-17:28:56 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,15,54)
2002/260 17:29:08-17:29:19 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,16,54)
2002/260 17:29:30-17:29:40 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,17,50)
2002/260 17:29:50-17:30:03 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,18,59)
2002/260 17:30:12-17:30:24 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,19,57)
2002/260 17:30:37-17:30:48 Real-Time MOD_GAIN_CHANGE(5,20,55)

Verification dump of the memory region changed

2002/260 17:51:48-17:55:43 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('FPA_GAIN',550,0,0,1,18)

Baseline dump of the memory region to be loaded

2002/260 18:21:05-18:31:50 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('BB_OUTPUT',1800,0,0,1,57)

Load Blackbody Ideal Output Values and enable DC Restore (turned off during load)

2002/260 19:00:24-19:10:26 Real-Time MOD_MEM_LOAD('AM1_MPR_MODIS_BB_IDEAL_VALUES_TABLE_05',1800,'Y','D
ISABLE',1,57) 2002/260 19:10:38-19:11:26 Real-Time MOD_DCRESTORE('ON','ON')

Verification dump of the memory region loaded

2002/260 20:10:13-20:12:02 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('BB_OUTPUT',1800,0,0,1,57)

Repeat memory dump. Timing issue caused previous dump to skip occasional partitions

2002/260 21:28:37-21:29:39 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('BB_OUTPUT',1800,0,0,4,7)
2002/260 21:29:50-21:30:24 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('BB_OUTPUT',1800,0,0,11,11)
2002/260 21:30:39-21:31:36 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('BB_OUTPUT',1800,0,0,16,18)
2002/260 21:31:47-21:32:18 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('BB_OUTPUT',1800,0,0,34,34)
2002/260 21:32:30-21:32:54 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('BB_OUTPUT',1800,0,0,38,38)
2002/260 21:33:07-21:33:37 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('BB_OUTPUT',1800,0,0,40,40)
2002/260 21:33:57-21:34:28 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('BB_OUTPUT',1800,0,0,46,46)
2002/260 21:34:35-21:35:06 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('BB_OUTPUT',1800,0,0,48,48)
2002/260 21:35:18-21:35:44 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('BB_OUTPUT',1800,0,0,52,52)
2002/260 21:35:58-21:36:22 Real-Time MOD_MEM_DUMP('BB_OUTPUT',1800,0,0,54,54)

Wednesday, September 18, 2002


Thursday, September 19, 2002

2002/262 20:05:19-20:18:30 ATC MOD_OA16_SD_SCREEN_FXD_SUN_A.1 OA16: SD/SDSM Calibration: SDD screened, SDSM fixed at the sun - A Side
2002/262 21:44:12-21:57:23 ATC MOD_OA15_SD_OPEN_FIXED_SD_A.1 OA15: SD/SDSM Calibration: SDD open, SDSM fixed at the SD - A Side

Friday, September 20, 2002


This Week's Scheduled MODIS Activities Not Completed:


Upcoming MODIS Events:

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

2002/267 17:18:49-17:39:01 Real-Time Three Memory Dumps (EEPROM CRCs, patch location value, CRC check position)

  • MOD_MEM_DUMP('FP_ROM_CRC',24,0,0,1,1)
  • MOD_MEM_DUMP('FR_INSTRUCTION',3,24066,0,1,1)
  • MOD_MEM_DUMP('FR_PHYSICAL',1,535994,0,1,1)

2002/267 18:20:00-18:35:00 Real-Time Load MODIS FRB EEPROM KME Fast Patch


Memory dump of patch locations

  • MOD_MEM_DUMP('FR_PHYSICAL',1,535994,0,1,1)
  • MOD_MEM_DUMP('FP_ROM_CRC',24,0,0,1,1)

Wednesday, September 25, 2002

2002/268 21:07:43-21:20:54 ATC MOD_OA16_SD_SCREEN_FXD_SUN_A.1 OA16: SD/SDSM Calibration: SDD screened, SDSM fixed at the sun - A Side
2002/268 22:46:36-22:59:47 ATC MOD_OA15_SD_OPEN_FIXED_SD_A.1 OA15: SD/SDSM Calibration: SDD open, SDSM fixed at the SD - A Side

Thursday, September 26, 2002:

2002/269 14:33:21 ATC Formatter (FR) to NIGHT Rate 3 minutes, 23 seconds EARLY. Done in to compensate for extra day rate at night in roll activity.

2002/269 15:08:02-15:14:48 ATC MOD_OA08_ROLL_MAN.3 Lunar Roll Calibration: 6 minutes, 30 second collection at -9.8575 degree roll.

2002/269 15:08:02 FR DAY Rate (at Ground Track Night)
2002/269 15:08:04 FR ABNORMAL Science Data Flag Set
2002/269 15:08:06 FR PC DC Restore Turned OFF
2002/269 15:08:08 FR PV DC Restore Turned OFF
2002/269 15:08:10 FR Encoder Delta Moved To -3072 (Earth View Centered on Space View Port)
2002/269 15:08:10-15:14:40 Data Collection
2002/269 15:14:40 FR Encoder Delta Moved To 0 (Earth View Centered on Earth View Port)
2002/269 15:14:42 FR PV DC Restore Turned ON
2002/269 15:14:44 FR PC DC Restore Turned ON
2002/269 15:14:46 FR NORMAL Science Data Flag Set
2002/269 15:14:48 FR NIGHT Rate

2002/269 15:29:34 ATC FR to DAY Rate 3 minutes, 23 seconds LATE. Done in to compensate for extra day rate at night in roll activity.


The next MODIS lunar calibration maneuver is planned for October 26th, 2002 (2002/299). Data collection will be from 07:11:11 to 07:17:41 GMT and the roll angle will be -12.4510 degrees.

The sixth Terra inclination adjust maneuver has been postponed. No date has been announced for the expected execution time.

The Terra Deep Space Calibration Maneuver is still postponed. The next possible maneuver date is currently being planned for December of 2002.

MODIS Anomalies:

Formatter Error Events:

With this week's successful transition to the B-Side Formatter, there are no more Formatter Errors occurring. Formatter B has been loaded with the Error Statistics Tracking patches that were used in the initial investigation of the A-Side Formatter Error Event Anomaly. Should the same errors ever begin appearing on Formatter B that were occurring on Formatter A, telemetry limits would immediately indicate their occurrences. The currently loaded Error Statistics Tracking patches and the upcoming EEPROM load protect the Formatter B from entering the continuously resetting state that was first detected on Formatter A in August, 2000.

General Instrument Comments:

MODIS is in Science Mode, using all A-side components except Formatter B, with the blackbody maintained at 290K.

MODIS Telemetry Trends:

Nominal telemetry tracking is taking place.

Non-MODIS Significant Events:

The EMOS mission status webpage (which includes instrument data loss records) can be found at the following URL. Note that a password is now required to access the EOS mission links web pages. There are directions at the URL below for how to obtain a username/password.

Limited Life Item Status:

SRCA 10W Lamp #1: 204.2 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #2: 154.7 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #3: 163.9 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #4: 61.5 of 500 hours

SRCA 1W Lamp #1: 560.3 of 4000 hours
SRCA 1W Lamp #2: 276.3 of 4000 hours

Solar Diffuser Door: 1919 of 3022 Movements
Nadir Aperture Door: 536 of 1316 Movements
Space View Door: 439 of 1316 Movements