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Inclination Adjustment (IAM)

Title Date UTC Year of DOY DOY Command Load Notes MODIS Mission
Inclination Adjustment (IAM) 2003 224 Completion of return yaw slew to nominal pointing Aqua
Inclination Adjustment (IAM) 2003 224 Begin return yaw slew to nominal pointing Aqua
Inclination Adjustment (IAM) 2003 224 Completion of forward yaw slew to -95 degrees Aqua
Inclination Adjustment (IAM) 2003 224 Begin Aqua Demonstration Inclination Adjust Maneuver Forward yaw slew to -95 degrees Aqua
Inclination Adjustment (IAM) - 2001 347 Fourth TDRS contact IAM Terra
Inclination Adjustment (IAM) - 2001 347 Third TDRS contact IAM Terra
Inclination Adjustment (IAM) - 2001 347 Second TDRS contact IAM Terra
Inclination Adjustment (IAM) - 2001 347 Inclination Adjust Maneuver First TDRS contact IAM Terra
Inclination Adjustment (IAM) - 2000 119 Inclination Maneuver; Post-inclination Drag Makeup Maneuver Real-time Inclination Maneuver #2 IAM Due to constraints in the scheduling software, the ATC - Set/Clear SciAbnormal Flag activity is no longer "blocking" the Inclination Maneuvers' time frames. This concession was required to allow for the scheduling of the contingency activities to close the Space View Door. Terra
Inclination Adjustment (IAM) - 2000 118 IAM Real-time Inclination Maneuver #1 Terra

MODIS Events Notes

See list of command loads