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Mission Operations Days: 2003/186 to 2003/192
July 05, 2003 00:00:00 GMT to July 11, 2003 00:00:00 GMT

Aqua Spacecraft and MODIS Instrument Status:

PM-1 "Aqua" is in Fine Pointing Normal Mode
FM1 MODIS is in B-Side Nominal Science Mode
Component State(s) Comment
Blackbody A Off; B On (285K) Nominal Science Mode
Calibration Electronics A Off; B On Nominal Science Mode
Control Processor A Off; B On Nominal Science Mode
Nadir Door Unlatched, Open Nominal Science Mode
Space View Door Unlatched, Open Nominal Science Mode
Solar Diffuser Door Unlatched, Closed Nominal Science Mode
FDDI Formatter A Off; B On Nominal Science Mode
FDDI Port A Off; B On Nominal Science Mode
FIFO Memory #1 & #2 Off; #3 & #4 On Nominal Science Mode
Format Processor A Off; B On Nominal Science Mode
Power Supplies #1 Off, #2 On Nominal Science Mode
PV VIS FPA A Off; B On Nominal Science Mode
PV NIR FPA A Off; B On Nominal Science Mode
PV SMIR FPA A Off; B On Nominal Science Mode
PV LWIR FPA A Off; B On Nominal Science Mode
PC LWIR FPA A Off; B On Nominal Science Mode
RC Outgas Heaters All 3 (CS, IS, OS) Off Nominal Science Mode
RC LWIR FPA Heater Off Nominal Science Mode
RC SMIR FPA Heater On (83K) Nominal Science Mode
Scan Assembly A Off; B On Nominal Science Mode
SDSM Off Nominal Science Mode
SRCA Off Nominal Science Mode
PS1 Survival Heaters Enabled Nominal Science Mode
PS2 Survival Heaters Enabled Nominal Science Mode
Timing Generator A Off; B On Nominal Science Mode
Flight Software Rev BJ + 1 set of patches
  • CP07 to Safe Mode - No FR OFF Command (1 patch)
Nominal Science Mode
Inhibit Ids Set None Nominal Science Mode

This Week's Completed MODIS Activities:

Saturday, July 5, 2003


Sunday, July 6, 2003


Monday, July 7, 2003

2003/188 20:12:32-20:26:30 MCL MOD_OA16_SDSM_SCREEN.2 OA-16: SD/SDSM Screened - B Side
2003/188 21:51:25-22:05:23 MCL MOD_OA15_SDSM_OPEN.1 OA-15: SD/SDSM Open - B Side

Tuesday, July 8, 2003


Wednesday, July 9, 2003

Lunar Roll Maneuver (-18.4876 degree roll)
2003/190 16:59:01 MCL MOD_OA03_FR_DAY_RATE.1 Set formatter to day rate
2003/190 17:45:05 MCL MOD_OA03_FR_NIGHT_RATE.2 (03:23 early) Set formatter to night rate to balance data collection during roll maneuver
2003/190 18:21:37-18:28:23 MCL MOD_OA08_ROLL_MAN.1 OA-08: Lunar calibration during spacecraft roll maneuver
2003/190 18:41:17 MCL MOD_OA03_FR_DAY_RATE.1 (03:23 late) Set formatter to day rate to balance data collection during roll maneuver
2003/190 19:27:21 MCL MOD_OA03_FR_DAY_RATE.1 Set formatter to night rate

Thursday, July 10, 2003


Friday, July 11, 2003

Dump door position data after the SDSM activities (on 2003/188).
2003/192 21:54:16-21:55:00 MOD_MEM_PM_DUMP(‘motor_constants’,35,0,0,1,2)
2003/192 21:56:28-21:57:56 MOD_MEM_PM_DUMP(‘motor_trigger_data’,60,0,0,1,2)
2003/192 22:01:38-22:01:34 MOD_MEM_PM_DUMP(‘motor_trigger_data’,60,0,0,1,2)
2003/192 22:02:48-22:03:17 MOD_MEM_PM_DUMP(‘motor_pos_when_hit’,12,0,0,1,1)
2003/192 22:04:25-22:04:58 MOD_MEM_PM_DUMP(‘door_data’,12,0,0,1,1)

This Week's Scheduled MODIS Activities Not Completed:


Upcoming MODIS Events:

July calibrations will include biweekly SDSM, an SRCA Full Radiometric, an SRCA Full Spatial, an SRCA Full Spectral, a blackbody heated, and a lunar roll calibration.

