Mission Operations Days: 2003/200 to 2003/206
July 19, 2003 00:00:00 GMT to July 25, 2003 00:00:00 GMT
Terra Spacecraft and MODIS Instrument Status:
AM-1 "Terra" is in Normal Mode PFM MODIS is in A-Side Nominal Science Mode (Cross Strapped with FR B) |
Component | State(s) | Comment |
Blackbody | A On (290K); B Off | Nominal Science Mode |
Calibration Electronics | A On; B Off | Nominal Science Mode |
Control Processor | A On; B Off | Nominal Science Mode |
Nadir Door | Unlatched, Open | Nominal Science Mode |
Space View Door | Unlatched, Open | Nominal Science Mode |
Solar Diffuser Door | Unlatched, Screened | New permanent configuration |
FDDI Formatter | A On; B Off | Nominal Science Mode |
FDDI Port | A On; B Off | Nominal Science Mode |
FIFO Memory | #1 & #2 On; #3 & #4 Off | Nominal Science Mode |
Format Processor | A Off; B On | Nominal Science Mode |
Power Supplies | #1 On, #2 Off | Nominal Science Mode |
PV VIS FPA | A On; B Off | Nominal Science Mode |
PV NIR FPA | A On; B Off | Nominal Science Mode |
PV SMIR FPA | A On; B Off | Nominal Science Mode |
PV LWIR FPA | A On; B Off | Nominal Science Mode |
PC LWIR FPA | A On; B Off | Nominal Science Mode |
RC Outgas Heaters | All 3 (CS, IS, OS) Off | Nominal Science Mode |
RC LWIR FPA Heater | On (83K) | Nominal Science Mode |
RC SMIR FPA Heater | Off | Nominal Science Mode |
Scan Assembly | A On; B Off | Nominal Science Mode |
SDSM | Off | Nominal Science Mode |
SRCA | Off | Nominal Science Mode |
PS1 Survival Heater | Enabled | Nominal Science Mode |
PS2 Survival Heater | Enabled | Nominal Science Mode |
Timing Generator | A On; B Off | Nominal Science Mode |
Flight Software | Rev BD + 11 sets of patches
Nominal Science Mode |
Inhibit Ids Set | none | Nominal Science Mode |
TMON 66 | Disabled | Nominal Science Mode |
TMON 67 | Disabled | Nominal Science Mode |
TMON 68 | Enabled | Nominal Science Mode |
TMON 69 | Disabled | Nominal Science Mode |
This Week’s Completed MODIS Activities:
Saturday, July 19, 2003
Sunday, July 20, 2003
Monday, July 21, 2003
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
2003/203 21:26:31-21:35:19 ATC MOD_OA16_SDSM_SCRN_NO_DOOR_A.4 OA16: SD/SDSM Screened - A Side, No Door Movement
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
2003/204 09:00:00 ATC MOD_OA26_BB_270K_A.1 Set blackbody temperature to 270K on the A Side
Thursday, July 24, 2003
2003/205 03:00:00 ATC MOD_OA26_BB_280K_A.1 Set blackbody temperature to 280K on the A Side
2003/205 07:00:00 ATC MOD_OA26_BB_285K_A.1 Set blackbody temperature to 285K on the A Side
2003/205 10:00:00 ATC MOD_OA26_BB_290K_A.1 Set blackbody temperature to 290K on the A Side
2003/205 14:00:00 ATC MOD_OA26_BB_315K_A.1 Set blackbody temperature to 315K on the A Side
2003/205 14:00:30 ATC MOD_OA26_BB_DCYCLE_FULL.1 Set blackbody heater duty cycle to FULL
2003/205 17:00:00 ATC MOD_OA26_BB_270K_A.1 Set blackbody temperature to 270K on the A Side
2003/205 17:00:30 ATC MOD_OA26_BB_DCYCLE_THIRD.1 Set blackbody heater duty cycle to THIRD
Friday, July 25, 2003
2003/206 13:00:00 ATC MOD_OA26_BB_290K_A.1 Set blackbody temperature to 290K on the A Side
This Week’s Scheduled MODIS Activities Not Completed:
Upcoming MODIS Events:
July calibrations will include weekly SDSM, an SRCA Full Radiometric, semi-monthly SRCA 10 Watt radiometric, an SRCA Full Spatial, an SRCA Full Spectral, a blackbody heating, and a lunar roll calibration.
Saturday, July 26, 2003
Sunday, July 27, 2003
Monday, July 28, 2003
2003/209 15:01:02-15:52:40 ATC MOD_OA22_SRCA_FULL_SPECT_1A.4 OA-22: SRCA Full Spectral Calibration Part 1 - A Side
Data Collect Centered on S/C Night (15:19:26-15:53:30)
2003/209 16:56:29-17:31:13 ATC MOD_OA22_SRCA_FULL_SPECT_2A.4 OA-22: SRCA Full Spectral Calibration Part 2 - A Side
Data Collect Centered on S/C Night (16:58:19-17:32:23)
2003/209 18:18:43-19:09:59 ATC MOD_OA22_SRCA_FULL_SPECT_3A.4 OA-22: SRCA Full Spectral Calibration Part 3 - A Side
Data Collect Centered on S/C Night (18:37:13-19:11:16)
2003/209 20:12:40-20:50:37 ATC MOD_OA22_SRCA_FULL_SPECT_4A.3 OA-22: SRCA Full Spectral Calibration Part 4 - A Side
Data Collect Centered on S/C Night (20:16:07-20:50:09)
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Contingency for Terra Inclination Maneuver; the commands in this activity are inhibited.
