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Angal, A.
Xiong, X.
Wu, A.
Chen, H.
Geng, X.
Link, D.
Li, Y.
Wald, A.
Brinkmann, J.
On-orbit Performance and Calibration Improvements for the Reflective Solar Bands of Terra and Aqua MODIS.
Proc. of SPIE Earth Observing Missions and Sensors: Development, Implementation, and Characterization IV,
Estimating terra MODIS polarization effect using ocean data.
Proc. SPIE 9827, Ocean Sensing and Monitoring VIII,
Wald, A.
Levy, R.
Angal, A.
Geng, X.
Xiong, X.
Hoffman, K.
Impact of MODIS SWIR band calibration improvements on Level-3 atmospheric products.
Proc. SPIE 9827, Ocean Sensing and Monitoring VIII,