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Mission Operations Days: 2002/180 to 2002/186
June 29, 2002 00:00:00 GMT to July 05, 2002 00:00:00 GMT

Note: MODIS IOT Aqua reports will now be generated three times per week; Monday, Wednesday, and a weekly report on Friday.

MODIS transitioned to:

  • B-Side Safe Mode at 2002/178 15:40:44 (due to a spacecraft CTC swap)
  • B-Side Standby Mode at 2002/182 20:59:48
  • B-Side Science Mode at 2002/183 15:16:20

Aqua Spacecraft and MODIS Instrument Status:

PM-1 "Aqua" is in Fine Pointing Standby Mode
FM1 MODIS is in B-Side Science Mode
Component State(s) Comment
Blackbody A Off; B On Science Mode
Calibration Electronics A Off; B On Science Mode
Control Processor A Off; B On Science Mode
Nadir Door Unlatched, Open Science Mode
Space View Door Unlatched, Open Science Mode
Solar Diffuser Door Unlatched, Closed Science Mode
FDDI Formatter A Off; B On Science Mode
FDDI Port A Off; B On Science Mode
FIFO Memory #1 & #2 Off; #3 & #4 On Science Mode
Format Processor A Off; B On Science Mode
Power Supplies #1 Off, #2 On Science Mode
PV VIS FPA A Off; B On Science Mode
PV NIR FPA A Off; B On Science Mode
PV SMIR FPA A Off; B On Science Mode
PV SMIR FPA A Off; B On Science Mode
PV LWIR FPA A Off; B On Science Mode
PC LWIR FPA A Off; B On Science Mode
RC Outgas Heaters All 3 (CS, IS, OS) Off Science Mode
RC LWIR FPA Heater Off Science Mode
RC SMIR FPA Heater On Science Mode
Scan Assembly A Off; B On Science Mode
SDSM Off Science Mode
SRCA Off Science Mode
PS1 Survival Heaters Enabled Science Mode
PS2 Survival Heaters Enabled Science Mode
Timing Generator A Off; B On Science Mode
Flight Software Rev BJ Science Mode
Inhibit Ids Set None Science Mode

This Week's Completed MODIS Activities:

Saturday, June 29, 2002


Sunday, June 30, 2002


Monday, July 1, 2002

2002/182 20:59:48 - 21:01:41 Real-time Transition to B-side Standby Mode MOD_STBY_PM_TXTN('B')
2002/182 21:53:50 - 21:56:26 Real-time Open the Space View Door MOD_SVD_TO_OPEN
2002/182 21:56:54 - 21:59:22 Real-time Open the Nadir Aperture Door MOD_NAD_TO_OPEN

Tuesday, July 2, 2002

2002/183 13:15:39 - 13:16:23 Real-time Memory Dump of "motor position when hit" table MOD_MEM_PM_DUMP('MOTOR_POS_WHEN_HIT',12,0,0,1,1)
2002/183 14:47:38 - 14:48:16 Real-time Memory Dump of "motor position when hit" table MOD_MEM_PM_DUMP('MOTOR_POS_WHEN_HIT',12,0,0,1,1)

The dump was repeated because the files appeared to not process properly in the ground system. A file server outage was later determined to be the cause of the problem.

2002/183 15:16:20 - 15:18:16 Real-time Transition to B-side Science Mode MOD_SCI_PM_TXTN('B')
2002/183 15:19:20 - 15:19:32 Real-time C&DH personnel enable MODIS FMU TAXI port
2002/183 15:19:48 - 15:20:20 Real-time Formatter set to NIGHT rate MOD_FR_MODE('NIGHT')

Resuming the daily uplink and execution of the MODIS MCL. It has been temporarily suspend.

2002/183 19:44 Real-time The MODIS DOY 2002/184 MCL was uplinked and activated.
2002/183 19:50 Real-time The FSW TMON, that performs the standby mode transition should the MODIS MCL finishes execution without the next day's being loaded, was enabled.

Wednesday, July 3, 2002

2002/184 19:06:28 - 19:07:29 Real-time Black Body B was turned on. MOD_BB_ON('B','B')
2002/183 19:19:38 - 19:20:19 Real-time BB Temp set to 285K for CP-B MOD_SET_BB_TEMP(1733)

Thursday, July 4, 2002

2002/185 15:24:28 - 15:37:39 MCL OA16: SD/SDSM Screened with SD Fixed at Sun View MOD_OA16_SD_SCREENED_FIXED_SUN.1
2002/185 17:03:20 - 17:16:31 MCL OA15: SD/SDSM Open with SD Fixed at SD View MOD_OA15_SD_OPEN_FIXED_SD.1

Friday, July 5, 2002


This Week's Scheduled MODIS Activities Not Completed:

Monday, July 1, 2002:

A memory dump of the "door position when hit" table was to be performed after the SVD and NAD were opened. The SGS pass scheduled for this activity was lost, and the dump was postponed until the following morning (July 2, 2002).

Upcoming MODIS Events:

Repeating and completing the SMIR and LWIR Vdet/Itwk tests that were previously interrupted due to the CTC A to B swap that sent the S/C into Safe Mode. These tests are planned for the morning of DOY 2002/189.

A Black Body Stepping Calibration will be performed using the following activities:

2002/190 04:00:00 MCL MOD_BB_TEMP_SET_270K_B.1 This activity sets the BB temperature to 270K for CPB.

2002/190 22:00:00 MCL MOD_BB_TEMP_SET_280K_B.1 This activity sets the BB temperature to 280K for CPB.