2003/210 14:56:13-14:57:54 MOD_CLOSE_NAD_SVD.1 (101 seconds prior to S/C day, orbit 19211)
2003/210 21:33:09-21:41:47 ATC MOD_OA16_SDSM_SCRN_NO_DOOR_A.4 OA16: SD/SDSM Screened - A Side, No Door Movement
2003/210 22:30:24-23:03:55 ATC MOD_OA19_SRCA_FULL_RAD_A.3 OA-19: SRCA Full Radiometric Calibration - A Side
Data Collect Centered on S/C Night (22:38:20-23:12:23)
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
2002/211 21:22:52-22:20:22 ATC MOD_OA23_SRCA_FULL_SPAT_A.2 OA-23: SRCA Full Spatial Calibration - A Side
Data Collect Centered on S/C Night (21:42:48-22:16:50)
Thursday, July 31, 2003
Contingency for Terra Inclination Maneuver; the commands in this activity are inhibited.
2003/212 16:22:54-16:24:35 MOD_CLOSE_NAD_SVD.1 (101 seconds prior to S/C day, orbit 19241)
Friday, August 1, 2003
The next MODIS lunar calibration will be on August 168, 2003 (DOY 2003/228). Data collection will be from 19:24:54 -19:31:24 GMT, and the roll angle will be -5.1828 degrees.
Three Terra inclination maneuvers were originally planned for July 8, August 5, and August 7, 2003. For each inclination maneuver, a contingency activity will be scheduled in the stored command load to close the MODIS Space View and Nadir doors prior to entering daylight following the maneuver, but the commands will be inhibited after the spacecraft successfully returns to a nominal attitude. See below for a report of the progress of the Inclination Maneuvers.
The July 8, 2003 (DOY 2003/189) Terra Inclination Maneuver was postponed. The cause was the unavailable TDRS Coverage for the maneuver contact. TDRS 275 had gone into safe mode the previous day, limiting contact coverage. The Inclination Maneuver was rescheduled to July 10, 2003 (DOY 2003/191).
The July 10, 2003 (DOY 2003/191) Terra Inclination Maneuver was aborted. The cause was the CRP (Command Return Processor) Unix machine rebooted itself just before the burn. Command and Telemetry data was lost for about 5 minutes while the CRP was restarting. Once the CRP was restarted there was not enough time to do the real time commanding. The stored commands then slewed the spacecraft back to its nominal pointing. The Inclination Maneuver was rescheduled to July 16, 2003 (DOY 2003/197).
The times of the low fidelity pointing and yaw period for DOY 2003/192 are listed below.
2003/191 14:02:00 Low Fidelity Pointing
2003/191 15:33:45 -90 degree Yaw Start
2003/191 16:03:29 +90 degree Yaw End
2003/191 17:35:00 High Fidelity Pointing
The July 16, 2003 (DOY 2003/197) Terra Inclination Maneuver was postponed. ASTER was not in the correct mode for maneuver. ASTER is usually in a Standby Mode throughout maneuvers but this time there were calibrations and other activities for ASTER in the ATC during the planned maneuver timeframe. The ASTER Team indicated that they were ok to still perform maneuver as is. The FOT Leads, however, felt that was an unknown and unnecessary risk. This would have been the first time ASTER performed any activities while the spacecraft was in Thruster Control. Also, the TIR CPHTS is known to become somewhat unstable during burns (especially long duration burns like the Inclination). The ASTER activities would have performed a TIR short- term calibration while the CPHTS loop was most unstable. Initial thoughts are that this would have help in the stability of the loop, but this was not evaluated. The other choice was to Inhibit ASTER Commands for the Maneuver. The only problem with that plan is ASTER would not be able to return to nominal operations until the next ATC load started executing (best case 8 hours, worst case and probably more likely 32 hours) without taking observations. Weighing the risks, the FOT postponed the maneuver. There currently is no rescheduled date for the maneuver.
The Flight Software Inhibit IDs 34 and 58, which inhibit MODIS Door Power and Movements in ATC Loads, were set on DOY 2003/197 (as planned for the Inclination). Since no nominal Terra door movements via ATC Loads are planned in the future, the IDs were left set. They will be left set until they are cleared during the next rescheduled Inclination Maneuver (date of maneuver to be determined).
The two additional Terra inclination maneuvers that were planned for August 5, 2003 and August 7, 2003 have been rescheduled to July 29, 2003 and July 31, 2003.
Terra will perform a Drag Make Up (DMU) Maneuver on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 (DOY 2003/203) at 17:43:09 GMT.
MODIS Anomalies:
General Instrument Comments:
MODIS is in Science Mode, using all A-side components, but cross-strapped to Formatter B, with the blackbody maintained at 290K and the Solar Diffuser Door at the Screened position.
MODIS Telemetry Trends:
Nominal telemetry trending is ongoing.
Non-MODIS Significant Events:
The EMOS mission status webpage (which includes instrument data loss records) can be found at the following URL. Note that a password is now required to access the EOS mission links web pages. There are directions at the URL below for how to obtain a username/password.
Limited Life Item Status:
SRCA 10W Lamp #1: 213.6 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #2: 159.5 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #3: 168.7 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #4: 62.2 of 500 hours
SRCA 1W Lamp #1: 562.0 of 4000 hours
SRCA 1W Lamp #2: 276.7 of 4000 hours
Solar Diffuser Door: 2146 of 3022 Movements
Nadir Aperture Door: 536 of 1316 Movements
Space View Door: 439 of 1316 Movements