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Monitoring the On-Orbit Calibration of Terra MODIS Reflective Solar Bands Using Simultaneous Terra MISR Observations.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
Bhatt, R.
Doelling, D.R.
Angal, A.
Xiong, X.
Scarino, B.
Gopalan, A.
Haney, C.O.
Wu, A.
Characterizing response versus scan- angle for MODIS reflective solar bands using deep convective clouds.
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,
11 (1), 016014,
Cross comparison of the Collection 6 and Collection 6.1 Terra and Aqua MODIS Bands 1 and 2 using AVHRR N15 and N19.
Proceedings Volume 10423, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XXI; 104231X,
Moeller, C.
Frey, R.
Borbas, E.
Menzel, W.P.
Wilson, T.
Wu, A.
Geng, X.
Improvements to Terra MODIS L1B, L2, and L3 science products through using crosstalk corrected L1B radiances.
Proc. SPIE - Earth Observing Systems XXII,
Mu, Q.
Wu, A.
Xiong, X.
Doelling, D.R.
Angal, A.
Chang, T.
Bhatt, R.
Optimization of a Deep Convective Cloud Technique in Evaluating the Long-Term Radiometric Stability of MODIS Reflective Solar Bands.
Remote Sensing,
9 (6)
Update on the status of Aqua MODIS cold focal plane assembly temperature fluctuation.
Proc. SPIE Earth Observing Systems XXII,
Wilson, T.
Wu, A.
Shrestha, A.
Geng, X.
Wang, Z.
Moeller, C.
Frey, R.
Xiong, X.
Development and Implementation of an Electronic Crosstalk Correction for Bands 27–30 in Terra MODIS Collection 6.
Remote Sensing,
Assessment of Terra MODIS On-Orbit Polarization Sensitivity Using Pseudoinvariant Desert Sites.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
4168 - 4176.
Xiong, X.
Angal, A.
Barnes, W.
Chen, H.
Chiang, V.
Geng, X.
Li, Y.
Twedt, K.
Wang, Z.
Wilson, T.
Wu, A.
Updates of MODIS on-orbit calibration uncertainty assessments.
Proc. SPIE - Earth Observing Systems XXII,
Angal, A.
Xiong, X.
Wu, A.
Chen, H.
Geng, X.
Link, D.
Li, Y.
Wald, A.
Brinkmann, J.
On-orbit Performance and Calibration Improvements for the Reflective Solar Bands of Terra and Aqua MODIS.
Proc. of SPIE Earth Observing Missions and Sensors: Development, Implementation, and Characterization IV,
BRDF characterization and calibration inter-comparison between Terra MODIS, Aqua MODIS, and S-NPP VIIRS.
Proc. SPIE 10000, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XX, 100000Z,
Chang, T.
Wu, A.
Geng, X.
Li, Y.
Brinkmann, J.
Keller, G.
Xiong, X.
Model development for MODIS thermal band electronic cross-talk.
Proc. SPIE 10000, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XX, 100001Q,
Alternative method of on-orbit response-versus-scan-angle characterization for MODIS reflective solar bands.
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,
10(2), 024004,
MODIS solar diffuser on-orbit degradation characterization using improved SDSM screen modeling.
Proc. SPIE 10000, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XX, 100000X,
Li, Y.
Angal, A.
Wu, A.
Geng, X.
Link, D.
Xiong, X.
Calibration improvements in the detector-to-detector differences for the MODIS ocean color bands.
Proc. SPIE 9972, Earth Observing Systems XXI, 99721V,
Li, Y.
Angal, A.
Chen, N.
Geng, X.
Link, D.
Wang, Z.
Wu, A.
Xiong, X.
Improvement in the characterization of MODIS subframe difference.
Proc. SPIE 9972, Earth Observing Systems XXI, 99720W,
Inter-Comparison of S-NPP VIIRS and Aqua MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands Using Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Measurements as a Transfer Reference.
Remote Sens.,
Evaluation of VIIRS and MODIS Thermal Emissive Band Calibration Stability Using Ground Target.
Remote Sensing,
MODIS On-Orbit Thermal Emissive Bands Lifetime Performance.
Proc. of SPIE Earth Observing Missions and Sensors: Development, Implementation, and Characterization IV,
Madhavan, S.
Xiong, X.
Wu, A.
Wenny, B.N.
Chiang, K.
Chen, N.
Wang, Z.
Li, Y.
Noise Characterization and Performance of MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
Mu, Q.
Wu, A.
Chang, T.
Angal, A.
Link, D.
Xiong, X.
Doelling, D.R.
Bhatt, R.
Assessment of MODIS on-orbit calibration using a deep convective cloud technique.
Proc. SPIE 9972, Earth Observing Systems XXI, 997210,
Estimating terra MODIS polarization effect using ocean data.
Proc. SPIE 9827, Ocean Sensing and Monitoring VIII,
Analysis of the electronic crosstalk effect in Terra MODIS long-wave infrared photovoltaic bands using lunar images.
Proc. SPIE 10004, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXII, 100041C,
Assessment of SNPP VIIRS VIS/NIR Radiometric Calibration Stability Using Aqua MODIS and Invariant Surface Targets.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
Xiong, X.
Angal, A.
Butler, J.
Cao, C.
Doelling, D.R.
Wu, A.
Wu, X.
Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System Reflective Solar Calibration Reference: From Aqua MODIS to S-NPP VIIRS.
Proc. of SPIE Earth Observing Missions and Sensors: Development, Implementation, and Characterization IV,