2002/191 02:00:00 MCL MOD_BB_TEMP_SET_285K_B.1 This activity sets the BB temperature to 285K for CPB.

2002/191 05:00:00 MCL MOD_BB_TEMP_SET_290K_B.1 This activity sets the BB heater temp to 290K for CPB.

2002/191 09:00:00 MCL MOD_BB_TEMP_SET_295K_B.1 This activity sets the BB temperature to 295K for CPB.

2002/191 09:00:30 MCL MOD_BB_DCYCLE_FULL.1 This activity sets the BB duty cycle to FULL.

2002/191 13:00:00 MCL MOD_BB_TEMP_SET_315K_B.1 This activity sets the BB heater temp to 315K for CPB.

2002/191 16:00:00 MCL MOD_BB_TEMP_SET_270K_B.1 This activity sets the BB temperature to 270K for CPB.

2002/191 16:00:30 MCL MOD_BB_DCYCLE_THIRD.1 This activity set BB duty cycle to THIRD.

2002/192 12:00:00 MCL MOD_BB_TEMP_SET_285K_B.1 This activity sets the BB temperature to 285K for CPB.

An SRCA Full Radiometric Calibration will be performed on DOY 2002/191. This calibration will be "bracketed" by two SD/SDSM Calibrations as follows:

2002/191 21:22:23-21:35:34 MCL MOD_OA16_SD_SCREEN_FIXED_SUN.1 OA16: SD/SDSM with SD Screened and SDSM Fixed at Sun View.

2002/191 22:21:45-22:22:01 MCL MOD_SRCA_SETUP.2 This activity sets up the SRCA lamps for calibration. 2002/191 22:22:05-22:56:18 MCL MOD_OA19_SRCA_FULL_RAD.1 oA19: SRCA full radiometric calibration.

2002/191 23:01:16-23:14:27 MCL MOD_OA15_SD_OPEN_FIXED_SD.1 OA15: SD/SDSM with SD Open and SDSM Fixed at SD View.

A night time ground track recorded in Formatter Day Rate, date is TBD.


The Deep Space Calibration pitch maneuver(s) have been indefinitely suspended pending mission review.

The next Aqua drag make-up delta-v maneuver has been rescheduled from July 3, 2002, to July 10, 2002.

MODIS Anomalies:

5D/77 CP Event Pairs:

  • 68 pairs have been received total.
  • 23 pairs between the first Turn On (DOY 127) and S/C to Survival Mode (DOY 139).
  • 32 pairs between the second Turn On (DOY 144) and Science Mode Transition (DOY 158).
  • 4 pairs between Science Mode Transition (DOY 158) and Safe Mode Transition (DOY 178).
  • 7 pairs between Safe Mode Transition (DOY 178) and Standby Mode Transition (DOY 182).
  • 2 pairs between Standby Mode Transition (DOY 182) and Science Mode Transition (DOY 183).
  • 0 pairs since Science Mode Transition (DOY 183).
  • The last event pair was seen on DOY 183 at 03:24:20.

5D Single CP Event:

  • No 77 following message, no related MODIS commanding in proximity.
  • 3 single events have been received, times listed below.
  • DOY 162 at 14:16:59 (roughly 92 hours after Science Mode transition).
  • DOY 166 at 20:44:46 (midway between the 10.4 and 13 degree yaw maneuvers, not during).
  • DOY 167 at 14:27:50 (no commands in near proximity).

77 Single CP Event:

  • No 5D preceding message, no related MODIS commanding in proximity.
  • 3 single event has been received, time listed below.
  • DOY 164 at 00:35:39 (64 seconds after CP Macro 9, SDD to Close, in an SD/SDSM Screened, SDSM fixed at Sun, calibration. The macro was still running when the event occurred).
  • DOY 175 at 23:00:04 (84 seconds after CP Macro 11, SDD to Open, in an SD/SDSM Open, SDSM fixed at SD, calibration. The macro was still running when the event occurred).
  • DOY 177 at 21:26:36 (30 seconds after the SDSM was commanded to its home position, in an SD/SDSM Open, SDSM fixed at SD, calibration. The SDSM was still moving when the event occurred).

5D Yaw Maneuver Events:

  • 28 single 5D event messages were observed throughout the SD/SDSM Yaw Maneuvers.
  • Each of these events occurred within 5 to 10 seconds after a sector rotation (to -3400) command for the SD/SDSM calibrations.
  • An event did not occur for every calibration, and some calibrations resulted in two 5D events.

General Instrument Comments:

FM1 MODIS is in Science Mode. The SVD and NAD are Open. The Black Body is powered and set at 285K. The Cold Focal Planes are controlling to 83K.

MODIS Telemetry Trends:

MODIS FM1 temperatures have returned to their nominal Science Mode profile trends after the return to Science Mode on DOY 2002/183.

Non-MODIS Significant Events:

Five software patches were loaded into the Aqua spacecraft controllers on Monday, July 1st, to fix the software bug that resulted in the transition to Safe Mode on Thursday, June 27th.

The Aqua status can be viewed online at:

Limited Life Item Status:

SRCA 10W Lamp #1: 203.1 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #2: 177.3 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #3: 180.1 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #4: 57.7 of 500 hours

SRCA 1W Lamp #1: 499.9 of 5000 hours
SRCA 1W Lamp #2: 269.8 of 5000 hours

Solar Diffuser Door: 1760 of 3022 Movements
Nadir Aperture Door: 1049 of 1316 Movements
Space View Door: 628 of 1316 Movements