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Angal, A.
Xiong, X.
Choi, T.
Chander, G.
Mishra, N.
Helder, D.L.
Impact of Terra MODIS Collection 6 on long-term trending comparisons with Landsat 7 ETM+ reflective solar bands.
Remote Sensing Letters,
Multitemporal Cross-Calibration of the Terra MODIS and Landsat 7 ETM+ Reflective Solar Bands.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
Chander, G.
Mishra, N.
Helder, D.L.
Aaron, D.B.
Angal, A.
Choi, T.
Xiong, X.
Doelling, D.R.
Applications of Spectral Band Adjustment Factors (SBAF) for Cross-Calibration.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
Radiometric Cross-Calibration of EO-1 ALI With L7 ETM+ and Terra MODIS Sensors Using Near-Simultaneous Desert Observations.
Spectral stability of the Libya 4 site using EO-1 Hyperion.
Proc. SPIE 8724: Ocean Sensing and Monitoring V 872410,
Terra and Aqua MODIS on-orbit spectral characterization for reflective solar bands.
Proc. SPIE 8724: Ocean Sensing and Monitoring V 87240Y,
Chu, M.
Sun, J.
Angal, A.
Chen, H.
Geng, X.
Choi, T.
Xiong, X.
On-orbit calibration performance of MODIS TDI bands.
Proc. SPIE 8866, Earth Observing Systems XVIII, 886605,
Helder, D.L.
Thome, K.
Mishra, N.
Chander, G.
Xiong, X.
Angal, A.
Choi, T.
Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Landsat Using a Pseudo Invariant Calibration Site.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
Xiong, X.
Wenny, B.
Sun, J.
Angal, A.
Wu, A.
Chen, H.
Geng, X.
Choi, T.
Madhavan, S.
Link, D.
Barnes, W.
Salomonson, V.
Status of MODIS on-orbit calibration and characterization.
Proc. SPIE 8889, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XVII, 88890U,
Xiong, X.
Wenny, B.
Sun, J.
Wu, A.
Chen, H.
Geng, X.
Choi, T.
Madhavan, S.
Salomonson, V.
Status of Terra and Aqua MODIS Instrument Operation and Calibration.
Proceedings of the AGU,
Angal, A.
Chen, H.
Choi, T.
Geng, X.
Sun, J.
Wenny, B.N.
Xiong, X.
An overview of MODIS RSB Calibration and the Look-up-table delivery process.
Proc. SPIE 8528, Earth Observing Missions and Sensors: Development, Implementation and Characterization II, 85280L,
Angal, A.
Kumar, S.A.
Xiong, X.
Kumar, K.A.S.
Dadhwal, V.K.
Choi, T.
Using CEOS reference standard targets to assess the on-orbit performance of Resourcesat-2 AWiFS in comparison with Terra MODIS.
Proc. SPIE 8528, Earth Observing Missions and Sensors: Development, Implementation and Characterization II, 85280K,
Sun, J.
Angal, A.
Chen, H.
Geng, X.
Choi, T.
Chu, M.
Xiong, X.
Long-term Calibration Performance of MODIS Reflective Solar Bands.
Proceedings of CALCON,
Sun, J.
Angal, A.
Xiong, X.
Chen, H.
Geng, X.
Wu, A.
Choi, T.
Chu, M.
MODIS RSB calibration improvements in Collection 6.
Proc. SPIE 8528, Earth Observing Missions and Sensors: Development, Implementation and Characterization II, 85280N,
On-orbit performance of MODIS solar diffuser stability monitor.
Proceedings of SPIE- Earth Observing Systems XVII,
Xiong, X.
Wenny, B.N.
Sun, J.
Angal, A.
Wu, A.
Chen, H.
Choi, T.
Madhavan, S.
Geng, X.
Link, D.
Wang, Z.
Toller, G.
Barnes, W.
Salomonson, V.
Overview of Aqua MODIS 10-year on-orbit calibration and performance.
Proc. SPIE 8533, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XVI, 853316,
Characterization of the Sonoran desert as a radiometric calibration target for Earth observing sensors.
J. Appl. Remote Sens,
Geng, X.
Angal, A.
Sun, J.
Wu, A.
Choi, T.
Xiong, X.
Characterization of MODIS mirror side difference in the reflective solar spectral region.
Proceedings of SPIE – Earth Observing Systems XVI,
On-orbit modulation transfer function characterization of terra MODIS using the moon.
Proceedings of SPIE – Earth Observing Systems XVI,
Xiong, X.
Sun, J.
Angal, A.
Xie, Y.
Choi, T.
Wang, Z.
Results of MODIS band-to-band registration characterization using on-orbit lunar observation.
Proceedings of SPIE – Earth Observing Systems XVI,
Xiong, X.
Angal, A.
Madhavan, S.
Choi, T.
Wenny, B.
Sun, J.
Wu, A.
Chen, H.
Salomonson, V.
Status of Aqua MODIS Instrument On-orbit Operation and Calibration.
AGU 2011, San Francisco, CA Dec 5-9,
Xiong, X.
Angal, A.
Madhavan, S.
Choi, T.
Dodd, J.
Geng, X.
Wang, Z.
Toller, G.
Barnes, W.
Aqua MODIS 8-year on-orbit operation and calibration.
Proceedings of SPIE – Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XIV,