In March, MCST began gradually implementing several calibration algorithm improvements into the Terra and Aqua MODIS Collection 6.1 Level 1B products for the reflective solar bands. The algorithm changes, which were previously developed and tested for the upcoming Collection 7 L1B reprocess, will improve the accuracy and stability of the MODIS reflectance and radiance products going forward. The changes began to be included in the Aqua v6.2.3.11 and Terra v6.2.2.85 LUTs and will be gradually phased in over about the next three months for Aqua and one year for Terra. The impact of these changes on the C6.1 L1B reflectance will be largest for the Terra VIS and SWIR bands. For details on the Collection 7 RSB algorithms, see
Update March 2024: The gradual phase-in of the RSB algorithm changes was completed for Aqua in the May 2023 LUT delivery (v6.2.3.13) and for Terra in the February 2024 LUT delivery (v6.2.2.98).