Saturday, July 19, 2003


Sunday, July 20, 2003


Monday, July 21, 2003

2003/202 20:30:13-20:44:11 MCL MOD_OA16_SDSM_SCREEN.2 OA-16: SD/SDSM Screened - B Side
2003/202 21:28:55-21:29:11 MCL MOD_SRCA_SETUP_NO_L2.2 SRCA setup activity using lamp #4 in lieu of lamp #2
2003/202 21:29:55-22:04:07 MCL MOD_OA19_SRCA_FULL_RAD.1 OA-19: SRCA Full Radiometric Calibration - B Side Data Collect Centered on S/C Night (21:37:49-22:12:07)
2003/202 22:09:06-22:23:04 MCL MOD_OA15_SDSM_OPEN.1 OA-15: SD/SDSM Open - B Side

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

2003/203 15:27:51-15:28:07 MCL MOD_SRCA_SETUP_NO_L2.2 SRCA setup activity using lamp #4 in lieu of lamp #2
2003/203 15:28:51-16:20:32 MCL MOD_OA22_SRCA_FULL_SPECTRAL_1.1 OA-22: SRCA Full Spectral, Part 1 - B Side Data Collect centered on S/C Night (15:45:30-16:19:47)
2003/203 17:24:16-17:58:47 MCL MOD_OA22_SRCA_FULL_SPECTRAL_2.1 OA-22: SRCA Full Spectral, Part 2 - B Side Data Collect centered on S/C Night (17:24:23-17:58:40)
2003/203 18:45:40-18:45:56 MCL MOD_SRCA_SETUP_NO_L2.2 SRCA setup activity using lamp #4 in lieu of lamp #2
2003/203 18:46:40-19:37:40 MCL MOD_OA22_SRCA_FULL_SPECTRAL_3.1 OA-22: SRCA Full Spectral, Part 3 - B Side Data Collect centered on S/C Night (19:03:15-19:37:33)
2003/203 20:40:16-21:18:17 MCL MOD_OA22_SRCA_FULL_SPECTRAL_4.1 OA-22: SRCA Full Spectral, Part 4 - B Side Data Collect centered on S/C Night (20:42:08-21:16:25)

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

2003/204 21:05:03-21:05:19 MCL MOD_SRCA_SETUP_NO_L2.2 SRCA setup activity using lamp #4 in lieu of lamp #2
2003/204 21:06:03-22:02:59 MCL MOD_OA23_SRCA_FULL_SPAT.1 OA-23: SRCA Full Spatial Calibration - B Side Data Collect Centered on S/C Night (21:25:20-21:59:36)

Thursday, July 24, 2003


Friday, July 25, 2003



There will be no MODIS Lunar Calibration Roll in August. The required roll angle is -25.28 (the limit is -20.0).

Initial planning has begun for an Aqua inclination adjustment maneuvers tentatively planned for August 12, 2003 and October 2, 2003. The August 12th maneuver will be a demonstration consisting of the yaw to the offset pointing required to change the orbit inclination, but will not include thruster firings at that offset. The October 2nd maneuver will be the real inclination adjustment event.

No official date has yet been scheduled for the Aqua Deep Space Calibration pitch maneuver(s).

MODIS Anomalies:

The 'motor_trigger_data' table was dumped twice. Towards the end of the second (of two) partitions being dumped during the first running of the procedure, telemetry dropped off. There was a possibility that some/all of the second partition data was not received. The procedure was re-run once telemetry was regained a few minutes later, "just in case" the dump data was lost.

Later analysis of the dump data from the initial dump of 'motor_trigger_data' indicates that the second partition was not captured (any part of it). Therefore, the decision to execute the procedure a second time was necessary.

Although over a minute of "pause" was taken between the running of each procedure, we still encountered the "combined dump data" issue. The data from the 'motor_pos_when_hit' and 'door_data' (third and fourth dumps, respectively) were combined into a single dump file. The ground system did not close out the dump file from the third dump before the data from the fourth dump arrived. Telemetry data in the dump file indicates there was a 96 second pause between the two blocks of data. We may need to extend the pause between procedures to two minutes in the future to ensure the data combination between dumps does not occur. A possible solution has been proposed to slightly modify the dump procedure by adding a ground command to force the ground system to close out the dump file. That option will be investigated by the IOT.

All data in the four tables (once the third and fourth tables were separated) correspond to expected values/ranges.

The “combined data” was merely a ground system and operational issue. No problem existed with the spacecraft or instrument.

General Instrument Comments:

FM1 MODIS is in Science Mode. The SVD and NAD are Open, the survival heaters are enabled, and the Black Body is heated to 285 K.

MODIS Telemetry Trends:

The FM1 MODIS instrument telemetry is trending nominally.

Non-MODIS Significant Events:

The EMOS mission status webpage (which includes instrument data loss records) can be found at the following URL. Note that a password is now required to access the EOS mission links webpages. There are directions at the URL below for how to obtain a username/password.

There was an X-Band Data Loss at 2003/192 10:48:35. 50 seconds of MODIS/AIRS observation data was lost. The data is non-recoverable.

Limited Life Item Status:

SRCA 10W Lamp #1: 219.5 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #2: 184.3 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #3: 189.4 of 500 hours
SRCA 10W Lamp #4: 60.7 of 500 hours

SRCA 1W Lamp #1: 503.8 of 5000 hours
SRCA 1W Lamp #2: 269.8 of 5000 hours

Solar Diffuser Door: 2068 of 3022 Movements
Nadir Aperture Door: 1053 of 1316 Movements
Space View Door: 632 of 1316 Movements