Mission Operations Days: 2002/341 to 2002/347
December 07, 2002 00:00:00 GMT to December 13, 2002 00:00:00 GMT
Aqua Spacecraft and MODIS Instrument Status:
PM-1 "Aqua" is in Fine Pointing Normal Mode FM1 MODIS is in B-Side Science Mode |
Component | State(s) | Comment |
Blackbody | A Off; B On | Science Mode |
Calibration Electronics | A Off; B On | Science Mode |
Control Processor | A Off; B On | Science Mode |
Nadir Door | Unlatched, Open | Science Mode |
Space View Door | Unlatched, Open | Science Mode |
Solar Diffuser Door | Unlatched, Closed | Science Mode |
FDDI Formatter | A Off; B On | Science Mode |
FDDI Port | A Off; B On | Science Mode |
FIFO Memory | #1 & #2 Off; #3 & #4 On | Science Mode |
Format Processor | A Off; B On | Science Mode |
Power Supplies | #1 Off, #2 On | Science Mode |
PV VIS FPA | A Off; B On | Science Mode |
PV NIR FPA | A Off; B On | Science Mode |
PV SMIR FPA | A Off; B On | Science Mode |
PV LWIR FPA | A Off; B On | Science Mode |
PC LWIR FPA | A Off; B On | Science Mode |
RC Outgas Heaters | All 3 (CS, IS, OS) Off | Science Mode |
RC LWIR FPA Heater | Off | Science Mode |
RC SMIR FPA Heater | On | Science Mode |
Scan Assembly | A Off; B On | Science Mode |
SDSM | Off | Science Mode |
SRCA | Off | Science Mode |
PS1 Survival Heaters | Enabled | Science Mode |
PS2 Survival Heaters | Enabled | Science Mode |
Timing Generator | A Off; B On | Science Mode |
Flight Software | Rev BJ | Science Mode |
Inhibit Ids Set | None | Science Mode |
This Week’s Completed MODIS Activities:
Saturday, December 7, 2002
Sunday, December 8, 2002
Monday, December 9, 2002
2002/343 15:21:26 – 15:35:24 MCL MOD_OA16_SDSM_SCREEN.2 OA16: SDSM Calibration with SD Screened - B Side
2002/343 17:00:19 – 17:14:17 MCL MOD_OA15_SDSM_OPEN.1 OA15: SDSM Calibration with SD Open - B Side
Tuesday, December 10, 2002
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
Thursday, December 12, 2002
Drag Make-up Maneuver
2002/346 14:49:00 MCL Aqua FOT begins spacecraft yaw slew to +14.35 degrees
2002/346 15:40:01 MCL Aqua FOT begins 71 seconds delta-v burn
2002/346 16:29:10 MCL Aqua FOT begins spacecraft yaw return slew to nominal pointing
Friday, December 13, 2002
This Week’s Scheduled MODIS Activities Not Completed:
Upcoming MODIS Events:
Saturday, December 14, 2002
Lunar Roll Maneuver (-1.4207 degree roll)
2002/348 20:47:00 MCL MOD_OA03_FR_DAY_RATE.1
2002/348 21:33:15 MCL MOD_OA03_FR_NIGHT_RATE.2 - 3:23 early for data balance
2002/348 22:04:29-22:11:15 MCL MOD_OA08_ROLL_MAN.1
2002/348 22:29:16 MCL MOD_OA03_FR_DAY_RATE.1 - 3:23 late for data balance
2002/348 23:15:31 MCL MOD_OA03_FR_NIGHT_RATE.2
2002/350 20:24:08-20:38:06 MCL MOD_OA16_SDSM_SCREEN.2 OA-16: SD/SDSM Screened - B Side
2002/350 22:03:01-22:16:59 MCL MOD_OA15_SDSM_OPEN.1 OA-15: SD/SDSM Opened - B Side
December calibrations include weekly SD/SDSM events, an SRCA Full Radiometric, and a PV Electronics Calibration.
SRCA activities are being developed to measure detector cross talk and will be performed in the near future.
The next Aqua MODIS Lunar Calibration via roll maneuver will be on December 14th, 2002 (2002/348). The roll angle will be -1.4207 degrees and the data collection period will be from 22:04:40 to 22:11:10 GMT.
The Deep Space Calibration pitch maneuver(s) have been indefinitely suspended pending mission review.
The Aqua drag make-up maneuver executed on Thursday, December 12th, 2002 (2002/346). The loss/regain times of pointing accuracy from the maneuver were 2002/346 14:49 to 2002/346 16:29, respectively.
MODIS Anomalies:
On November 7, 2002 (DOY 2002/311), a final patch to the BST was outlined. The two MODIS command slots in the BST that are currently switched will be returned to their original locations. At the same time, the command slots will be given a one sub-minor cycle delay. This will result in the command slots having the desired delay period between themselves, and the bus signals that are believed to have caused the occasional problems with MODIS receiving commands.
A software patch review meeting was held on Friday, December 6th to discuss the testing of the next BST patch. The Aqua FOT and the MODIS IOT will be testing the patch during the week of December 9th.
General Instrument Comments:
FM1 MODIS is in Science Mode. The SVD and NAD are Open, the survival heaters are enabled, and the Black Body is heated to 285 K.
MODIS Telemetry Trends:
The FM1 MODIS instrument telemetry is trending nominally. A slight increase in the radiative cooler intermediate stage temperature has been observed along with a decrease in the focal plane heater power usage. These telemetry points will be closely monitored for additional changes over the next several weeks.
Non-MODIS Significant Events:
The EMOS mission status webpage (which includes instrument data loss records) can be found at the following URL. Note that a password is now required to access the EOS mission links webpages. There are directions at the URL below for how to obtain a username/password.
Limited Life Item Status:
SRCA 10W Lamp #1: 209.9 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #2: 181.7 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #3: 184.5 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #4: 57.7 of 500 hours
SRCA 1W Lamp #1: 501.0 of 5000 hours
SRCA 1W Lamp #2: 269.8 of 5000 hours
Solar Diffuser Door: 1888 of 3022 Movements
Nadir Aperture Door: 1053 of 1316 Movements
Space View Door: 632 of 1316 Movements