Displaying Items 1 - 10 of 10
- (2022). Terra and Aqua MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands Calibration and RVS Stability Assessments Using an In Situ Ocean Target. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60 (4201614), 1-14.
- (2021). Application of quasi-deep convective clouds method for VIIRS and MODIS TEB calibration assessments. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 15 (2), 024506.
- (2021). MODIS thermal emissive bands calibration improvements for Collection 7. Proc. SPIE 11858, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XXV, 118580R.
- (2021). Normalization method and application for MODIS TEB assessments using Earth scene measurements. Earth and Space Science, 8 (5), e2020EA001539.
- (2021). On-orbit calibration and performance assessments of Terra and Aqua MODIS thermal emissive bands. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 15 (1), 014520-1-19.
- (2020). Application of quasi-deep convective clouds method for MODIS and VIIRS TEB calibration assessments. Proc. SPIE - Earth Observing Systems XXV, 11501, 115010K.
- (2020). Methodology development for calibration assessment using quasi‐deep convective clouds with application to Aqua MODIS TEB. Earth and Space Science, 7 (1), 1-15.
- (2020). MODIS TEB calibration algorithm improvements for future L1B collection. Proc. SPIE - Earth Observing Systems XXV, 11501, 115011H.
- (2020). The MODIS TEBs calibration and look-up table delivery process for collections 6 and 6.1. Proc. SPIE - Earth Observing Systems XXV, 11501, 115011R.
- (2019). MODIS thermal emissive bands calibration stability using in-situ ocean targets and remotely-sensed SST retrievals provided by the group for high resolution sea surface temperature. Proc. SPIE 11014, Ocean Sensing and Monitoring XI, 110140, 110140P. 10.1117/12.2518691.