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Salomonson, V.
Abrams, M.J.
Kahle, A.
Barnes, W.
Xiong, X.
Yamaguchi, U.
Ramachandran, B.
Justice, C.O.
Abrams, M.J.
The Evolution of NASA EOS and the Development of MODIS and ASTER Sensors.
Land Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Changes: NASA's Earth Observing System and the Sciences of ASTER and MODIS,
Salomonson, V.
Abrams, M.J.
Kahle, A.
Barnes, W.
Xiong, X.
Yamaguchi, U.
Ramachandran, B.
Justice, C.O.
Abrams, M.J.
The Evolution of NASA EOS and the Development of MODIS and ASTER Sensors.
Land Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Changes: NASA's Earth Observing System and the Sciences of ASTER and MODIS,
Xiong, X.
Wolfe, R.
Barnes, W.
Guenther, B.
Vermote, E.
Saleous, N.
Salomonson, V.
Ramachandran, B.
Justice, C.O.
Abrams, M.J.
Terra and Aqua MODIS Sensor Design, Radiometry and Geometry for Land Remote Sensing.
Land Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Changes: NASA's Earth Observing System and the Sciences of ASTER and MODIS,